
How may I help your beautiful being heal?


I just LOVE animals.

I believe they are here to bring us to a more conscious state. My transition from the Corporate arena to what I do now, helping animals heal in their natural way, has been a journey which commenced with the departing of my first dog, Kayly. I just did not understand why she died the way she did, and my intuition led me to my first teacher, our homeopathic vet in Belgium.

It was he who kept asking me questions about my animals. The questions were more than just about the physical. The questions entailed everything about the animal’s life, such as how they were perceiving their life, and what chemicals they had been exposed to. So many questions, and the more he asked, the more I then began questioning everything I thought I "knew", as everything began to feel very uncomfortable.

With discomfort, comes growth. And this is the journey I embarked on. Massive discomfort! This has made me question everything that is marketed to us to make our animal’s lives “better”.

The question then became what are we all doing to our animals in the name of healthcare?

I became thirsty for knowledge after helping our Labrador heal her heart failure with herbs and tonics and supporting her with self-medication. She directed me specifically on what she needed to heal. And in nine months her heart was back on track. She is one of my great teachers indeed, for whom I will be forever in debt to.

This led me into equine energy healing with the world-renowned Margrit Coates. As we are all energy, this was expanded to service all species, where pet owners would say "my animal will never sit still for this", and in 10 minutes they were out cold, enjoying their session, and healing their bodies. Especially the puppies. And with all sessions, there is always the animal connection to their people and what they may be going through.

Expanding on energy, I delved into Elizabeth Whiter's courses, founder of the Healing Animals Organization, an amazing healer, for healing small animals learning about anatomy and deepening my healing knowledge, being exposed to so many creatures and situations. This contributed to my expansion of learning self-medication via the wondrous world sought-after Caroline Ingraham where I support the animals to guide me to help them heal. Caroline teaches how animals have this innate intelligence inside them, and it is about respecting and following their lead. They know what they need, they just need access to it, and they are so very clear.

What I know now is the body is designed to heal. Naturally. It is a powerful, intelligent entity. Everything we do impacts the body, and the spirit of a being. Everything we give attention to, and participate in, matters. As we are all energy, and very much a part of this magnificent planet. Everything is connected.

My hope is we drastically change for the better - how we, as a species, are seeing, caring for, treating, and healing all animals on this planet.


Animals have their own soul journey, like all of us beings I believe. With each animal client, once their human(s) have granted permission to share the journey, I ask if they mind sharing their image, and story. This request must be granted by them, the client, as for some they are in dire straits, feeling very vulnerable, and may not wish to do so.

Therefore, prior to reading these healing journeys, I ask you take a moment to send each animal, much love and gratitude for sharing their story with you. Many of the animals have suffered much pain during the process of healing their body, mind, and spirit. It is indeed with much pride they share their journey. Additional healing journeys will continue to be shared.


  • Nicola works wonders with animals that are suffering in any way. She has helped our cats with behavioural, health, and deep trauma issues we didn't even know they had. To say our cats are aloof with strangers is an understatement so it was surprising to see how quickly they trusted her. We’ve always loved animals in our lives yet continue to learn a lot from Nicola. She has a great depth of knowledge and is completely dedicated to helping animals achieve a more natural healthy state.

    When we brought home our ‘rescue’ dog, Charlie, much of the hair on his back had been shaved, as all his hair was falling out, and his skin underneath his golden fur was black from toxins (over-vaccination, bad food, questionable supplements). It was amazing to see his transformation as Nicola worked with him, changing diet, offering essential oils and natural remedies. His skin is pink, fur healthy, and he’s one very happy boy.

    Nicola’s passion for helping animals is possibly equal to Charlie’s super excitement whenever he sees her.

    Alex, British Columbia, Canada
  • Ourselves, and our special guy had a great experience working with ABMS. As humans we were able to learn so much about communication with our animal and even with one another.  And as for our beautiful, handsome cat GF, he has had a fast, and full recovery from the complications of pancreatitis. After $1,000’s in vet bills, and several prescribed cat foods all of which left him feeling sick and vomiting, a holistic, raw based diet, open communication, positive thought, and lots of love, have GF back to being 110% of his playful, sweet, and loving boy. Many thanks!!!

