Heavy Metals
About Heavy Metals
We all hear about heavy metals, and how dangerous they are. What we do not know perhaps is exactly where they are used in our consumables. Where is your and your animal’s exposure from heavy metals potentially coming from? All of these metals can increase the toxic load through smell, absorption through the skin, in addition to ingestion.
- Pet Food: Full of contaminated products
- Pharmaceuticals: Mixture of metals dependant on product; the Material Safety Data Sheet page on this website goes into more depth
- Flea & Tick | Pesticides including Rat Poison | Arsenic, Phosphorous & Thallium
- Vaccines: loaded with metals, Mercury & Aluminum
- Surgeries: Aluminum
- Teeth: Amalgam fillings, mixture of metals, Elemental Mercury, Silver, Copper & Tin | https://drday.com/dentistry_questions.htm
- Deodorant: Aluminum
- Shampoo: Aluminum
- Toothpaste: Fluoride
- Make Up: Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Chromium, Nickel & Copper
- Perfume: Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Chromium, Nickel & Copper
- Shaving Cream: Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Chromium, Nickel & Copper
- Skin creams & serums: Lead, Cadmium, Mercury, Chromium, Nickel & Copper
- Sunscreens: Oxidized zinc or Titanium oxide
- Meat: Iron
- Spices: Full of heavy metals (If coming from India and China)
- Baking powder & processed food including cheeses: Aluminum (Buy Aluminum-free)
- Water: Fluoride, mixture of metals depending on source, and pipes
- Water copper pipes, soldered with: Lead & Copper
- Fish: Methylmercury
- Rice: Arsenic (Soak overnight and rinse before cooking)
- Toys: Lead
- Cookware: Aluminum / Teflon (Why is Teflon still on the market when it has been proven to do so much devastation to the organic body?)
- Ceramic dishes, some glazes, pottery: Lead & Chromium(White dishes reported to contain the least)
- Glass: Chromium
- Cans for food and beverage: Aluminum
- Lightbulbs: Mercury
- Pharma such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol: Lead, Cadmium, Nickel (It is advisable to check the MSDS sheet of all pharma prior to consuming)
- Car exhaust, and brake pads: Cadmium
- Flu Shot: Loaded with Mercury, 28x safety levels, the animal shots will be no different!
- Airplane Engines: Lead
- Sky: Aluminum & Bromine is being sprayed in the sky under the guise of cooling the planet affecting our oceans and all life (Chemtrails). Apparently, these are nanoparticles. https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org
- Paint: Lead-based
- Linoleum: Chromium
- Firing ranges: Lead
- Cigarette Smoke, smelling: Cadmium & Arsenic
- Batteries: Cadmium & Antimony
- Cables: Antimony
- Lenses of all types: Thallium
List of Heavy Metals in Our Environment, and Food
- Aluminum
- Antimony
- Arsenic
- Barium
- Bismuth
- Cadmium
- Chromium
- Cobalt
- Copper
- Gold
- Iron
- Lead
- Lithium
- Manganese
- Mercury
- Nickel
- Phosphorous
- Platinum
- Selenium
- Silver
- Thallium
- Tin
- Zinc
Chromium, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, phosphorous, selenium, and zinc are required by the organic body to run in small quantities, but in excess will block the body from running, poisoning it in the process.
Impact on Organic Structure
Heavy metals disrupt metabolic functions in the body. All the organs are impacted from the heart, brain, kidneys, liver, bones, spleen, gut, etc., the whole body starts screaming for help. Heavy metals block and prevent the absorption of the vital cellular food for the body, the essential vitamins and minerals. Hence the body is not “being fed” and cannot run optimally. If the being has had vaccinations, or flea and tick, then this will be in the brain, neuro system. Therefore, it is very important detoxing is supported.
Symptoms of Heavy Metal Poisoning
Heavy metals cross the brain-blood barrier, hence the impact on the neuro system.
- Lack of coordination
- Lack of concentration
- Memory Loss
- Confusion
- Brain damage
- Headaches
- Loss of hair on scalp
- Optic nerve inflammation
- Muscle weakness
- Muscle spasms
- Clumsiness
- Diarrhea
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Loss of appetite
- Burning of mouth, throat, and nasal passage
- Abdominal pain
- Constipation
- Shortness of breath
- Fluid in lungs
- Increases salivation
- Tingling in your hands and feet
- Chills
- Weakness
- Anemia
- Fever
- Aggressive Behaviour
- Irritability
- Excitability
- Extreme shyness
- Sleep problems, insomnia
- Fatigue
- Lethargic
- Ear ringing, tinnitus
- Gum issues
- Yellowing of teeth
- Garlic-like smell
- Low blood pressure
- Skin
- Sores
- Deep crevices
- Greying
- Hardened
- Dark patches, hyperpigmentation
- Accumulation of fluid
- Rapid heart beat
Heavy Metals & Microchips
In addition, microchips have heavy metals in them too. Please choose not to put these devices in your pets. They are extremely toxic and dangerous. No one is monitoring them or the impacts on our animals. Animals develop cancer, tumors, all kinds of dis-eases around these foreign toxic devices.
