This is all about toxicity. What is your animal’s body trying to purge, to detox, which is soooo toxic to the body that the organs are forced to push it out through the orifices including the skin?
How Young When Vaccinated Initially, Cocktail: Usually these beings have been vaccinated much, much too young, and revaccinated when the body was already showing signs of illness.
Neutered / Spayed, when: Usually at 6 months; much too young; and again, usually when the body is showing symptoms of vaccination damage.
Microchipped: Devices have usually gone into the body during the spay/neuter procedure without informed consent, does anyone know what is in a microchip and what it is doing? Does it have an antenna?
Medications, Current: Usually the animals are on some sort of medication
Flea / Tick: Usually there is a history of these products being used.
Chemical Dewormers: Usually these have gone into the body during the first vaccination round; and if the pet parent has been frequenting the veterinary office, they have continued to go into the body; very damaging to all the organs.
When one sees ear issues, think kidneys. The two are connected. What I am seeing in the young animals, right away, after they are vaccinated, the ears are a problem. This is also showing up after heartworm medications, PANACUR is lethal, and flea and tick products. Please reference all the Material Data Safety Sheets (MSDS) of each of the products you are exposing your animal to. They all have one as they are chemicals, and they all state how poisonous they are to all life very clearly, nothing is hidden.
I am also seeing ear infections are causing eye infections even as far as glaucoma with loads of inflammation in the head. So, it then becomes a “head” issue with an enormous bacterial load sitting in the kidneys, and other organs. The spleen and pancreas are also being affected. The animals tell you, as the whole body, of course, is connected.
All needles bypass the body’s natural security system. The intelligent body has no idea how all this lethal disease in the name of vaccination got into the body directly. So, it manages it. But once the animal gets older, of they are lucky as some do not make it this far, and the energy reserves are lower, the symptoms start showing up.
The organs are just over loaded with too much toxicity, they are not coping, and this messaging comes out through the ears with some animals. Stop all industry food, and transfer the animal onto a human-grade fresh, food diet and the body, is then able to clean, eventually processing the toxicity through the organs normally.
This takes some time though as the body is just caked with crud internally. Nothing good for your pet’s body, mind and spirit comes from industry. Pet industry food is made for the pet owner and shareholders, it has nothing to do with the health and welfare of your animal.
Skin issues are all about the toxic load being too much of a burden for the cleaning organs, mainly the liver, gallbladder, and the kidneys, with a whole lot of toxicity sitting in the small and large intestines. This is a massive alarm bell as the brain will being impacted too. Please do not go to a Dermatology Clinic for animals presenting this condition. Nothing will be resolved. The organs are over loaded and are trying to flush. Hence, the breakouts on the skin.
All these drugs are designed to suppress the symptoms so you cannot see them. The symptoms are still there. The medications are just pushing them deeper into the body. Really dangerous. There is nothing healing about this at all. This is just creating an even sicker animal.
The following pharmaceuticals are extremely organ damaging, carcinogenic. These medications almost all of them show poison if ingested; the GHS Symbol below.
GH Symbol Resource:
Animals should never smell bad. Ever. This is a HUGE signal that the body is jammed with toxins, and the organs are not coping. The organs are having to send out the extra load through the skin as they literally cannot send it out through the natural detoxification cycle due to the overload. The body is in trouble. It is slowly being poisoned.
Usually the system, the body, the torso, looks like a log, literally. It is hard, thick and smells with lumps and bumps potentially showing.
This is all about bad food, bad treats, and poisonous “medications” coming out through their skin. Usually this symptom of “smell” presents itself as a warning before the skin issues surface. The lumps and bumps are being presented with organ failure to follow if the current protocols of care do not change.
Bad breath is all about toxins and or an infected mouth with the teeth caked in the dry food building up over time causing infection. When the system is struggling with a high toxic load, usually the gut microbiome has also been wiped out, and potentially the gut lining damaged.
This is leaky gut. Dry food and treats are famous for causing this symptom as are pharmaceuticals. The animal’s pH balance will be too acidic too.
As the topic is skin and coat, I thought I would mention this. Change in coat color, and dropping hair is also a sign of high toxicity. I see this in young dogs and cats when they have started “the created illness” cycle described on this website.
Patches of coat change means no oxygen, no blood flow, and most likely a leaky gut. Please get the body talking by gently massaging. The body is energetically blocked most likely. A lot of animals favor their body by using it a certain way if they are in pain. This is where energy blockages may be established. Please investigate. Please do not ignore these symptoms the body is expressing. Something is going on. Also, the body is most likely lacking in nutrients due to a leaky gut and potentially other organs.
Hair loss is high toxicity. This again, is usually a result of “the created illness cycle”. No animal should be dumping their coat all the time. There should not be hair in your house or on your clothing. Hair loss should only occur in the Spring time when the animals naturally shed their Winter coat for the Summer months. Hair loss is all about a toxic load so great that they are losing their “hair”. This is a sign of the body being poisoned through chemical warfare in and on the body, in the name of vaccinations, heartworm, flea and tick products etc., and most likely their chemical food. The thyroid is most likely under pressure, and although it may not show up in bloodwork, this should be muscle tested. Mineral and vitamin requirements in the body will be deficient.
Hair loss could also occur out of season if the weather gets really abnormally hot in the Winter. This may trigger nature to dump the coat earlier than usual. As pet owners we have to be careful here as when the temperature drops again, the animal will not have their warm coat to rely on. Something to be watchful of.
Self-Medication can help heal all of the above, with most likely a major change in diet being required. Every being is different as far as the “healing journey map” goes, but the idea is consistent. Stop all debilitating toxic products, the toxic diet, and go back to nature honoring the innate intelligence.
Dowsing is also another resource available to help drill down into imbalances, deal with the negative energies at play drawing on the body and energy fields, and rebalance the being. Amazing results can be accomplished. If you would like to learn more please reach out, I am happy discuss.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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