Animals are extremely intelligent. They are a different species yet are no less intelligent than us. And they communicate intelligently too.
Just because they do not speak words literally, does not mean they do not communicate and they do not understand. They understand completely. The issues are usually:
Every animal has a purpose, has a desire to be seen, respected fully as their species, and communicated with in accordance with this respect. They are not lower than us humans, as some conveniently wish to think.
I am most certainly not as talented in the communication arena as some, but I do feel and have this innate knowing about how the animal’s see the world and how I can perhaps help them. They are always very clear.
The challenge with humans, is we think we know best. We don’t usually work with the animal, we constantly over ride their contribution, their wishes, by not truly listening and engaging I find.
They too have a body, mind and spirit that needs to be looked after, honored, and cherished. Like humans, if this has not been looked after, then we have instability in all the three areas.
How does one communicate? By being still. By using your heart, your senses. Words also need to be spoken. The animals may see what the humans are doing but may not understand our decision processes what so ever. So, the words need to be spoken, in an intelligent, kind manner. The animals need the information. And need to know they are being seen, and respected.
When I am working with an animal, I always ask, how can I help you? am I helping you? what am I missing? Etc. I follow their lead always.
Some animals I come across, have shut down. They have given up because they are not treated as innate, intelligent beings. They are “a dog” and with a “dog” one does this. The human is never present, usually always on tech, and does not really see them. They just go through the motions of “having a dog”, checking the boxes.
The odd time, I will see an animal in this state, and if the opportunity presents itself, I will say to them with soft eyes, “How are you? I see you, and celebrate you.” emanating intense love. And they are so shocked by this communication, that it just melts your heart. Words matter, Intention matters. They want to be truly seen, heard and engaged with. I invite all pet owners to truly engage intelligently from their heart.
These are just a few ideas about what to communicate. They love being “in the know”. Often, our looks will replace common words as they begin to know us well, but it is best to never assume. They love it when you take the time to sit with them, and talk. They know, they understand, and they feel fully apart of your life. It means everything I believe. The words must be spoken so their body, mind, and spirit are honored every step of the way.
A lot of horses are starting to come my way, which placed me at a rescue ranch one fine afternoon. I was chatting to one lovely soul who was in most need of assistance, when a lady and her horse came walking by. Ginger was newly adopted, and the new pet parent was thrilled to be of service to her. She was wondering though why Ginger sometimes was happy to see her and sometimes was not. I asked her – “have you communicated your intentions to her at all?” and she said she did not know what I meant. I asked has she communicated the following:
Has any of the above been conveyed to Ginger? The answer, no. I explained Ginger needs to know – who the pet parent is, where she came from, how did she find Ginger, why is she adopting Ginger, and how will this new partnership affect Ginger’ life, hopefully for the better. This gave the new pet parent a lot to think about.
Then the question came if I knew if Ginger would still like to trail ride? My response was “ask her”. I suggested the pet parent use her hands, if at all unsure. Show Ginger that the right means trail ride and to select this if she would like to do so, and the left means prefer not. I explained the questions need to be clear and easy to answer, as too much information the animal may not know how to respond. Like us. The pet parent understood and said she would do that.
I also suggested to the pet parent she stop wearing scents the day of visiting, as the perfume would be throwing Ginger’s system off heavily. The smell would be very toxic to Ginger’s liver. This may be also a contributing factor to the engagement too.
It was after this was communicated actually, that Ginger then came toward me, and wrapped her head around my head to say “thank you”. She was very clear. We had a long, thoughtful hug. She is a magical beauty. How lucky I was to be of service.
So, the message is, never assume, ask, and communicate with your animal intelligently please. The next day, the pet parent emailed with clear direction from Ginger about what she would like to do, honoring her being every step of the way. How cool is that? Very cool I would say!
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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