Fluoride Extracts Heavy Metals
Fluoride should not be in any of our water. Fluoride pulls the heavy metals out of water pipes, cookware, fillings, metal parts in the body and accumulates these heavy metals in the cells. Please filter your water from this chemical, it is not safe, and is actually carcinogenic long term. Why is it in our water? Chemical companies make a lot of money, and are very powerful. But this is not the only reason. One may wish to dig into the history of how this came to be – it is not linked to “dental” health as one may understand. Please do not use ANY products with fluoride on or in your animal.
Fluoride | The Hard to Swallow Truth Documentary
This is a great video explaining the history of fluoride and how it came to be in our water. Please do your research. Majority of science is for profit and owned and operated by the chemical companies. This is not for “the people” but for the almighty dollar.
Dowsing to clean your water is an option, to change the frequency of the water and all the contaminants. More information below.
Essentials for Detoxing from Fluoride | Turmeric, fulvic acid, and humic acid
Heavy Metals & Wi-Fi
Wi-Fi, electromagnetic waves interact with the heavy metals in your body. If the body happens to have any plates or screws, then the microwaves will be slowly releasing these metals into your or your animal’s body as they pull at the metal. This metal stays in the body and accumulates in Wi-Fi streams due to the magnetism.
Wi-Fi loves metal and wants to travel along it. So, it is constantly searching for it. Please keep your animal and everything they use, especially their collars, metal-free where possible, removing them too when not needed. This includes bowls they eat and drink out of.
Detoxing from Heavy Metals
In order to detox from any heavy metals, the being must be living in a zone free of electromagnetic fields. This is crucial. If these metals are not intentionally flushed from the system, then the body will have symptoms of heavy metal poisoning.
It is understood the body is designed to automatically detox. However, only a strong body can do this. If the animal is too sick, the body will not have energy to get rid of the metals and they will remain stored in the fat tissue. Hence, the metals may not show up on toxicity tests also. This is why Zoopharmacognosey is so special because the animal’s dictate their own detox process through smell and selecting such binders as spirulina and bladderwrack. Dowsing also plays a huge role here too – flushing the metals from the being’s body through a change in frequency, and checking percentages and location of the metals in the body with the best protocol determined for flushing.
Testing for Heavy Metals
There are a few tests one can do:
- Hair | Reflects a period of months
- Blood | Reflects weeks / hours
- Urine | Reflects weeks / hours; damaged kidneys will not be able to fully excrete heavy metals
- Dowsing | Have myself or someone dowse or muscle test the system to determine what is where
For people, James Lilley, in his book, Heavy Metals Detox, explains why tri-testing is preferred as then all the bases are covered if one is looking at mercury from fish versus dental. I use a combination of muscle testing, and dowsing to determine what is in the body, and where.
For animals : https://animalsbodymindspirit.com/hair-testing/
For the home: https://www.healthrangerstore.com/products/cwc-labs-heavy-metals-analysis
Food, Organics, Non-GMO
Please choose all your consumables wisely, preferably certified organic, non-GMO. The diet must be fresh and alive to support the organic body in alignment with the planet and all she provides us. Not man-made manipulated products for profit which the organic body does not understand much less thrive on.
Heavy Metals & Plants, Nature is So Clever
Phytoremediation is all about plants growing where they are needed to clean the earth of toxins. The planet is so amazing. So, here we have the humans poisoning the ground, and nature then comes along, and grows the planets required to clean up the mess. This is a fabulous article to read about what plants are able to process which heavy metal cleaning the environment damaged by man. https://www.resilience.org/stories/2014-08-11/using-plants-to-clean-contaminated-soil/
Invasive Species | I think we are an invasive species actually. When we apply this tag to plants which are very directive, the question needs to be I feel – what is nature cleaning? Not how do we get rid of it. I feel we should be providing gratitude and asking the plants, what do they know we do not? A lot of the plants assigned this label are herbs, and healing plants, such as St John’s Wort, fabulous for pain and healing the muscles.
Raising Our Awareness About Chemtrails
Climate Engineering News, Q & A, Jan 7, 2021
We all need to increase our awareness, about how much our planet is being purposely poisoned by unaware humans, flying these planes dumping metals under the guise of cooling the planet. It is all about killing all life. Please take the time to educate yourself and others. There is so much documentation out there warning us of what is happening. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXX7Qr8w7Vg&feature=emb_title
Geo Engineering | Weather Modification | February 2009
Alex Jones interviewing with Rosalind Petersen who follows what government and industry are doing to the planet https://banned.video/watch?id=651859904e8290438e88fbc6
Weather as A Force Multiplier | Paper Presented in 1996 About Controlling Weather
This is a document presented to the air force in 1996 detailing how the Air Force may control the weather by spraying the skies forecasting the detailed process to fully control our planet’s weather by 2025.
Use Your Power of Intention | If you see any white trails behind planes, please set your intention and direct your energy, your thoughts to scramble the frequency of the composition of these trails to the frequency of water extending the request to all such trails being placed in our skies now and in the future. Please then extend gratitude for all the help from above.
Heavy Metals Detox by James Lilley
Liver Cleanse and Cleanse to Heal by Anthony William
Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth by Elana Freeland
The Truth About Detox by Ty and Charlene Bollinger
Dowsing | Cleaning Up Your Tap Water
Follow Raymon Grace’s dowsing principles, cleaning up water by removing all toxins and reinstating the Spirit of Water. Everyone can do this to access clean water from their taps, and help restore the planet’s water systems to their natural, uncontaminated state. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXBFD3_rznQ
Weblinks | Taken Down