PICA, with relation to humans, is a craving for something which is not nutritional to the body. This can be cravings for such things as sugar, alcohol, and odd things which are not food but fake food, not real energy for the body. This applies to our animals too. For animals, PICA is about sourcing inedible objects a lot of the time. Horses may crib, chew fences, and stalls over and over again. Why this behaviour is happening is a result of one of the following or perhaps a combination.
This is more common than most realize I feel. Usually the animal is in a lot of pain and they are trying to dull / deal with the pain in their gut, and elsewhere in their body. Some may have headaches or joint / spinal pain or even pain residue from being neutered. For many, their gut is literally on fire and they are trying to cool their system down. Regardless, the goal is to find something to deal with the pain in their body. .
Animals NEVER do anything without a reason. They are always communicating how they are feeling. Please do not dismiss “the messages” by attaching the behaviour to their personality. This is “not them”, this is them communicating – I NEED HELP.
I was hired because a young female Bernese Mountain dog was sourcing everything in the house, shoes, socks, etc., she was manic. The pet owner actually chained her to the wall when the family could not watch her as it was such an issue.
What this beautiful dog was being fed, was burning her gut. It was dry dog food, lethal stuff. We converted her diet, and did a Zoopharmacognosey session with her where she selected tonnes of remedies for nutrition, and for purging. A few days later out came this massive sock via her back end, which had been sitting in her gut.
The problem with dry food is it sits and festers in the body. And all the chemicals burn the gut, and intestinal lining. This is extremely painful. Leaky gut. What the animal will do is either stop eating or source something to soak up the stomach acid as they are in so much pain due to the damage of the gut lining. This then leads to nutritional deficiencies as the body can no longer absorb the nutrients it needs, and the whole system begins to present symptoms of breakdown, dis-ease.
This ties into the blog pages regarding grass eating and mucous. When the gut lining is compromised, the bacteria load will usually be off balance, potentially providing a breeding ground for parasites. The animals know they need help, but do not have access to nature fully to be able to recorrect the imbalance on their own. And many pet parents do not understand what the animal is messaging I find.
This is where I find Zoopharmacognosey, self-selection is so important. As the animals dictate their needs, the combination, the dosing, the duration, and the flow, the rhythm of their healing. They know, we must learn how to listen I feel. This is very powerful and rewarding for all participating.
Where teething may be occurring, natural remedies which may be selected by the young animal to relieve the pain. Just through their sense of smell, immense relief may be achieved. Essential oils are not toxic when the animal’s lead is followed, as they self-dose. They are in tune with their senses, with a strong will to be well unlike humans. The oils can be used over and over again, so a great investment and contribute to a fabulous home health kit.
Check their MouthIt may be wise to perhaps have a veterinarian who works with pet parents look at their mouth to make sure nothing is amiss. Trust your instincts.
As years have passed, I have been led into more energy work using a pendulum. This is referred to as dowsing. The pendulum is used to shift energy.
Using this method, I can heal the gut very quickly and the rest of the body too. Changing the diet and stopping all toxic protocols is essential to help the body, mind and spirit continue on the healing journey with self-mediation and sometimes homeopathy backing up the healing process.
Nutrient deficiency may be found in all ages actually, usually over a year in age. Pica may present itself where the animal is trying to source nutrients, which are not being met in their current diet. This applies to all animals fed on pet industry food and who have been exposed to the ‘pet healthcare regime’ for the first year or two of their lives.
I read books all the time. Thankfully people pour their lifetime of work into books and I always learn something extraordinary by reading. Below is a fabulous talk by an amazing wild life veterinarian turned doctor about how all dis-ease is linked to nutrient deficiency. This is from his book, ”Dead Doctors Do Not Lie”. Animals are heavily referenced based on his work.
Example of Deficiencies
Dr. Joel D. Wallach’s list of 90 Essential Nutrients can be found here and his videos mapping imbalance to nutrient deficiency can be found here and here.
Using Zoopharmacognosey the animals will choose their minerals and essential vitamins to help them rebalance their systems. I also assess their diet, in conjunction with muscle testing for deficiencies to make sure nothing is missed.
This presents itself where the animal, usually young, does not have an avenue to expend their energy. Therefore, this energy is then diverted into chewing something – anything, as they are restless and would normally be using this energy to move forward in nature, not lie around within a box, be it, a room, house, stable, etc. How much exercise is your animal receiving daily? Mentally and physically? To move is to move the body, which then cleans the body, but also engages the mind. We are all designed to move and groove.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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