Detoxing the Organs, Glands, Body Parts & Systems
The Body
The body has seven detoxing mechanisms to clear waste. They are:
- Lungs
- Liver
- Skin
- Kidneys
- Bowels
- Lymphatic system
- Oxygenation
With fever being an eighth emergency avenue. It is cleaning all the time. When dis-ease sets in, this is an indication the body is too toxic, and these channels are not coping.
Ulric Williams explains, “dis-ease is a toxicity and deficiency condition, with poisons, either produced in the body or introduced from without, or both, and a deficiency in vitamins and minerals which are indispensable part of the body’s building, cleaning and repairing materials. The body is a self-healing machine, but before it can heal, it must clean itself.
The Process
I am careful when we switch any being’s body from a toxic industry diet to a fresh, alive diet prepared with nature’s beautiful resources, because the body says “finally I recognize these ingredients and can do my job “and the body begins to cleanse, and repair immediately. Five fabulous detoxers, in addition to a real life-force fed diet, are:

Heavy Metals | Chelation
The focus must be flushing out the heavy metals, especially if your animal has been exposed to vaccinations and pharmaceuticals. The heavy metals in these concoctions are travelling to the brain, and need to be flushed from all areas of the body. The food you feed your animal must support these body elimination processes.
may be added to your animal’s food. Fruit is fed as a separate meal, and apples and carrots need to be shredded for absorption, to support the body removing heavy metals. Apple pectin is known for clearing radiation from the body. Hemp, oil or seed, is also a fabulous chelator, and must be offered separately so the animal may direct their consumption.
Clearing Out Aluminum
Clif High explains Aluminum is not a heavy metal per se. The protocols for clearing this out are the following: Vitamin C, Vitamin E (Wheatgerm Oil), and Apple Pectin to help clear from the gut
Source | Detox Aluminum
Michael Nehls’ explains in his interviews, his science peers use ALA, Alpha-Lipoic Acid to clear heavy metals from the body. https://michael-nehls.com/

Essiac Tea
Essiac Tea is also known to clean out heavy metals from the lymphatic system. It is a well-known detoxer of the body, helping the body clean. This is why it is so successful with helping the body to stop the process of cancering, as cancer is all about toxicity in the body, physical or emotional, or perhaps both. cancer is a natural cleaning mechanism, not as it is “propagated”, without intelligence, and loads of fear.
Self-Medication, zoopharmacognosey should be the go-to here to clear huge imbalances. Most animals I work with choose either buckets of bladderwrack (image below) and / or concentrated seaweed, these are huge heavy metal detoxers as well as spirulina, barley grass, and chlorella.
The animals dictate the volume they need to clear their toxic load. This is crucial for regaining homeostasis, a healthy body. This all supports the liver, pancreas, spleen, kidneys, and the thyroid. Detoxing through smell is also a huge part of the process.
What zoopharmacognosey allows, is for the animal to dictate the detoxing process, dictate the speed vs humans forcing the process, assuming we know better. Any animal in a chronic state, needs to detox carefully as the body is already compromised, and one does not want to flood the bloodstream with toxins. Therefore, we follow their lead. They know.

Green and Red Clay, For Internal Use
Green and red clay are also amazing detoxers. They are both fabulous for internal use and external use. Internally, the clays help pull out toxins in the body, even foreign objects, and coat the gut lining. It is very similar to activated charcoal, where it binds and eliminates toxins, but safer and more powerful I feel.
The animal MUST choose. I had a canine take an abundance of red clay, it was incredible. I have also used it to pack an infected tooth, cleaning daily with the red clay with a tooth brush until it was healed.
Externally, both clays are fabulous on burns, all wounds, and on fungal infections. Red is selected more if the wound is deep and raw. They are both something you do not want to be without in your household.
Animals in the wild coat their bodies with it all the time in countries where it is needed to protect their skin from parasites / insects, the heat, helping to keep the body cool.
Clay has been used for centuries for all kinds of medicinal purposes. Some believe that if we all took clay – nothing else would be required as it has such amazing properties for maintaining a healthy body, constantly ridding the body of toxins. Resources worth investigating found here: https://www.facebook.com/people/Eytons-Earth/100066696282772/

