Non-Stick Pots & Pans
The Dangers of Non-Stick Pots and Aluminum
Perfluorooctanoic Acid (PFOA), Teflon, and Similar Chemicals
PFOA is a known carcinogen. I suggest all non-stick cookware, if in your kitchen, be checked whether they have these chemicals. These are lethal to the body, poisoning the carbo-based body as they leach into the food.
This includes TEFLON and all similar chemicals. We may assume what is on the market is safe, but this is far from the truth. We must constantly be skeptical of anything new and really easy because companies are trying to impress stockholders and are usually self-regulated. No authority is watching them, nor ensuring they are manufacturing to protect the health and safety of the consumer and life on this planet. New is not always better. And corporations constantly lie.
Therefore, please check your cookware and make sure none of these products are in your household, you will be poisoning yourself and whoever you are feeding. Please also pass the word on. All of these items should have been recalled, but they were not. Unbelievable really. The movie Dark Waters, a true story, demonstrates the scope of harm these chemicals can do to us all, the land and people’s livelihoods – all for money.
Teflon | Material Safety Data Sheets
Each of these products have material data safety sheets linked above, showing how poisonous to all life forms these chemicals are.

Is there Aluminum in your Kitchen?
Aluminum has been linked to Alzheimer’s disease, as humans with this imbalance have reported high levels of this toxin in their body when autopsied. Aluminum is also placed in many beauty products such as dandruff shampoo, Head & Shoulders being one example, please check all your labels, and as an adjuvant in vaccinations causing immense harm.
Aluminum is a very, very toxic material and should not be in your kitchen anywhere. The issue is foods high in acid will oxidize the metal causing it to leach into your food which one then consumes. Literally, one is eating aluminum, slowly poisoning the brain. This applies to aluminum foil and aluminum plates used for baking pies, and all kinds of yummy dishes, also.
Animals cells are no different than ours. They will most definitely be impacted if you are feeding them via this kind of equipment in your kitchen, ad they too can experience neuro issues as a result.
Movie: Dark Waters
Directed by: Todd Haynes
Please watch this as this is a very powerful film. Here we have a large corporation with no ethical compass. DUPONT knew and still continues to keep the public in the dark poisoning so many people, in test studies too, harming their own employees even.
The Government of Canada states food absorbs the aluminum. And to not store any food in aluminum. Very interesting what it says about other materials as well.