Healing Vaccine Damage
Healing Vaccine Damage
I have been instructed by source energy to provide this page on the website to help all beings heal. I invoke my disclaimer here. Anyone who continues on this page has been informed as such, as every single person is responsible for doing their own research and seeking my help or a health care professional’s help to navigate this journey.
Every being is unique, their chemical make-up is different, so a one-fits-all-approach is not possible, as the toxic load physically and emotionally is unique and must be addressed so. This is information and tools available to you, to help you get started in the right direction. This is NOT a promise to fix anything. This depends on one’s commitment, and willing to learn and to navigate away from poison for medicine towards life force medicine.
Professional Support
It is important to note, no matter who you work with, the relationship should always be a partnership not a hierarchy of patient following. This is how everyone got into this mess. Find a healthcare professional to work with you, if this is what you feel more comfortable doing versus going alone.
The Damage
The above image is from the Pink Nose blog on this website. I would suggest pet owners go back through their photos year on year and see if these symptoms existed, because they are usually there in the history and in the animal’s veterinary records if they have been exposed to these products. The jaw, the teeth and the ears being huge symbols the life force has been blown up immediately after the first round, the first assault on the life force.
The Products
Vaccines are not “the preventive products” sold on the market to our species from my perspective. They are much more invasive and destructive than I think anyone would wish to comprehend. The fact they are given when a being is so, so young – just out of the womb, and during development is from my perspective – completely incomprehensible, and despicable.
If the body has been vaccinated, it has been damaged.
This is what I am seeing in all life forms, including myself. It is incredible that no studies have been done to measure the effectiveness of these products. This has been stated in depositions August 25, 2020, by “the vaccine godmother” Dr Kathryn Edwards. During the process, her fury intensifies the more she has to say the word “no” meaning no, we have not done any of the studies to prove effectiveness nor safety on any vaccine. Video link provided in Resources section at the bottom of this page. As the deposition is about human vaccines, one may assume the answer may be the same for all vaccines for all our beautiful animals on the planet.
These products operate not on just a physical level but also have many energetic components. A lot of the ingredients hide in the body disrupting the divine innate intelligence of the being their entire lifetime leading to chronic illness which is almost never diagnosed as the root cause I feel.
The challenge is – the medical profession should be asking the hard questions, protecting the public. But most are not. Actually, most are participating in something they know nothing about because it has become their belief system to follow and also their revenue staple – as so designed.
But the harm to life is irrefutable.
So, if you have any of these products in your animal’s body these are some of the tools to begin negating the effects and cleaning the body. These ingredients, especially the serums and other species DNA, do a lot of damage I find and must be negated energetically with a HIGH frequency. As all vaccinations are very LOW frequency based on their intention, and the energy behind each product by all those responsible for the design, deception and manufacturing of dis-ease for profit.
The low frequency disrupts our life force also contributing to an acidic state in the body which then begins a decay process.
This is my perspective, and my experience. Please do your own research.
Each person on this planet is responsible for their choices. To not be bullied, to not be shamed, to have access to the knowledge they seek to make wise decisions and have free discussion without judgement.
This vaccine agenda has been rolling forward at least since the 1700’s, perhaps even earlier, making these powerful dynasties very rich while making life on this planet chronically ill. This is by design I feel, as then the wealthcare system is structured to create dependency on these very same being’s systems of “we will cure you by poisoning you” under the label of allopathic medicine. Fabulous business model, just not so great for life on the planet.
Welcome to Energy Medicine
Energy medicine applies to all life on the planet, as everything is energy. All cats, rabbits, horses, plants, trees, rocks, every life form this applies to. Humans too. This is not pharmaceutical “practising”, this is frequency and energy, neutralizing the low frequency toxins which are disrupting our natural state, our high frequency.
Please do not equate this process to pharma-driven protocols where one pumps pills daily without critical thinking handing over one’s power to industry.
This process is about listening, learning, taking back and owning your innate power.
There are a few avenues which one may take. It may depend on location, and budget perhaps but they all support the healing process. It is essential diet is addressed so the body has the proper fuel to run on and supports an alkaline state in the body.
Let us proceed.
Implement Immediately | Fresh Alive Diet Which Supports Life Force
Please stop all pet food industry products and transition your animal onto a fresh alive diet. This is the MOST crucial aspect of this protocol because the body needs the nutrients and the synergy of the food to help heal and push all toxic waste product out of the body. It needs the correct FUEL to run on. Nothing from a package, everything must be freshly grown, harvested from the earth ideally from a regenerative farmer.