    Pie and Graziella, British Columbia, Canada
  • Nicola’s love and admiration for animals shines through in everything she does along with her experience and vast knowledge. When my Mastif/Lab stopped eating his kibble, for two days, I called Nicola. Nicola patiently assessed him and his situation, immediately preparing him a meal which was devoured in seconds. She then came up with workable alternatives to help his digestive system heal and consistently followed up on his progress. Now Baxter exhibits better energy, a softer, shiny coat and even slobbers less! Thanks Nicola! You ROCK! :)

    Jane, British Columbia, Canada
  • "Working with Nicola in my experience has been one I'll never forget. In 2020, I adopted two male cats from Egypt. One was unfortunately run over by a car when he was merely a few weeks old. He suffered from skeletal issues. Having to walk very low to the ground, seeing his hip give out from underneath him - you could tell that he has endured quite a lot in his early life and was in a continuum of pain. When I adopted him, he had seen a specialist here in Ontario, but there wasn't anything more that they could do beyond adding medication to his regime. Medication wasn't a solution for me. So, I continued my search to find better homeopathic options for him, one that would have long-term effects and not just an "easy fix." I spent hours researching different types of foods, what herbs I could use to reduce his anxiety and stress, and with all of those combined, it still fell short for his repair. I ponder on the thought - what else can I do? Something told me I needed to go back to the basics. I wouldn't find it in the fancy canned food or the endless amount of confusing supplements that were being pumped onto the market, but rather returning to the basics and seeking an individual who understands how to work alongside nature in healing.   Simplicity is powerful.

    That is when I found Nicola Richardson. I told her their background from the information given, and their healing journeys began. It's been a month in, and I have noticed a shift within him. He is walking more center and lifting his hindlegs from the low ground; his eyes became instantly clearer than ever before. His behavioral issues had subsided; he was no longer creating chaos at all hours of the days and nights. I knew in my heart; that my lovely Bodhi was healing. I finally saw him; for who he was, the gentle soul and magnificent being that he is. Nicola helps you in every aspect of their journeys by testing out which supplements work best before purchasing, energy healings, energy medication if required, what proteins they should be consuming, and supporting you as "the human" into this new transition. I cannot recommend her services enough. My boys are proof of that.

    Let's face it; change is never easy without its challenges, and it's time that we all venture back to the basics. Because in the end, isn't it about the well-being of our animals?"

    Maryanne, Ontario, Canada
  • What a journey it has been, working with Nicola for 7 months now. Right off the bat, I was able to save myself over 4K USD in medical procedures already scheduled for my aging kitty, something I was really uncomfortable with, but felt I had no better choice to help him. I am so glad I chose to work with Nicola instead.

    Over the course of 7 months, she has been such an amazing support, coach, investigator, working very closely with every layer of issues not only with my kitty but also with 3 rescue horses I had recently adopted.

    As a result, I completely reworked all my animals’ diet: I now make my own food for my kitty and my horses are getting the best food possible and all my animals are getting the best quality supplements, fault-proof, the right dosages, the right length of time, the right things for them individually and I she taught me how to manage that.

    I have been in wellness industry for almost 20 years, helping thousands of people heal from complicated medical conditions, but the healing education journey Nicola put me on to help my animals …that is a completely different ball game!!! She is so knowledgeable and meticulous tracking every single change, looking for root causes, and helping me also be a better and stronger human as that helps my animals heal as well.

    I have an amazing tool kit now. I have learned to offer self-selection of herbs to my horses, we have worked in depth with homeopathy, essential oils and other modalities depending on what we were dealing with, and I have an entirely new kit in my tool kit to help my animals stay well now that they have healed many layers.

    My horses continue to heal. One of them was “limping” for a few months and we were able to help her heal through shifting energy, listening and working with her via self-medication, and homeopathy. This was a result of old toxins in the body coming up for clearing. This is now completely healed. Their coats are healing too. Their “trouble” behavioral patterns have been healed, and they have more energy. And the list goes on. They are showing up more of who they are. You know, when you adopt a rescue horse, you do not know their history and the layers of suffering or abuse they endured. Nicola is amazing in her ability to get deeper and help the animal process each layer and then heal it. And she has been teaching me on the job too, how to help my animals, which is empowering.

