Balls, Toys & Chews
Made in China
Some may blame China. But China is not the problem. We are. “Manufactured in China” means Western Corporate Board Rooms are driving and paying for these toxic products to come into our countries based on what is selling – what everyone is buying, hence messaging this is acceptable. Money talks!
In the process, the Chinese people are being exposed to toxic processes and products. This is what our purchasing, non-questioning power is driving I believe. Sickness, in the people working in the facilities, sickness in our animals and ultimately, the planet, as all these products eventually end up in landfills affecting all our natural resources.

The Dangerous Chemicals
What LETHAL chemicals are they potentially covered in?
What CARCINOGENIC dyes are they potentially covered in?

Definitely no rawhide, and ears, etc. please. Everything shown above = Toxic Chemicals = Disease = Painful Death.
Anything in buckets looking pretty in the pet food stores – walk on by! They are carcinogenic. Covered in the chemicals listed above – with formaldehyde and arsenic being the most preferred.

The Internal Organs are Screaming for “Help!”
Referencing the bottom left photo below, with the red X through it, which I have blown up here above, please look at the dog’s eyes. This is the dog’s liver already signaling it is not okay, it is over loaded, full of toxins. No dog or animal should have tear-stained eyes.
This toxic load will be contributing to other symptoms, including behavior. So much damage these “treats” do to the body, the being. I would assume this dog is on industry food also, and most likely the “pet healthcare” chemical production line.

Healthy Options
If you would like to buy toys – make sure they are:
- Preferably manufactured for babies; you are then guaranteed they have been tested for mouths, hopefully, – as all toys are picked up by our animals with their mouth
- Are of organic materials, no plastic, no rubber, nothing shiny – organic materials, which are easily biodegradable, like cotton, hemp, flax
- They can easily be disposed of; the planet is not choking on all this garbage
Offer natural solutions, such as:
- 4. RAW bones please, monitored. This is fun, cleans their teeth, gets their jaw muscles working, strengthening the jaw, and burns energy!

It may sound complicated but it is not. Dogs love sticks, and bones, and antlers. You can easily find something natural which is not hurting any being which your animal will enjoy playing with and the earth with decompose naturally once it is no longer required.
Cats are easy. They love catnip. Grow it fresh in a pot in your house and allow them access. Dry it and wrap it in fabric – a cotton baby sock will do. I have seen a lot of lovely hemp-based toys for cats which are not dyed, chemical free and well made.
There is an abundance of ways now to source and create real fun engaging products which do not leach deadly chemicals into your animals’ systems causing them, or at least contributing to a painful and untimely death.
Wooten, K. J., & Smith, P. N. (2013). Canine toys and training devices as sources of exposure to phthalates and bisphenol A: quantitation of chemicals in leachate and in vitro screening for endocrine activity. Chemosphere, 93(10), 2245–2253. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemosphere.2013.07.075
Meeker, J. D., Sathyanarayana, S., & Swan, S. H. (2009). Phthalates and other additives in plastics: human exposure and associated health outcomes. Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, 364(1526), 2097–2113. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2008.0268
An Example of What is Constantly Going on Regarding Pet Products:
Lawsuit against Earth Animal: A class action lawsuit has been filed for “fraudulent misrepresentation” against the manufacturers of No-Hide dog treats.https://truthaboutpetfood.com/earth-animal-no-hide-class-action-lawsuit/?utm_medium=email&utm_source=getresponse&utm_content=Earth+Animal+No+Hide+Class+Action+Lawsuit&utm_campaign=Association+for+Truth+in+Pet+Food
Food Dyes
Toxicology of Food Dyes: Dyes, synthesized from coal tar and petroleum: National Library of Medicine: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23026007/