What to Feed
I have provided basic information on the diet page of this website with resources on specific species pages. You can then learn to dowse or muscle test, to determine the right proteins, vegetables, starches, the ratio, and for how long the animal is to be on the said diet before it needs to be revisited, as the body will change as it heals, and the nutrient requirements will most likely need to be adjusted. Every being is different, so use your intention and the tools above to determine your animal’s needs. Stay away from all poultry as this has been used in vaccines.
Please note: I am finding most raw mixes from the raw food pet industry are contaminated with other ingredients and cannot be trusted. It is in your animal’s best interest you source from a local farmer, so you know how the animals are being treated and how the meat and organs are being sourced. This is paramount with the shift on the planet moving towards a more conscious awareness towards all life, as everything is connected and everything each of us does – matters – as it is part of the field of consciousness.
Minerals and Vitamins
Mineral and vitamins must be addressed, and I suggest the reader read this page on the website to understand the synergies. My dowsing charts may also be found here for one to use. Most animals are short on Vitamin C, Selenium, B6, B12 or Zinc. It will depend where one lives geographically, the animal’s toxic exposure and this includes the daily stress level of the household or environment, how toxic the diet has been, and the lifestyle of the animal which also encompasses products used on or around the animal.
Also, please read the page on supplements and magnesium stearate on this website to understand how to navigate the products on the market. Please know – less in more.
The more an animal moves, walks and are connected to the planet, the heathier they will be as to move and be grounded is also to detox, flushing the lymphatic system. Therefore, a good amount of daily exercise is paramount.
Method 1 | Detox, Heal the Body with Herbs, Plants and Essential Oils
This is practising self-medication by offering herbs and plants – in dry and in concentrated powder form, and essential oils via smell and application via the animal’s direction. I suggest those wishing to practise this invest in Caroline Ingraham’s teachings and her book to learn, and study the profiles of the plants, and why your animal may need them and be sourcing them. All ingredients can be sourced from Caroline’s shop too.
Below is a summary of what is involved for clearing vaccine ingredients and helping repair the damage supporting your animal to self-medicate. What they choose, tells the pet owner what they are trying to heal in the body as these ingredients do damage, are low frequency, the animals will use nature to heal and remove the toxins. Good note taking is a good idea, I have expanded on this further down the page.
Your Mindset & Energy Matters
This process is about love and patience. It is not to be presented in a hurried state, nor with an energy that you think this might not work. If I offered you something to ingest hesitantly you would not take it, the animals are the same. There is also an energetic frequency impact here on the products too with thought. This is just how powerful we are.
If you do not trust the process, then do not bother as the energy will flow to your animal and they will not participate literally because of you.
Offer After Walk and Food
When this process is presented matters. Sessions must take place always after a walk and food, so the animal is not waiting to be fed instead of focusing on healing. We wish them to focus, and they will not focus if they are hungry, just like us. Once fed, they will then be ready to work and focus on healing.
Cats do not ingest as much, they work with smell more but are heavy in takers of coconut oil when presented daily until they say no more required, thank you! However, every being is unique so follow your instincts on this, as they need some of the powders, and will definitely benefit from a herb garden which can be seen on the self-medication page where my cats are exploring. Smell alone and just lying on herbs can have a substantial impact on the body, mind and spirit of the being, as we all process through all our organs and glands, the skin being the largest of them all.
Herb Gardens for Cats
The following herbs the cats love to process and perhaps even eat. Source organic only and golden-age them, bless them with your intention of gratitude to all that have provided them including the planet, to make sure no pesticides or GMO’s have impacted them please.
- Arnica flowers
- Calendula | Marigold
- Catnip
- German chamomile
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Rose buds
- Valerian – this is a big one – as not only does it deal with stress but also the kidneys – which the vaccines damage hugely in animals; a lot of cats eat this
- Yarrow
These are placed on a towel in rows so they can self-dose, lie, roll and play in the herbs. So they are to be placed far enough apart for them to be able to choose one versus having to process the others. Leave out for days, and then discard in garden once they are no longer interested.
A lot of these can easily be grown in the backyard too to harvest as a supply.
Ingestion | Do Not Limit Quantity
Do not limit the quantity, this is where humans get in the way. The animal knows what they need, keep offering in one session until they say no. It is important quantity is not limited so they have the medicine to work with to facilitate healing in their body, mind, spirit. They know, they are designed this way, just as we are.
