The body is a map. So, when one has one symptom such as ear issues, infections, the body will most certainly be expressing other symptoms. When one scans the symptoms page of this website, what else is your animal presenting?
This is not an ear issue per se, this is a “help me body” issue. See the dog above, the quality of her eyes is terrible. They are murky, with deep discolouration below the eye. This is all the organs communicating they are overloaded with toxins and not happy. They need help. She also looks overweight which will translate to her stomach not being happy either.
The ears are linked to the kidneys with the sister meridian, the bladder running up around the ears. Ear issues usually present right after the first round of vaccinations, as the body has been poisoned and the kidneys are really upset with what they are being forced to process, if they are able to at all. This is pretty much shown on most veterinary records. And this toxicity, will play out through the animal’s lifetime as chronic dis-ease unless the toxins are negated directly.
To heal the ears, one must detox the body while supporting the ears. This means the following:
From the veterinary clinics such as those made by Virbac. These go to the brain and stay in the body messing with your animal’s system creating all kinds of problems as the organs do not know what to do with these chemicals. They are toxic and hurt the body.
The animal needs help and toxins flushed. There is no one fits all protocol as your animal is unique. Therefore, I suggest hiring myself to run through their system or seek a homeopathic, alternative veterinarian to help your animal.
Whoever you work with, must work with you, do NOT give your power away and follow. Question, learn, work with them, you know your animal best. Research. All protocols MUST be safe not harmful to the body. Follow your instincts but do not leave this. This is a big deal as the organs are asking for help via the ears, and this does not mean adding more toxins to an already struggling system. This is not advocating for your animal and doing no harm.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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