Meridians & Vessels
Mapping the Energy Flow of the Body’s Organs
This section’s goal is to demonstrate the connection of the body systems, not only with regards to emotion, but also how one system, due to how the meridians flow through the body, can impact the other body systems. For instance, I was working on a canine with an infected jaw, but the body issue was the bladder / kidneys. I asked the pet owner if the animal’s ears were showing signs of distress, and if increased drinking and urination were present. This was confirmed, these symptoms were all being presented, as the whole body was showing signs of strain. Therefore, the bladder and kidneys became the focus, in the sacral chakra, of the healing journey, supporting the jaw along the way.
If one organ is not happy in the body, this will be expressed through many parts of the body, showing up as discomfort or perhaps the expression of infection, which is the body trying to deal with toxicity, either physical or emotional. In chronic cases, the body presents layers to the healing process, so as not to poison the body as it cleans, and heals. So intelligent!
About the Meridians & Vessels
There are ten meridians and two vessels which run through the carbon-based body. They are the energetic pathways in the body. In hu-mans, six of these terminate in the hands, and the other six terminate in the feet. In dogs and cats, six terminate in the front paws, with six terminate in the back paws. The meridians and vessels energize different organs and tissues, with each meridian and vessel, Yin, having a complementary meridian, Yang, referred to by some as the sister. This applies to all animals, and I feel perhaps all life forms on this planet actually in some way, shape or form.
Each meridian in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is mapped to one of the five elements of the planet, wood, metal, earth, fire and water, as we are one with her, and has a two-hour window within the 24-Hour cycle of the day, referred to as the circadian clock where their energy flow is more prevalent. Detailed information may be found on each meridian’s page below with diagrams showing how they run through a dog’s body. To look at more detailed flows per species, the resources section below provides great sources to seek.
A lot of licking paws, itching, scratching, horses rubbing tails or each other, will be associated with the meridians being upset, uncomfortable. Therefore, the animal may lick where the meridians are running to help soothe, and potentially unblock the body. Everything an animal does when presenting imbalance is information. I feel a lot of us know this, we just do not know how to translate this information into helping them heal perhaps.
Important Information to Note
When working with John Diamond’s information regarding the thymus and how its strength indicates the operation of each meridian and vessel, I was provided the information that what is taught as 12 meridians in TCM, to my knowledge, is actually 10 meridians and 2 vessels. This means the Pericardium and the Triple Warmer (not Heater) are vessels not meridians. Asking further, I was informed the following:
Each meridian has a soul. The meridians look after the life force of the body. When the soul of meridian is disturbed or hurt, for example through surgery or perhaps trauma, it will leave the meridian, leave the body, just like a being’s soul. In order for the body to truly heal, it must be lovingly brought back into the body, back into the meridian. The souls of each meridian travel with the soul of the being throughout their lifetimes.
Whereas the vessels, which also support life force and also have souls, are in constant communication with the aura. They are operating on a higher energetic level connecting all bodies of the being.
This all makes so much sense to me when I see some clients not healing when I think they should be healing. This information was given to me late one night when I asked the universe to direct me on one of my clients who has since crossed over. This page is dedicated to Zeus for sharing his wisdom.
The Flow According to the Five Elements
The flow of the energy from each meridian and vessel to each meridian and vessel runs every two hours on a 24-Hour cycle. This is demonstrated below. Details of each meridian and vessel, how each function, and how each relates to the organs in the body with regards to imbalance in the physical, emotional, and energy fields, is demonstrated on the pages below. In TCM, such detail may even be drilled down to specific acupuncture points located along these meridians in the body, which demonstrates just how complex, and magnificent we all are.
The Element of Wood represents all being’s connectedness to the Earth being rooted strongly in flexibility, the freedom to expand, explore, and to grow. Its main function is processing out toxins. The gallbladder meridian flows to the liver meridian.
The Element Metal is in all of life, such as in the minerals, and substances from the planet which provide structure, and stability to the being. Mucous is a Metal element linking to the nose, and both these organs, the skin and the lungs. Skin is referenced as the “third lung”. Beautiful skin, means happy lungs. This element’s main function is respiration, and elimination. The lung meridian flows to the large intestine meridian.
The Earth Element represents our grounded-ness to the planet herself. Our center. Our energy. Our internal organs are designed to map the earth, the essence of the earth, hence, all life’s microbiome matching that of the planet’s dirt composition, her microbiome. To be disconnected, shows up as disturbance in the Root Chakra also which runs down all our animals back legs, and tail. Paws on dirt is essential to maintaining grounded-ness, and the connection to the Earth’s energies with a strong Root chakra. As we are one with her. This element’s main function is digestion. The stomach meridian flows to the spleen/pancreas meridian.
The Element of Fire is our vitality, our warmth, and light. Our will to live so to speak, coursing through our ch’i, our energy fields. Without fire, there is no spark, and thus, no life. This element’s main function is the circulation of blood. The heart meridian flows to the small intestine meridian.
We live on a Water Planet. We are the Element Water, 78% of our system is water. Water is about fluidity, and flow. We cannot survive without our streams within us flowing as they are designed too, nourishing the body, and helping excrete toxins. Water is the transportation highway within all of us including our animals. This element’s main function is plumbing. The bladder meridian flows to the kidney meridian.
The Element of Fire, our vitality, our warmth, and light is prominent at this time of night too. It is here our energy systems are connecting to all that is. A very sacred time of day. The pericardium vessel flows to the triple warmer vessel.
More About Vessels
In addition to the pericardium and triple warmer, there are also eight other vessels which contribute to the operations of the body. Two of these are addressed below, the Great Central Vessels, as they are the only other vessels which have acupuncture points as the others run deep in the body. Each manage the flow of life force energy, yin and yang, and run along the top, and bottom of the body, complementing each other, meeting when the lips touch. These vessels are the Conception, and Governing Vessels. They also each have a soul and connect to the aura of the being. Their specific pages below explain more in depth their roles in the body.
These resources below have been referenced for all pages referencing Meridians and Vessels, in the Life Force section of this website.
Hands of Life by Julie Motz
Aura Healing Handbook by Walter Lubeck
Four Paws Five Directions by Cheryl Swartz DVM
Natural Healing for Dogs & Cats by Diane Stein
Acu-Dog, A Guide to Canine Acupressure by Amy Snow and Nancy Zidonis
Acu-Horse, A Guide to Equine Acupressure by Amy Snow and Nancy Zidonis
Acu-Cat, A Guide to Feline Acupressure by Amy Snow and Nancy Zidonis
The Body Clock in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Understanding Our Energy Cycles for Health and Healing by Lothar Ursinus
Organ Location on Body | https://dogs.lovetoknow.com/image/149063~dog-female-light.jpg https://classicalchinesemedicine.org/pericardium-organ-network-chinese-medicine/
Traditional Acupuncture: The Law of the Five Elements by Diane M. Connelly, PhD, H.A.C
Life Energy Using the Meridians to Unlock the Hidden Power of Your Emotions by John Diamond MD