Quality Matters
Each must be sourced from a reputable company. I source from Caroline Ingraham in the UK and Florihana in France. This is again where muscle testing and dowsing are very valuable because one can weed out the products which are not good for your animal.
Marketing is propaganda, and companies lie. Please use your discernment and power to determine what is good and what is bad, no matter what the label says.
Animals can smell harm, and will not select something harmful, unless they are trying to clean poison, and this is all they have access to. Very important to note. All information the animals provide is literally information so do not dismiss what they are telling you. The human MUST ask why. Why is my animal selecting this? Start questioning and learning. As one may assume the animal does not need it, when really they do – just not from the supplier you have ordered from.
Offer Daily Until Not Longer Needed
For this to be effective, sessions must be offered at least once a day consecutively else the animal will not have enough of the medicine, the power to clear the toxins inclusive of the technology in these products. Please understand, this Is need-based – to help them heal, this is NOT food. Please do not confuse the two. What the animals are demonstrating is self-selection as if in the wild. This is “I need this to heal myself”. It is humans who are disconnected from nature, their home, not the animals.
Examples of the Process
Examples of this process may be seen on the following healing journey pages of this website to get an idea of the flow and process: Abscessed Molar, Skin | Fungus, and Skin | Hotspots.
The Goal
The goal after each session is for the animal to curl up and go to sleep. Then you know they are processing what they have been presented, consumed and are smelling to help heal their body. A deep sleep means now the body has what it needs to relax and begin deep repair. Do not disturb them, create a quiet, safe, sacred space for them to do this. And send them deep love.
As session lengths and needs of the animal taper off and the body is stronger, the animal may top themselves up and then go and play. It depends where they are in their healing cycle.
What to Offer
Herbs-Concentrated Powder | Offer dry with a little water on a portion of the dry in the bowl – so the animal may select their desired consistency:
- Barley Grass
- Dandelion Root
- Flax Seed Ground (Horses)
- Nettle
- Liquorice Root
- Nettle
- Milk Thistle
- Slippery Elm
- Spirulina
Herb-Dried | Offer dry in the bowl, no water added
- Bladderwrack, dried seaweed
- Cleavers (Horses)
- Golden Seal (Horses)
- Peppermint Leaf (Horses)
- Rosehips, high Vitamin C source
Oils & Macerates | Organic and Cold-Pressed
- Coconut oil > If nothing else is able to be offered, make sure this is; as all the animals source it to help clean and move our debris in the digestive tracts. It is a vital component of the healing process. As is coconut water, if you have this. Please make sure it is not loaded with garbage though, as most are, and sourcing in glass bottles is preferred over tetra packs.
- Flax Seed oil
- Hemp Seed oil
- St John’s Wort macerate
Once the animals have the nutrients, they need to start the repairing their body with the minerals and vitamins which they are lacking they are then ready to work with smell. Leave the nutrients out while they go into the next step of this process, as they may circle back to the nutrients during the process.
Essential Oils
The following essential oils, with a brief description of how they support the body, are key to have on hand to help your animal process out the vaccination toxins via smell. Keep in mind; to help animals heal I work with over 60+ oils so this is narrowed down quite a bit to help the pet owner start their kit.
Dogs and horses may direct application in some cases, it is very specific to the being.
Essential Oil | How each oil supports the body
- Basil | Chemical cleaner
- Basil Holy | Blood cleaner
- Cinnamon | Supports the heart and helps clear toxins away
- German Chamomile | Inflammation, and gut protection when processing the other oils; usually this oil or Yarrow is preferred to help with inflammation in the body
- Juniper | Supports clearing toxins from the kidneys
- Lemon | Support clearing toxins from the cleaning organs and helps negate toxins immediately when applied to small bumps and lumps and / or where the animal may be focused on licking
- Lime | More powerful, more potent than Lemon, much stronger to process; supports clearing toxins from the cleaning organs and helps negate toxins immediately when applied to small bumps and lumps and / or where the animal may be focused on licking
- Seaweed | Heavy binder of vaccine toxins
- Thuja | Heavy metal cleaner from the body
- Yarrow | For all inflammation & infection
This is very important to understand. Distance = dose when it comes to presenting any animal an essential oil to process. I suggest again, the reader watch Caroline Ingraham’s work to understand the process more in depth. I will also load a video about this to help explain the process.