Our Beautiful Cats | Need Detoxing too
It is interesting, I have heard from some vets comment that cats cannot fast, but this made no sense to me what so ever. As we are all, humans and animals, designed to stop eating when we are ill. This is fasting, this is cleaning, getting the body back to balance.Finally, it was explained to me that any cat on “industry garbage” that is fasted –
Their toxic load literally poisons them when the body begins to try and expel the garbage. So, this tells us all HOW detrimental the industry food is to the body,and all chemicals. The body absolutely collapses when it tries to do the job of cleaning. Meaning the animal is very sick inside.
Carefully, the body must transition back to nature, back to “the natural state” it was born into. Diet is changed, all chemicals are stopped, and the organs are supported during the natural process of detoxing the body. Muscle testing the animal’s system regarding specific foods is crucial here to help them heal at their pace. Not ours.
This is where Zoopharmacognosey is paramount. As the animal selects the “speed”, the rate of detoxing. It is gentle and non-invasive, and most of all safe, as they know, nature knows.

Above | Bee pollinating DANDELION which is a fabulous LIVER detoxer. It is said if a plant grows around you, you need it. So, weeds are never just weeds, they are powerful healers. And the horses below, again, sourcing nutrients and most likely cleaning their livers.
Animal Self-Medication
“Animal Self-Medication” by Caroline Ingraham | This is an essential resource for any library for those with animals in their care. Caroline teaches you how to heal your pet by supporting them through the self-selection process using the earth’s medicines.
Bentonite Clay | Warning
Never use bentonite clay as full of aluminum, lead, and cadmium.
“The Truth About Detox” by Ty and Charlene Bollinger | Although, this is docuseries is geared towards humans, most of it applies to all organic beings, definitely our pets. The docuseries covers the following: The History of Disease, Detoxing the Colon, Eliminating Parasites, Cleansing the Liver, Kidneys, Skin & Detoxing with Defensive Eating, Detoxing the Lungs and the Lymphatic System & Protecting from Hidden Hazards.
EMF Detoxing
I invite the reader to read the EMF page here. It is paramount you protect your animals from EMF radiation, which is essentially microwave radiation, running through most homes, coffee shops, and offices. They will be exhibiting symptoms. This radiation does accumulate in the body and causes dis-ease. You may protect your home and all organic bodies by negating the fields with devices like the one mentioned above. More resources may be found on the EMF page under Resources.
Essiac Tea
Brewing Instructions and Dosing for Pets: https://longlivingpets.com/shop/essiac.htm
This formula has a long history of healing cancer, removing toxicity from the body. Made popular by Rene Caisse, a Canadian nurse, via an indigenous woman, she came across in the early 1900’s whom kindly shared the formula.
The Complete Essiac Essentials by Sheila Snow and Mail Klein
I Want to Live Using Essiac, For Anyone Who is Fighting Cancer, Helping Others Who Have Cancer, Or Trying to Prevent Cancer, The TRUTH about Essiac by Caroline Deharde Bennett
Fulvic and Humic Products
Radiation Poisoning
Epson salts and citric acid (baking soda) is the best for radiation poisoning. Soak in them. Also – ½ Cup baking soda and ½ cup borax will remove radiation from the body. Sit in it for 30 minutes.
Vital Animal Detox
Podcast with Dr. Scott Treadway: https://vitalanimal.com/vital-animal-podcast/
This is being offered by Dr. Will Falconer as a supplement. Main ingredient is zeolite as it absorbs the heavy metals out of the body, with the second main ingredient being cilantro.
Zeolites | Warning
There is a lot of promotion of zeolites, which when I muscle test never come as a good thing to use for the body. Interestingly enough. Listening to Tony Pantalleresco, he states they do not do what they are being “marketed as”. There needs to be a process regarding “reverse osmosis” to get the zeolites out of the body else they just bind to the toxins, and build in the body making the being sicker, more toxic. Source | https://awarriorcalls.com/recent-videos/ July 21, 2022 @ 46-minute mark
Supplements & Muscle Testing
For any supplement: It is always best to muscle test for your animal to see if this is a good supplement for their body, as anything we are giving daily in the food forces the body to process it. Every being is different, one thing does not fit all.
Muscle test also that a new product works synergistically with what is already going into their body too. This is very important, as what I have learned, the body does not require a lot daily but a variety week on week.