    As we have been working now on some acute health challenges of my aging kitty, we are able to help him move forward every single day. Literally, every single day there is something we can learn from him and something we can do to help him further. I have such peace of mind knowing that no matter what comes next, I have Nicola in our court, and we will be ok.

    Kasia, Washington, USA
  • When we first met 3 year-old rescue, Bozley, (Pitbull) he was a mess. He was emaciated and constantly scratching. He had such severe allergies with vomiting and diarrhea. The vet had him on prednisone, antibiotics, and an allergenic dry dog food. We tried everything that multiple vets recommended. It all resulted in medications on and off for two years, with no change. Besides the cost to Bozley’s health from taking all this medication, the financial cost was enormous.

    Nicola came into our lives and changed all that. With natural remedy self-selection (zoopharmacognosey), intuitive attention, and natural foods, Bozley is now a healthy, and much happier dog. He eats raw food, select natural proteins, and natural supplements and is medication-free. His skin has cleared up, he has put on weight, stopped vomiting and having diarrhea, and is more canine sociable. While he still gets the occasional flare up, we can treat him naturally, and much more cost effectively.

    Nicola has completely changed both ours and Bozleys' lives. And this was achieved in just in one session.

    Dee, British Columbia, Canada
  • Nicola has been helping me with my 6-year-old Newfoundland (140lbs) who has been suffering from serious skin issues for a few years. We have tried many of the obvious treatments through our vet and canine dermatologist but nothing was stopping her horrible breakouts.

    Then, I met Nicola and everything changed. I am so grateful she agreed to work with Maya. First, she took so much of her time to read Maya’s entire medical history. (We are talking files and files.) Next, she met with Maya at our home, where our sessions began and the treatment plan was developed for our dog’s needs.

    Initially, Nicola used an Applied Zoopharmacognosey Session and the results were shocking! I couldn’t believe how a dog was able to zoom in on what nutrients she needed to self-heal and help her body fight the toxicity and help her immune system. Nicola’s total wellness approach is a process that takes time, effort & commitment on our part, but is SO WORTH IT in the end.

    Nicola is extremely kind, understanding and unbelievably easy to work with. She sends us massive reports via email after our sessions and keeps in touch with us via phone, text and email to answer all our questions throughout the process. She is highly trained, knowledgeable about herbs, oils, and this specific therapy… I feel so lucky we found her. She truly has our pet’s best interest at heart and I can say from beginning-to-end, I couldn’t have imagined a better experience! I highly recommend her.

    Stephanie, Vancouver, BC, Canada
  • Nicola was amazing! I had my 5-year-old dog at the vet who said that for approximately $500.00 I had to take my dog to the hospital where she would be given anesthetics to have her teeth cleaned. I looked into different options and consulted Nicola adapting my dog's food then gave her a raw bone. ONE raw BONE was all it took and my dog's teeth were pearl-white again. Thanks to Nicola I saved my dog from drugs she didn't need and saved my purse $500.00. Unbelievable - thank you Nicola!

    G.R., Ontario, Canada


Services | I provide the following services: diet information, self-medication / zoopharmacognsoey, healing via dowsing, muscle testing the system, homeopathy, and energy healing with a lot of feedback. Depending on the client’s needs, I work with a few modalities, as each being’s healing journey is unique. Through the initial consultation process, I explain what I feel will support the journey best, and it is up to the pet owner to determine the direction they wish to go, and the amount of support they require.

Client Scope | I am honoured to service all the planet’s wondrous life forms.

Geographic Scope | I am located along the Sea to Sky Corridor and am happy to service Greater Vancouver Area, Squamish, Whistler and Pemberton in person. If you do not live within this geographic scope, please reach out, consultations are possible over the phone and via zoom.

Current Hourly Rate | 125.00 CAD


The World is going through a massive shift right now. It is about which direction humanity wishes to go - toward the darkness or the light.

During a healing session, after I had been asking for many weeks how could I support the movement towards the light, this gift was given to me by the animals. Word for word.

Our intention is everything as the Law of Attraction will deliver what one emanates. I invite the reader to participate in sending the Wave of Light Mantra, to help humanity raise the vibration for all planet life, which of course, encompasses our beautiful animals.


Please reach out. It would be an honour to help.