No means no when the animal leaves the room. If the animal turns their head, moves around this does not mean no. This is dosing, they are lessening the dose. Only when the animal leaves the room, does this mean no, I do not need this. However, a lot of us, including the animals, have inherited self-defeating mentalities, so this could play out here sometimes when they are not doing the work we know they need to do. This is where some professional help may be worth the pet owners while to help the animal.
No Diffusing of Cleaning with Essential Oils
No diffusing in the house ever where animals are concerned especially when one is healing as this could add to more toxicity in the body.
Further Education
To learn more, I suggest the reader invest in Carolin Ingraham’s book, Self-Medication so one can study the process and how to offer, as this is about education, learning how to read your animal, listen to your animal, and support them based on their direction.
About Andrographis Paniculate
Andrographis Paniculate was written by a doctor trying to help those heal from vaccine damage. I have not used this plant, as I use other modalities on this page. The information, however, has been provided to help share her work and for one to read and investigate.
Method 2 | Dowse or Muscle Test or Learn to Do Both
Dowsing and muscle testing is one’s connection to truth. What is true and what is not, if one wishes to truly know as many of us humans are quite comfortable remaining within belief systems. One must want to learn and know what is true – else one’s belief systems will prevent accuracy; energy will not flow as the ego will be controlling the outcome.
These I suggest one address these right away to allow the expansion of one’s energy flow.
Dowsing and muscle testing are easy to do. They take practise. Practise, practise, practise, so you learn what it feels like to receive the energy and begin to trust yourself. This is learning to become in tune with yourself, so you have answers directly from source energy. This is crucial as this will then be your navigation tool. Trust yourself. This is what is key to this journey – taking back your power and relinquishing all fear. And practise, practise, practise. These tools will provide direction and information to help you navigate your animal’s healing journey. What is crucial are the questions, which must be really clear, concise detailed questions, else the answer received may be incorrect because the question has not been specific enough.
The answers received are as accurate as the questions are specific. This is very important to understand, and practise. Any preconception will alter the answer. This is about truth, not about “I think I know”.
Life on the planet is HIGH FREQUENCY as it has LIGHT. LOW FREQUENCY has no light, it is DARK and therefore, manifests as dis-ease. Understand frequency. This is key also.
Dowsing negates energetically the products and the damage. This is a counterclockwise action on the dowsing chart and must be done over and over again, several times a day to capture everything from childhood as everything is sitting in one’s organs, glands, body parts and body systems on many layers and levels. I suggest people invest in Raymon Grace’s teachings and others listed on the dowsing page to learn, and practise, practise, practise. Raymon Grace kindly offers his dowsing chart for free on his website which is the first tool I suggest people download.
Muscle testing is about tapping into the muscles of your body to get answers from source energy. This takes practise. All questions must be YES and NO questions to receive correct responses, and again very specific. It is good to practise on things one can verify an answer to build up faith and trust in the process and know what it feels like when you are “connected”.
It is not beneficial to do either method when one is tired, intoxicated or driving. And you must check you are not being manipulated by other energy(s), are fully aligned with the plant’s polarity and magnetism, with magnetism being at optimal levels. This is always performed in a calm meditative state until you build stamina and a strong level of comfort to be able to do this in front of others if you wish to do so.
If you wish to learn how to negate vaccine ingredients and all toxins in your animal and any other being for that matter via dowsing, please find the instructions, process with dowsing charts included for a small fee in the shop.
Method 3 | Glyphs
Glyphs, were downloaded from source energy to Jean Rogan. These are symbols with source energy behind them directing outcomes. In one of her four books, Sacred Symbols of Light, Jean has a glyph which will negate vaccinations when placed on the being. A surrogate may be used such as a photo, or drawing. I do this with all beings as it supports the healing process and is working 24/7.
Placement on the Body
I use the dowser to determine where, and how many need to be placed on the being’s photo. However, for some beings a few glyphs in conjunction with this may be required for everything to be expunged. This is where muscle-testing or dowsing comes in to help guide the process and the being’s needs.
Stealing All Life’s Light on the Planet
The vaccination glyph is always, from my experience to date 2024 September, directed to be placed on the third-eye chakra on all species. The fact this is where this glyph is being directed to be placed shows us all I feel, how these products have been purposely designed to mess with our light and are in the brain and the glands in the head directly impacting the health, light and life force of the being. Further work is showing me some of these products create portals in our various energy bodies.
