Parasites | Natural Prevention

Parasites | Natural Prevention

Nature Knows

The goal is to make your animal’s body super-duper strong!  This is accomplished two ways:

  1. Fabulous fresh diet, species specific
  2. No chemicals, pesticides, neurotoxins, nothing which hurts the body and the organs which mainstream “pet health care” is offering

The body is naturally designed to handle nature. When humans get involved, we cripple the body in the name of “prevention” usually from a place of FEAR and/or lack of understanding. This then makes the body weak, and nature then knows to “jump on” and feed. Because nature targets the weak and can detect the toxic frequency.

If fleas and ticks are targeting your animal, this is a powerful message to get the body strong through diet, and natural remedies which do not create or contribute to an already toxic load inside the body.

Nature knows a strong body on a fabulous diet means “don’t bother coming here!”

Get your animal’s body super strong through a real-fresh food diet and Applied Zoopharmacognosey sessions where self-medication is practised. Also, adding fresh garlic oil and brewer’s yeast during the summer months are fabulous tools for keeping the body strong.

Fleas, Dealing with Them Naturally

If the body has fleas, the body is weak inside. Diet has to be the first go-to. Next the toxic load, what has your animal been exposed to, externally and internally?

Please do not go the “poison route” you are crippling the body more, poisoning your animal’s nervous system, their brain, and you will invite more fleas in the future, for sure.

Based on experience, this is what I suggest you do.

1. Fresh, alive food diet, with not too much animal protein, as the body is compromised.

2. Applied Zoopharmacognosey session, allow your animal to tell you what the problem is.

3. Homeopathy remedy, if required.

4. Weekly baths with Dr. Bronner’s fragrance-free castile soap with an apple cider vinegar rinse.

5. Mop your floors daily with lavender essential oil, being careful not to use too much oil. Do not use if you have cats.

6. Vacuum daily and placing vacuum bag in the freezer in between vacuums so the fleas do not live.

7. Wash pet beds daily with hot water. We used white sheets on top of all beds and checked them for the black dots, and then washed these regularly. This was easier than washing the dog beds so often.

8. Flea comb with a glass of hot soapy water to drown the fleas. This is your best defense by a mile. You must get the adult fleas, and the only way to do this is to comb. Put on a podcast and enjoy yourself. Comb with love! Comb three times a day, if possible, twice at the minimum. Flea comb found here:

9.  Amber stone necklaces are amazing. 
We use them for our pets and others have reported noticeable positive effects from using them. Make sure you take them off after walking your animal, all animals’ necks should be free when not out walking. And please make sure cats’ necklace’s always have a release-free clasp. Our source:

10. Positive mindset is essential, with gratitude expressed daily. This is a journey, and it will end. So just be present and do what you need to do to help your beautiful being become a healthier being.

Our Experience with Fleas

Our experience with fleas was a result of adopting a compromised-system dog.  She looked beautiful on the outside, but the fleas knew was not okay on the inside.

We needed to help her clear her toxic load. We addressed her body, her mind, and her spirit. Everything is linked. You cannot just focus on the physical. This is not how we are all designed. The emotional, spiritual component must also be addressed for a healthy being, especially if there has been “change” in the animal’s life.

This was my first experience with fleas. It was a lot of work, but I learned to accept, not push away, and eventually have fun. We have never had fleas visit since, and we now live in the mountains.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE), Food Grade

The reason I have not mentioned Diatomaceous Earth in the protocols above is because I am “on the fence” about it. I have been using this for years. On my animals, in my animals and in me. I am/was a big fan. It is a natural de-wormer and it helps with any over population of insect when sprinkled around the interior or exterior part of the house. It is fabulous.

However, when reading Anthony Williams book, “Medical Medium” I was shocked to read he advises against it. He explains that it does damage to the inside walls of the intestines and the gut preventing the body from absorbing nutrients from food. It also damages your hydrochloric acid and kills good bacteria.

This has been further supported by another health professional, Tony Pantalleresco. Where he states silicea actually affects the brain, causing brain damage, as it destroys the large intestine. So, this changes my views drastically regarding internal use. Source | July 21st, 2022 Livestream

How to Proceed

I would use DE as a tool, and heed the warning above. Muscle testing is a fabulous tool to check how it may or is impacting the body or how it may be used as a one-off application to help clear the unwanted.

