This is also referred to as Intestinal Hyper-Permeability within the Medical Community.
This is also referred to as Intestinal Hyper-Permeability within the Medical Community. What is important to understand is the gut is not the only organ which can leak. So, when the term leaky gut is used, my question would be, what other organs, glands and potentially meridians and vessels in the body are also leaking?
Often the following can leak, spleen, liver, pancreas, large intestine, small intestine, lungs, hypothalamus, and heart, meridians, vessels, anything with walls in the body can leak.
What initially causes leaky organs?Everything on the toxicity section of this website. Everything that goes into, on or directed at the body, is processed, and if the toxic load is too much, leaky organs, glands and body parts will become part of the body’s challenge to heal. The being will be looking very toxic.
Chemicals are the leading culprit. These are pharmaceuticals with antibiotics; antidepressants, pain relievers being the major damagers, with food additives, colourings etc. and pesticides. The chemicals burn through the walls, and then either infection comes in with the bacteria taking advantage of the situation, or potentially parasites become part of the problem, not always though. The toxins then have to be neutralized as they are then going places they should not be going in the body. They are supposed to be contained.
Parasites may also disturb all the walls of the internal systems just on their own. However, it is the internal environment, the pH of the body most likely very acidic which allows them the opportunity to thrive, and survive. Basically, they are taking advantage of an already compromised system, as nature does. An alkaline system does not present leaky organs, and parasites cannot survive. The body is strong and will kill them off, as it is designed to do.
Nanotechnology is piercing the walls. They are in the air (thank you chemtrails) in food, water, and heavily attached to chemicals found in pharmaceuticals and vaccinations, and now also coming from Wi-Fi streams I am finding.
Microplastics are another leaky gut contributor. This I have found in flour in bread. All products sold in plastic packaging will have microplastics I feel.
Why all of a sudden can your animal not eat what they used to eat?
It is tricky to separate our animals from us humans, as we are designed so closely, and what affects them also affects us as we are both carbon-based.
About Gluten & Leaky GutWhen I test gluten, I get in itself it is not harmful to the body. From my perspective, what is happening is the chemicals which the plant is subjected to bind to the gluten and this is what is causing all the disturbance in the body. The body is not able to separate the two of them. And the body will learn that gluten = chemicals. It will know this and try and deal with it as such. So, gluten sensitivity, becomes literally chemical sensitivity from my perceptive and what I am neutralizing in the carbon-based body.
Many chemicals just sit in the body. People may think they are excreted but most of them, the organic body does not know what to do with, and they just sit, in the organs, glands and body parts and fester, rot and hurt the body unless an intentional flush/detox is able to capture them all and flush them out. Many will also not come out of the body if any heavy metals are involved as these interact with Wi-Fi and stay in the body until one has removed themselves or their animal to a radiation free zone.
Useless BloodworkThe bloodwork should be showing and testing for chemicals, food additives, nanotechnology, and heavy metals. This is not logical not to do so. It is purposeful, from my perspective, these are not encompassed in the mainstream testing as then the ‘whys” would come and revenue streams would be definitely impacted. Therefore, all this toxicity is hidden behind the skewed values which are shown on the bloodwork which are screaming for attention. It is like looking at blood without looking at what is truly in it. Again, this is just not logical, not critical thinking, yet we as consumers accept this system.
If the bloodwork actually showed all the ingredients in it, then everyone would see the high levels of poison. But instead, we measure IgA, IgM, IgD for things such as allergies, intolerances and report the immune system not working fully. Where is the poison tested?
It is best the bloodwork is run by a CSI coroner, then at least one would get a complete picture of the blood and all the poisons in it I feel as they look for poison!
How to Heal a Leaky Gut
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Microplastics | you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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