Everything is energy. The name we assign to a being has energy behind it. Usually, the animals are not asked or consulted with regards to the name they are assigned. Usually, it is a human picking something that resonates with them without real regard for the being they are imprinting this “tag” on. Hopefully, the name assigned has some thought, care and love behind it. Hopefully, it is not chosen on a whim and because the person thinks it is cute or funny or is a bit of a joke, as this will carry a low vibration.
Anyone who wishes to watch Anna Breytenbach’s video regarding the gorgeous panther, Spirit who, among other things, wished to have his name changed will understand the energy implication. He was assigned a name in Spanish, meaning the “devil”, just because he was black, I imagine. One can see and feel how detrimental this name was to his entire being. How disrespectful it was to assign him this energy.
Many animal names I come across are not intelligent. They are not sophisticated, and lack inspiration and beauty. This is a lot for an animal to carry throughout their lifetime I feel. It is also not in the animal’s best interest to be named something that resonates fear, power, or destruction, as when another human is presented this name, the energy presented to the human is then transmitted.
If the name represents low vibration to the human hearing the name, then, what energy does one think the human then sends back to the animal? One of high vibration or low vibration. It will all depend on their life experiences. But usually, a name will carry some sort of weight re meaning and expectation just in the name itself. One example is a large rottweiler called Chewy running towards you with the pet owner screaming behind them to come back. High vibration or low vibration?
Horses especially have terrible names, as they are bought and sold and mistreated so, their name can be heavily associated with trauma and disrespect. This is where I often ask the animal if they like their name, or if there is another they wish to be called or referred to. I feel some horses would prefer no name as they feel it is beneath them. They are wild and to be named is to be contained.
Names matter. I invite all potential or current pet owners to engage with the animal if you happen to adopt where the name is not kind, respectful or has a high vibration. Ask the animal with your hands, letting them know, left hand presented being a “no” and right hand representing, “yes”, and allow them to choose the hand. The question must be short and easy to answer in a yes or no format. Do they like their name or is there another they prefer? Do they know the name? As some have heard names they like or is this something they would like to think about and send to you when they are ready. Just even posing this option to an animal may be a lot as most are not engaged on this level of engagement, and / or respect. Or even being asked and considered may make them feel that much more appreciated and seen.
Just something to think about. As energy is everything and one’s name should always resonate light, respect, honour, and love I feel. As it imprints every time it is spoken.
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