I am providing this healing journey as an example of what is happening to all our animals right from the beginning of these shots. Please know, I am not “pro” anything, I am all about cause and effect. I work to heal, and the body shows me where to go and what it needs help with. As a result, I see what is blocking the innate intelligence of the body, and remove the cause, the toxin which is damaging the body.
This beautiful puppy, her European Union passport below, is just four-weeks old and our species, without any proven science, began injecting dis-eases and crazy toxins into this divine little being 2020, January 19. This is our Yantha, our gorgeous flat coat retriever. We adopted her at four years of age as she was too much to handle for her owners. Her behavior was erratic, barked all the time, she was high strung and, from my perspective was literally not fully in her body. She began to have seizures when she came to us as her nervous system was shot.
I attribute all these symptoms to these injections, spaying and microchipping. These concoctions travel to the brain, they are definitely passing the brain blood barrier, the science shows this, and then play havoc on the body until the body is worn down to the point, where we as a species, then euthanize the body, out of compassion. (This is a whole other topic for discussion.)
2020, March 4, she is then given the follow up shots. The ears are not okay. This is logged. The ears are the meridian to the kidneys. So, this is documented in her passport, the initial vaccination is in the head, and it is in the kidneys, causing harm. The body is asking for help. Yet, what does the veterinarian do? Inject another cocktail directly into the bloodstream, into the organs, glands, body parts, brain and heart. This is where all this goes.
And he has no idea what is in this needle, nor the long term effects synergistically in her body. This does not seem to be a logical concern, yet this is his job – to be concerned – to look after her, to make sure she is okay – to do no harm.
Yet the body is suffering, he actually records this, and proceeds anyway.
This action is on most vet records – the body is screaming for help – toxins continue – does not matter. How does he know he has not caused pain? He does not. This does not seem to be a concern. How does he know he has not caused damage? He does not. This does not seem to be a concern. Because there is no investigation, nor questioning, this is assembly line “wealthcare” for profit. These are the facts.
Aluminum, heavy metals are in these shots. It is reported by the Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry (2015) the white blood cells transport these metals to the brain, as they do not know how to destroy them.
This is NOT medicine. This is NOT prevention. This is NOT practicing do no harm. This is irresponsible, again as no veterinarian is trained, nor educated in vaccinations. Why? Because then they might start to think about the harm they are causing. However, one still expects the medical professional to listen to the body and stop all toxicity. But this is not what is happening at all. From my perspective, the medical profession is severely morally and ethically compromised.
Again, this is in most vet records, the system collapse. Ears, jaw, brain – hospitalization – this is in all the veterinary databases. The cause and effect is unmistakable. This is created illness, this is ‘assembly line programming” NOT to think – just follow. For money.
With Yantha, I did not have the knowledge I have now in 2024. In 2014, I was using homeopathy and self-medication and leadership to help her system calm down, recalibrate, and repair. I also did not have her veterinary records to see what else went into her body. As I know the previous owners were trying to manage her behavior through various methods. She was also being fed dry dog food for these 4 years and immediately went onto fresh raw meat, vegetables and fruit with unlimited amount of herbs, and minerals such as spirulina and barley grass she self-selected to help herself heal. I was able to keep her alive until 12.5 years old only. I was hoping for 17 years as I loved her so and wanted more time with her, but this was not what the body had in mind. Our beautiful Yantha below.
ICAN, Informed Consent Action Network, reports, one of the chief architects behind vaccines and mandates Dr. Stanley Plotkin admitted in a Grand Jury Testimony in 2018 that there were no vaccine studies with placebos that measured the impact of a vaccine longer than five days.
Critical thinking would then suggest the placebo must be outperforming the “vaccine products”.
The more I read about vaccines, the more I am convinced this is a depopulation agenda and it has been subtlety introduced to the humans across the centuries via the animals.
This is why no one is trained on vaccines. The doctors, the medical profession – no one injecting has a clue what they are injecting, and this is by design, it has to be – as this makes no logical sense to inject something into a being without knowledge of what is in the product, what it does in the body presently and long-term. To not know means, globalist servant not doctor or medical professional. The crazy thing is – the health workers are doing this to themselves even! So, medicine is not about healing – it is about following, regardless of damage. This is an agenda, without a doubt.