Ticks, Dealing with them Naturally

So much fear is propagated around ticks.  It generates so much money for the industry and for your local veterinary office it is incredible.  All fear marketing.

What I suggest people do is – relax!  And have no fear!  If stats are being reported, dig into them, because I guarantee you, it is revenue driven, not driven to protect your pet.  Anyhow, it is poison so how can it be anyway!

Ticks are a part of nature, have been for centuries, and they do not all carry disease.  In the summer months, check your animal daily after walks in the forest, use a brush and your hands.  Brush liberally.

Please do not apply anything to them.  What may be worn is amber stone necklaces to support them.  These are referenced above in the flea section.

As I have explained above, if they seem to attract more than usual then you have a system problem, something is off with their diet most likely, and / or they are emotionally distraught where their systems are on over drive.

In these cases, they will most likely need a Zoopharmacognosey session to help them clean their systems and recalibrate.  The animal really needs help. And not by the way of chemicals.   This is a big “get help” signal from nature.  Be thankful and get on it with nutrition and a zoo session.

This becomes the focus – supporting the body, not going into “fear” and poisoning them.

In the case of tick bites, I smear Rescue Remedy cream on it, pulling the full tick with its head out with tweezers. If it is a big bite, I clean with apple cider vinegar and apply calendula tincture, and the bite is almost gone within a few hours, without my animal being exposed to any toxicity. And without a leaving massive bump where the tick bit.

Heartworm, Natural Prevention

Please use homeopathic nosodes to protect your animal during the months applicable, if you live in an area where heartworm is prevalent. This is non-toxic, nature-derived, and effective. Again, have no FEAR.

All heartworm medication / prevention is POISON. It is very poisonous to your animal, and will do unknown damage inside your family member definitely shortening their lifespan and possibly contributing to an early death. It damages the heart muscle.

When I map heartworm drugs against symptoms on a timeline – such as PANACUR, I can see the animal’s body crippling under the toxin. Vomiting, diarrhea, etc. These are lethal products which are on the market because everyone is making money from “preventive” medicine. What the pet owner is not realizing, is that all this “prevention” is killing your animal. Literally.

To have a better understanding about the heartworm and how your animal may or may not be impacted, I suggest you read the information found here:

Nosode Sourcing


Beautiful Wormwood plant above is a highly toxic plant which may be selected by animals in powder form during sessions to free them of parasites.  Only a little is needed, as it is very powerful.  The animals know.  This is also selected by some animals to help the body also heal the cancering process.

Parasites, Natural Prevention and Expulsion | Body

Parasites are a part of our anatomy, unfortunately, and definitely part of our animals, as they have their nose to the ground constantly. What is important is the balance in their system; what their system can manage, deal with and clean.

If the system becomes too toxic, then the balance will be in the parasites favour and the body will need assistance to clean. An intentional annual clean for all organic bodies is a fabulous idea. It is said any compromised system most likely has a parasitic load it needs to deal with, and pet owners most likely are hosting parasites too courtesy of their animals. So, everyone should have a good clean ANNUALLY.

There are a few ways to clean out the system without wiping out the internal good gut bacteria which the pharma de-wormers consistently do and do not necessarily target all the parasites.

1. Chlorophyll

All of our cells require chlorophyll to function.  It is reported chlorophyll keeps worms and parasites out of the intestinal tract.  Chlorophyll comes from all the greens.  It is essential the greens are rotated in the diet, preferably given seasonally, and as close to raw as possible.  Just flash cooked is ideal for those that are hard to process.

Greens HIGH in chlorophyll:
Spinach, Collard Greens, Mustard Greens, Alfalfa Sprouts, Parsley, Broccoli, Brussel Sprouts, Bok Choy, Romaine Lettuce, Green Cabbage, Asparagus, Green Beans, Green Peas

Minerals high in chlorophyll which are SELF SELECTED by the animal using Applied Zoopharmacognosey:  Chlorella, Spirulina, Barley Grass, Wheat grass. Please note, these are not food. They are plant medicine with medicinal properties, and should never be added to any animal’s food.

2. Diatomaceous Earth

Place in some kefir or food. Use this for a week to clean out the body. Watch the stools to see if anything dead surfaces. If you are surprised with what you see, move to Ingraham’s method below to have the animal lead a purge with ingredients below to make sure the system is cleaned fully.