Expand Scope of Glyph with Gratitude
If you decide to go this route – recalibrate the glyph with your intention and much gratitude to “encompass all ingredients which have been injected into your animal since birth to this moment in time on all levels of their existence from this moment forward” ideally before placing the glyph on the animal so all ingredients are being worked on.
The universe is VERY specific. In order to encompass what we wish to encompass, our request must be very specific, as we wish it to work on all components of these products.
Additional Support Glyphs
A lot of beings who have the vaccination glyph placed on them, also require detoxification glyphs. If this is all you can do, on this page, then this will help your animal, but I am finding they are not capturing all the DNA of other species that these products have placed in other’s bodies. Of course, none of us knows what went into anybody’s body as informed consent is not being practised and transparency by the big pharma is also non-existent, so it becomes all about each individual’s body showing me what is sitting where so I may negate and clear the toxins, and then repair as needed.
Method 4 | Homeopathy
Homeopathy is centuries old medicine. It is explained in depth on this page below with loads of resources.
Remedy Profiles
Each remedy has a profile. The profile is what this remedy will target healing in the body based on the body’s organs, glands and body parts. It is VERY important the profile is read and matches what you are seeing with your animal. Not everything needs to match, but a lot of the symptoms do as this is one of the control checks to make sure you are giving your animal something the body needs, not contributing to the body’s’ toxicity.
Vaccine Healers
The remedies below are well known healers of vaccine damage in beings used by homeopaths around the world. Silicea helps pull out the ingredients, including microchips, MRNA and spike protein from all organs, glands and body parts, while Thuja helps pull out the heavy metals and nanographene oxide strands, as a result of these latest concoctions humans are “vaccine shedding” and what pharma is putting in their litany of products.
Both are very powerful.
I have always been directed to use the strength of 30C to slowly turn the body around. Many homeopaths like to use high strengths, but this is never the direction I receive. The pellets may look innocent enough but again, are very powerful – too much power and damage can be done to the body as the toxins are pulled out to fast I find. So, please respect the process.
Determining the Remedy or Combination of Remedies
I am finding it is a combination of remedies that are required, one to follow another, it depends on the age of the animal and exposure.
It also depends on what the body deems the most important item to flush which determines the sequence of the remedies required. This is very important to understand.
So, this could take a few rounds of various synergies, before the animal’s body, the universe, directs tapering the body’s needs into one remedy. Again, every being is unique, as is their damage.
One may test all the remedies on my website as usually it is one of them or a combination of a few which may be required to be given ten to fifteen minutes apart from one another. The following of one remedy after another is important, I am finding when more than one remedy is required, so please do not combine.
My homeopathic dowsing chart has been loaded for purchase here. Please note | This will be loaded by 2024 November.
Please take the time to check and double check, as one NEVER wants to give the body something it does not need, else again, this would be adding to the existing toxic load.
The detailed questions must be asked to see what the body needs. Examples of the questions are:
How many homeopathic remedies does my animals’ organs, glands, body parts and body systems need to negate and clear all vaccine ingredients including those hiding from all levels of their existence?
Which remedies are the optimal remedies to help my animals’ organs, glands, body parts and body systems negate and clear all harmful vaccine ingredients including those hiding from all levels of their existence?
What is the optimal strength of the remedy my animal requires to help my animals’ organs, glands, body parts and body systems negate and clear all vaccine ingredients including those hiding from all levels of their existence? 6C or 30C or 200C
How many pellets of this remedy does my animals’ organs, glands, body parts and body systems need to negate and clear all vaccine ingredients including those hiding from all levels of their existence?
How often is this remedy required to help my animals’ organs, glands, body parts and body systems negate and clear all vaccine ingredients including those hiding from all levels of their existence? Usually, it is every 12 hours or 24 hours.
How many days is the remedy | strength | # of pellets required to help my animals’ organs, glands, body parts and body systems negate and clear all vaccine ingredients including those hiding from all levels of their existence?
However, if the condition is quite severe, then the first day may need a remedy every few hours to help the body. Every being is different. Please take the time to drill down properly on all of the above to ensure accuracy.
Check Yourself, Be Specific and Question Yourself to Check Your Accuracy
Is there any reason not to give this remedy to my animal?
Is there any reason not to give these two remedies or combination of remedies close to together to my animal? Use this as your check and your animal will confirm if you are on track also.
To help my animal heal from all vaccine damage, what is the result of giving —— daily for — days to help them heal?