What is alarming to learn, is in these products are many OTHER SPECIES cells – monkey, mouse, dog, cow, pig, cat …… This is the work of scientists who have lost their minds, sold their souls and have been creating products by using cells from many other species, even from their brains, let’s not overlook the harm to all these beautiful species these “crazies” are hurting, and then they are injecting into other species without knowing the consequences – our animals and us humans! Or they DO know, and this is by design which is the more likely the scenario as this has been going on for so long, “dis-eases” have been combined – not one bit logical either and the push to increase the products is so intense.
This is definitely not dis-ease prevention. This is disgusting and wrong on so many levels, the words are not available to describe. All outbreaks – are these globalists testing on unknowing populations or harming beautiful monkeys their laboratories. At some point, one has call it what it is – this is evil at play.
If one would like to learn more, one source I suggest people read is the Plague of Corruption, Resorting Faith in the Promise of Science, by Dr. Judy Mikovits and Kent Henckenlively, JD as Dr. Mikovits describes what is and has been going on in the labs and hinting what is going on in the military labs, which she suggests the general populace would be horrified by.
It is disgusting, and unconscionable what is happening, and many scientists have walked away and lost their jobs trying to stand up for true science.
We, the people, have got to stop following these “out of control, psychopathic” globalists who are trying to destroy us, our animals, all planet life, and our planet I feel.
Another good book to read is Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins which describes how the CIA recruits from the universities and sends out its manpower to control the countries around the world. This is just one story of many how the globalists control life on this planet. It is all connected.
I was directed to provide this page, Healing Vaccine Damage by source to help all pet owners heal their animals from these concoctions. These will be festering in your animals and will be causing all kinds of symptoms which of course no one will link back to these needles, because they are not trained to do so, also I imagine because of liability.
Please take this seriously and negate what is in your animal so the ingredients do not continue to hurt the organs, glands and body parts. And please stop participating in fear, and the created illness cycle.
By six years old, if not earlier, the silo symptom management program goes into play much to Big Pharma’s glee, the animal is on track to earn them thousands.
Every single being I work on, including myself, the body presents these toxins including the highly toxic serums to be negated and cleared from the body. I follow the body to help it heal, and this is ALWAYS shown to me to clear as the ingredients, the metals are all sitting in the body messing with the divine operation of it. As they are fundamentally designed to do I feel.
We are shortening our beautiful animal’s life spans exponentially. We have installed a massive amount of dis-ease in them purposely which the body will continually try to understand and manage throughout the short life span we have now created.
The question, becomes, when are humans going to stop handing over their power to another? When are humans going to stop hurting their animals, and get educated. “Following” and “conforming” does not translate to knowledge, nor education. It is irresponsible to not understand the body, the needs of the body, how the body works, and how these shots are blowing our animal’s systems up. Look at the ingredients. Please do your homework.
Everything has a frequency. Dis-ease is low frequency. Health, ease is high frequency. Newborn beings from their mother entering his world without trauma is high frequency. Injections with dis-ease and toxic adjuvants are low frequency. We are manipulating the frequency of the being to be in a consistent dis-ease state right from the beginning. This then becomes a match for low vibrational energies and infestation allowing energy of the being to be harvested.
Understand the world you live in, who you are as a species.
When we live in high vibration we are in alignment with our light, when we participate in fear and not owning our power we drop in frequency, sending this vibration out to be matched which is consent for our energy to be harvested. Our species must manage our thought forms and again, understand who we are.
Greed is low frequency. Deceit is low frequency. Not questioning nor standing up for truth when you know things are not right – is low frequency. Dis-ease is out of alignment with nature, with our essence. We are hurting not helping life forms when we inject dis-ease. We are manipulating their frequency and poisoning the body.
2024 June | Right now I am working on a cat with heavy metals in his pineal gland which are being released as nanographene oxide strands, a frequency of -12, and from my limited knowledge, are designed to hurt his small intestine. This has come from one of the vaccines he was given as a kitten. I have also found neomycin stuck in his brain. This is a vaccine ingredient listed on the CDC List of Vaccine Ingredients 2015 February.
Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) for Neomycin may be found listed below. All of them state “poison” do not ingest with symbol yet this is being injected into life forms.
and for interest sake, as a chemical what is being shown:
These are being scrambled to his ideal frequency, so they stop doing harm and the body is able to get rid of them. But do they die once excreted from the body? Who knows?
What people think are in these products and what is in these products, people just have no comprehension I feel, as again no one is looking, and no one is asking. This is live tech programmed to do whatever it wants in the body. It is NOT about life extension or quality of life, I can tell you this much.
ZINC is VERY important to take to help negate all parasitic technology. Again, high frequency negates the low frequency.
I found these animals on the “rescue” organization site after one of my client’s came to me where her dog had experienced harm via them. The rescue organization is sending the animals to vet training labs where they are tested on repeatedly day in and day out with toxic protocols then farmed out for adoption with their systems blown up. This is what our species is doing to another.
Please look at these dog’s symptoms – this is all vaccine damage. Red nose, red jaw, red around the eyes, all inflammation in the head and will mess with their ability to navigate the world which will then be blamed on the breed when they are not controllable, and perhaps become aggressive.
Left to right, this is a one-year-old, male neutered; spayed female; and male neutered. They are being set up for a life of misery and pain, just as Big Pharma has “banked on”. They trust us so, even smile after what has done to them, yet we, as a “non-critical thinking” species continue to destroy them.
I feel our animals have and are being used to desensitize the human species when it comes to toxic protocols. Decades ago, vaccines were presented in singles, one dis-ease at a time, with the body monitored for at least a month to see if any harm presented. Now the single shots do not exist – 5 -7 dis-eases are being implemented at once, with no follow up or care, the animals are then chipped, spayed or neutered, with a passport introduced for the pet owners “convenience”. The harm to the life force and form is unbelievable.
This is desensitization.
As this is DEFINITETLY not about health for any animal. This is preparing the human for what is in the pipeline for the human species, more needles, being microchipped and passport controlled. This has been well documented for decades, this roll-out. If one is really interested in what is going on with regards to loss of control over the body, then look up patents on the US Patent website and see what companies are filing. All life is becoming targeted for profit. I will not address here how euthanasia of the human being is now becoming accepted as we think this is completely normal to do to other life forms.
This is complete desensitization to life; desensitization to owning our LIGHT.
When I ask the dowsing system about vaccines, this is what I receive as far as information goes:
Vaccinations were started in the 1600’s by seven other species on this planet, of which two are still here participating in this agenda.
Vaccinations have five mechanisms:
This may seem like a lot to process, as many of us have been born into this system and propaganda. However, we as a species and all life on this planet are a part of the universe and we are being used for energy.
Once one starts reading and understanding how we as a species function, with all our energy fields and that we are each energy and source light, then this all makes sense what is being promoted here I feel. And when I am healing any being, I am clearing all toxins and disconnecting all energy draws from the being. From my perspective, this all ties into the work I am doing.
Again, from my perspective, this has nothing to do with health and well-being of any of us. We are in a spiritual war. Each of us have the ability and skill set to obtain the knowledge through mediation, dowsing, muscle testing, so one may use their power to discern and find out the truth behind this agenda. The key is having no fear and asking the questions.
Everything each of us does matters. Immensely. Our intention sends out a vibration to the collective consciousness, we either go up or go down collectively. Please get educated and say no, understand WHY you are saying no to the “created illness cycle” so there is no fear. Knowledge, education negates fear. Most of us contributed to this current situation we are in, now it is time to step up and course correct so our animals can live long happy pain-free lives only needing to see a vet if there is trauma.
If one wishes to participate in this, then Dr Will falconer offers this option in this document, Puppy Immunization Without Vaccination so one is not injecting horrific ingredients into the body.
People have been warning the public for the past century about what is in motion.
Vaccines The Biggest Medical Fraud in History by Eleanor McBean, Sue Martson, Ida Honorof, Trung Nguyen
What Makes Vaccines So Dangerous by A Midwestern Doctor
Vaccinations, on this website; tones of resources to explore
Government still admits mercury still used in vaccines – bit.ly/3JWyorT even though it’s been shown to cause brain damage – www.bitchute.com/video/uvziOGNpw4Fj/
Lack of Vaccine Safety Studies, Dr Joseph Mercola
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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