I had just risen this morning, and heard a “thud”. Oh dear, I knew it was a bird who had hit a window. We have a lot of protection around the house to make sure this does not happen, however, this little guy hit the kitchen window. Unusual. I felt terrible.
As soon as I heard the noise, I went outside to look for him. Sometimes, the birds recover, and sometimes they need help. This little guy was stunned lying on his side. I picked him up gently telling him I was here to help him and to relax if possible. His heart was racing. I immediately took him inside to source the ACONITE 1M. I have an emergency dropper bottle I keep on hand for such trauma. I showed him the bottle and explained what was in it and what it was designed to do, to help his body recover from shock. I then placed a few drops on his head, rubbing it in slightly. I waited, and then felt I needed to do this again.
I could feel his little heart slowing down, and relaxing. He had left side trauma, I could feel the heat. I opened up my energy channels and worked on him energetically sending as much as love as possible into his little body via my hands. I was outside on the deck with my hand open so he was free to leave when he was ready. He closed his eyes and drank the energy for a good ten minutes. Then I felt he needed time to process. So, I nestled him in on the lounger outside and muscle tested what essential oils he might like to work with. Rose, for deep trauma and Birch Sweet for pain was needed. He was in pain, 0.5 on a scale of 0 to 3. He can be seen processing, self-medicating the oils above.
I chatted to him about how much we loved him, he was safe, how sorry I was this happened to him, and he was welcome to take as much time as he needed to recover. I was also keeping a watchful eye on him too as I did not want another bird to come down and target him.
He was getting stronger I could see, as he was now on his feet. I have learned to always place the birds above the deck railing now too, as they are often eager to get back to the forest and some get caught behind the glass when they go to fly which I was a little horrified about, and of course counter-productive to the healing offered.
Anyhow, I thought he might need German Chamomile for inflammation, and went to go and get it for him. But he decided he was okay, and off he went, flying beautifully into the forest. And that was the beginning of my day, Friday, July 16, 2021.
2024 August 23, the birds know I am listening, and they come to me for help. This beautiful bird, similar looking and size to the one above actually, hit my window near my desk around 13.00 this day, and I found her sitting on the deck in need to help, breathing heavily with blood around her beak. I went to pick her up explaining what I was doing. She was stunned., and of course, very hurt. I wrapped her in a soft rag and brought her inside, sending her love and explaining I was going to look for a remedy for her.
The first thing I did was give her a drop of Aconite 1M, a homeopathic remedy well known for dealing with shock in the body and energy systems. Then still holding her, and using the dowser, I did the following:
Removed all shock and trauma from all her organs, glands and body parts (OG&BP) and her energy fields
Dowsed for the following:
She then needed Yarrow, as of course there would be inflammation. I placed her on the stool outside in soft towel, close to the balcony edge so she could fly away with both of these oils perched close to her so she could process them
Asking the dowsing system, where do we go next?
Then I was directed to an organ needing help.
Her liver was functioning at 42% compared to optimal
Where do we go next? Body part
I could now see she was alert and thinking about flying. I explained to her when she was ready, to fly above the banister, and off she went.
I then continued to work on her Aura / Force Field, Chakras, repairing and healing them and sending light through them all, asked her nature spirits to come back fully into her body; then mended her soul, bringing it fully back into her body to help her be her again, as all the shock and trauma had shattered this, leaving pieces unattached.
This is one example of what is hurting all life on this planet, and what we can do about it, to help not only all beings heal, but also push back on these industries hurting all life’s ecosystems, saying no to these debilitating, life threatening toxins. Namaste’.
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