This is checking % from 1-100. The answer should be 100%; ask your question a few ways and be VERY specific so you know you are accurate, and the response you receive is consistent.
How to Give
How to use / take / give is presented on the homeopathy page of this website. This is energy medicine; this is high frequency. Never touch the remedies, give gratitude ALWAYS and love to help your animal heal when presenting to them.
They MUST consent, say yes to the remedy. If they say no, then usually this direction means wrong remedy. Go back and retest.
Animals Must Confirm
The animals are ALWAYS very clear. If they walk away, we LISTEN. We do not override unless we think they are having brain issues then this may be a special case. And if you think they are, then I think you may need some professional help navigating the situation, so please call if this is the case to get a second opinion.
When the Brain Says “No”
If an animal repeatedly says no, yet you are seeing this is needed, and your testing confirms this is beneficial to your animal, and there is no help around, then proceed to give. Because the brain in some cases, has been manipulated by these ingredients and the animal needs the help.
Checking Yourself
Again, please make sure the profile of the remedy ties into what you are witnessing, and this is confirmed by the dowsing or muscle testing, before giving.
Everything must make sense. What you are seeing, what you are testing, and what the results are saying. It must all logically tie in. Your critical thinking is paramount here, and this is also directly linked to you taking back your power. This is one of your checks to make sure you are accurate.
Method 5 | Methylene Blue
I have just finished reading Mark Sloan’s book The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue where this is reported to negate all kinds of toxins and help the body heal and has been used at least since WW II. I have no experience with this method.
Dowsing and muscle testing will help determine if this is a good route for your animal. The key is one does not want too much power. The body wants to be slowly turned around not whomped. This is very, very important, so the dowsing and muscle testing questions have to again be very specific to make sure your animal is safe with all toxicity stopped.
Also, one would have to check synergies with other products. I feel this is something one would do without other modalities and no pharmaceuticals, so the body is not pushed too hard to release toxins too quickly, and the animal is safe.
Products must be pharmaceutical grade and above 99% purity.
Product | https://onlyresultscount.com/our-shop
Product | https://endalldisease.com/store/
Record Keeping | Data is Important So You Can See Changes
Keep a detailed journal during this process with photos. The photos help immensely as when one is looking after their own animal it is hard to see the changes when you see them all the time. The photos week on week help immensely to see all changes.
Take good notes of all symptoms expressed against time of day; things may come up for clearing this is how the body works. link
When the animal was younger and stronger, there may have been symptoms expressed but one just ignored them or assigned them to something else. These symptoms will come up for healing. Critical think here, do not waste time on mindless worry, this is useless and not helpful in the slightest. Be an investigator and ask questions.
As the animal, and their the body feels better it will have more energy to get rid of the unwanted, so looking a little worse does not necessarily mean the animal is getting worse they may just be releasing the toxins and perhaps need a little more power to help them. Recheck your protocols, to see what needs to be adjusted.
Most of the ingredients that have been given to the body via the pet wealthcare system or the pet food industry are sitting in the body waiting to be released also. The homeopathy is providing the signal to tell the body to release them, and some of this stuff is really nasty. Again, it depends on what has been done to the body
Every Being is so Unique Including the Pet Owner
This is tricky to write as each of us processes the world and information so differently, and all vaccine damage is unique to the life force. The healing journey page on this website provides more perspective on this process which has its ebbs and flows, this is why documentation is so important so one can see the progress.
Sometimes a toxin gets stuck, no matter the work, and it needs energy work to directly clear it. This is where dowsing is invaluable, as one can check what is going on and how to clear it.
If ever in doubt, please reach out to a medical professional who has experience healing vaccine damage and detoxing animals, one you can trust if ever concerned or myself, I am happy to answer all questions.
I sincerely hope this helps you help your animal, namaste’.
Other Resources
It is my understanding this site and movement was started by a brave woman who understood what was happening to the planet’s children. She mysteriously died, around the time when she was being threatened by big pharma. Lots of great information to be found here.
Medical error—the third leading cause of death in the US
How Vaccines Are Not Studied to Prove No Harm
This is important to watch as it shows us all how the scientists, under oath, are preaching “no harm” but have no studies to prove this on any of these products. This is pure propaganda, and utterly disgusting.
- Episode 388: Siri Testifies: New Hampshire “Post-Licensure Safety”
Animals Body Mind Spirit | Vaccinations