This issue is coming my way a fair amount in 2024 February, and I have had the privilege of spending my life with two amazing dogs with ligament issues so I understand, due to the work I do now, limping.
Any limping means the following – Get Someone To Run Through Your Animal’s SYSTEM ASAP. Something is stuck in the body. This will be toxins which are causing the system to buckle. Any shoulder dropping means a huge strain on the back end ligaments, the knees. Limit movement and get someone, if not me, to run through the body and recorrect and clear.
What the body is doing from my perspective is struggling with toxins. A lot of the toxins are from vaccinations, for a number of reasons. For one, usually injection sites are in one of the limbs, or shoulders. These are pushed annually by most Big Pharma-veterinarians. Secondly, the toxins in these injections, sit in the body and cause disturbance. They are not saving your animal from anything, what they are doing is slowly destroying the structure, the whole body.
These ingredients, these poisons must be energetically removed from all areas of the body. And the more the body has been exposed to these concoctions, the more layers there seem to be presented to help them heal. These must be targeted and intentionally flushed from the organs, glands and body parts. Most pharmaceuticals including all neurotoxins including flea and tick and heartworm will contribute here too. Nanotechnology and AI is now in a lot of these products also so the toxic load has been increased exponentially.
The second contributor is diet. Usually the animal is on a pet food industry diet which is not helping the body, but hurting the body. And as ingredients change all the time, and the names of these ingredients change all the time, it is hard to know what is okay and what is not. What I know for sure, is these products cannot survive the supply chain they travel without massive chemical loads to keep them from going mouldy, yet still a lot of them do. It is worth the readers while to read about the pet food industry and scan potential ingredients in such products to understand – nothing is safe on the shelves for your animal.
The other contributor is neutering and spaying. What I am finding is some of the organs, glands and body parts are not happy with what has happened to them, and they have been “hurt”, emotionally and perhaps physically. These sit in the Sacral Chakra, impacting flow to the back end, usually presenting blockages around the hip area.
Radiation is currently being cleared consistently from one dog due to his proximity to a router, which is being negated.
Everything is connected, so limping is just a symptom of the body coping with something causing it to not work optimally. The gut will be acidic, not absorbing nutrients, and most likely leaking with other organs, glands or meridians leaking potentially. All this can be healed energetically. Other signs will be present, such as eyes, ears, jaw, there will be other indicators that have been slowly presenting themselves, look at the tongue – this is a huge indicator of what organ is not happy.
The meridian section of this website will provide the reader with more detail as all the meridians run down the legs to the feet, this is why so much disturbance shows up in the knees and the forearms as toxins are not being flushed by the body and therefore, cycled through the meridians, as the body does not recognize them, does not know how to excrete them through the natural daily detoxification process.
How to Heal
Naturally, all the above must be stopped, and the diet must be fresh food, from the grocery store ideally, for our smaller animals. Other toxins listed on the website must also be looked at and stopped – especially toxic non-plant based cleaning products and laundry detergents. Read the ingredient lists on the back, the marketing on the front of the bottles is designed to deceive.
The homeopathic remedies such as RUTA and RHUS-TOX are the go-tos for these issues usually however, I find they are needed after the body is flushed. Right now I have two animals taking PHOSPHOROUS which are then transitioning onto one of the above two remedies. We have allowed the planet to become so toxic and participated in such toxic protocols that it is not that simple right now I am finding. Essential oils such as Lemon and Lime are fabulous detoxers and play a massive role in healing all the animals, especially where there is a lot of licking as they help continue to neutralize the toxins after I have worked on the being. They must be sourced from a good company though as most oils are adulterated and full of – toxins including nanotechnology, unfortunately.
All limping I have come across has been healed, including myself, so please reach out if you have any questions, thank you.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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