3. Ground Pumpkin Seeds

Parasites cannot survive ground pumpkin seeds. The amino acid in the seeds called cucurbitacin, makes it impossible for the worms to hold onto the intestinal walls. The seeds must be freshly ground per day to have impact on an animal’s system. Dose: For a 50 lb dog, 1 tsp per day.

4. MSM (Sulfur)

Pure MSM is said to kill worms, parasites in the body.  We offer this to our animals on the side of their food so they can choose whether they need it or not.  It is always a choice, never placed in their food directly.  Sulfur is necessary to support a lot of bodily functions.  More information may be found on the links below.

Purchase MSM here for all beings:

5. Garlic and Parsley

Wendell Benfield, DVM and Martin Zucker share in their book, How to Have a Healthier Dog, how he knew breeders of Corgies in San Fernando, California who used garlic and parsley tablets to keep all critters at bay for all ages of their dogs. Never any worms or infestation reported, and the organic body was honoured, not poisoned as he often saw in his clinic from chemical dewormers.

It is important to note, both these essential oils are used heavily by all animals to process out the unwanted via zoopharmacognosey. Garlic and clove being fierce evacuators – just through smell.

The challenge is – garlic from my perspective and work, is not to be give daily to any animal. It too can become toxic if given too often, so determining the best quantity and for how log to keep the animals safe is the ultimate goal I feel.

6. Tick and Flea Bach Flower Remedy

Silvia Malagoli in Italy uses Bach Flower Remedies to keep fleas and ticks away. This is non-toxic to you, your animal and the planet.  I use her formulas for plants also.  All life can be positively impacted.  Her lovely products may be found here: and

7. Self-Medication

The other route to go is self-selection via self-medication. The animals will choose the remedies they need to cleanse their systems if they have been “invaded”. This may come in the form of the following ingredients listed below with potentially antibacterial oils processed through smell such as garlic.

  • Coconut Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Sunflower Oil and/or Flax Oil | Refrigerated, cold pressed, first extraction, and organic if available | May be chosen individually or in conjunction with each other, with the animal alternating between oils and / or potentially with one of the other powders below
  • Neem Powder | Selected dry, with a little water or with preferred oil
  • Nettle Powder |  Selected dry, with a little water or with preferred oil
  • Wormwood Powder | Selected dry, with a little water or with preferred oil
  • Sunflower oil | Selected by itself by dogs is often selected to evacuate parasites

These are offered and may be self-selected several times a day for consecutive days until the job is done. The animal will direct you clearly, and you will then see some purging. It is important to note every system is different and every animal is different so it is preferred a proper/full Zoopharmacognosey session is offered to the animal to make sure this is not the only imbalance in the body present. Therefore, the whole body is addressed.

8. Tonics for Animals

Barlow Herbal offers these tonics in the link below to help naturally de-parasite your animal.

9. Tonics and Capsules for Humans

Tonics | LDM 100 by Barlow Herbs |
CLARKIA by Barlow Herbs |
Capsules | Paratrex by Dr Ed Group |

About Wondercide

This is NOT safe for your animal. It is marketed with a safe and green feeling, but it is far from this.

While this product may read well – it is most certainly NOT plant powered goodness as marketed. Why? This product has:

  • 35 ingredients which are being instructed to be placed all over the largest organ of the body forcing the organs, glands and body parts and systems to process this concoction
  • 5 of these ingredients are essential oils with pine as geraniol being added too Essential oils can be VERY toxic to a body when not required; can even cause damage. They are powerful and must be respected with regards to their use and following always the direction of the animal. Each of us knows what our body needs via smell.
  • Looking closer, 12 toxic ingredients, include SLS, and Nylon, Iron Oxide to name a few. Emulsifiers, and corn-based products are used as well – with no mention of any of this sourcing being NON-GMO. All GMO’s wreak havoc on the body in my opinion.
  • Please keep in mind, you as the consumer have no idea where any of these ingredients have been sourced from either.
  • Spend your money on fabulous fresh food so your animal’s body naturally repels pests as it is designed to do. Please stop participating in fear, low vibrational living, and understand how your animal’s body works.
About TickKillz

This is another product I have found people are using. This is not safe for nature. The wording is very clear – the label says “it is SAFER” but it does not say compared to what nor does it say it is safe. The company is very transparent and shows you this. This is highly poisonous to all life. Do not use this on any of this planet.

Please honour your animal’s body, and its wonderful intelligence. Stop poisoning them.
Animals Body Mind Spirit