I am going to be very direct here on this page. We have been programmed into thinking we “catch” stuff, and this makes us ill. From what I know at this present time, and doing the work I do, this is just not true. Please keep an open mind and read on.
The “flu”, the “cold” as it is propagated is nothing more than the body detoxing. This is DETOXING. This is not something any being has caught, this is the body trying to deal with something toxic, and this could be at a physical level, a mental level, and or a spiritual level.
When one experiences “contagion” this is toxic exposure to something in the water, food or air. This is not bugs or germs jumping through the air to infect another. This is toxin exposure on a grand scale, and the organic body detoxes the same way for all life forms. Hard to believe I imagine for some with what is propagated in the current “W-ealthcare” system, I know.
The is an example of how most of us do not know how the body works. The photo above, a cat sneezing – the owner has a flea collar on the body which is pumping neuro toxins into the cat’s thyroid and parathyroid gland which are not so far away from the cat’s heart. These neurotoxins cause organ failure and seizures. The owner is linking the sneezing to the grasses, the flowers. I link the sneezing to the body trying to detox from the smell of the flea and tick collar, this diabolical chemical weapon around this beautiful animal’s throat infiltrating all his organs, glands and body parts. The body is trying to detox and we already know the system is compromised as the body is carrying weight. The cat is most likely being fed an industry dry diet, full of chemicals, which of course will deplete the body’s resources, and invite the fleas to harvest, as nature feeds on the weak. Hence, the flea collar by the pet owner as he thinks the body attracts fleas in general, because the pet owner has no understanding how his cat’s body works. Healthy animal’s do not attract fleas.
Humans detox on all levels of our being, physical, mental and spiritual. Our animals are no different.
Being around really nasty, unbalanced behaviour, toxic energy or environment, can make any system, on any or all levels of the being – crash producing flu-like symptoms. The body will not know what is causing the issue, but it will intelligently try to get rid of the toxin immediately, trying to flush, and signalling to the entire being, that the system is compromised. This is our intelligent design; we are so sophisticated yet taught nothing about how we work and operate. Ideally, we are supposed to stop, pay attention, redirect, give gratitude to our body, and recalibrate. But this is not what we do. What we are taught is ”make the symptoms” go away, take a pill or inject. There is no intelligence here what so ever. This a system sold as “convenience” with fear mixed in, to deliver profit.
Again, this is the body DETOXING. Every life form on this planet is a sophisticated carbon-based machine. We are not designed to be pummelled with more toxins when the body is trying to detox!
Contagion has NEVER been scientifically proven. Please do your research. So while there is this mechanism of fear which promotes “we shall save you” what this is actually doing is keeping people in the dark about how the body actually works and paying lots of "white coats" to lie, to deceive. Again, this is a system we have all been born into, one that was implemented more than a century ago. It is well designed to make sure all life forms generate income by keeping them ill informed, chronically sick and largely controlled within this dynamic. If this was not true, this information would be mainstream, but it is not. The word “flu” is derived from the Latin word to influence by the way.
If your animal is presenting flu-like symptoms, then look what is going on around the body, used in the home, being worn on your body, what is the diet and what chemicals is the body being exposed to. If you are participating in anything listed in the toxicity section of this website, then this will be forcing your animal to detox. If the body cannot detox the toxins then dis-ease will start to present and the body will begin to decay into chronic dis-ease.
Your animal’s body was beautifully designed. Keep all toxins away from it. Spend as much time in nature as possible, feeding your animals an amazing diet which comes from nature not from a bag or can or any pet food store. The Nature section of this website explains all this, with a lot of perspective provided in the Blog. Love yourself and them, live in harmony without fear, this is how we are all designed to thrive.
To provide a little perspective, some of the contributors forcing the body into detox:
On the Physical Level
On the Emotional Level
On the Mental Level
Impact of all of the above, on the Spiritual Level of the Being:
On the Spiritual Level
Please do not put any of these products in your animal (or yourself). This is fear-marketing, and these shots are full of heavy metals, 28X the amount that the body should be exposed to, much less injected into the body. These companies do not fully disclose, with other destructive chemicals such as formaldehyde and polysorbate 80, are all very harmful to the body. This is dis-ease creation for profit. This not science, nor protecting your animal. And any reputable veterinarian, would not have these in their clinic if they have done their research and understood what is in these needles and the long term effects in the body. Veterinarians are not trained in vaccinology, and the reason for this is then they would have to question what they were doing. They are following a schedule with no understanding of the damage to the body. This is a Big Pharma profit chain system only, creating illness for profit.
Something to be very aware of. Every single one of us is a living breathing hard drive, if you have programs and beliefs running your hard drive which are not in alignment with truth and your higher being then this information will most likely not be able to be received and processed. All technology is programming us, unless we otherwise consciously direct our hard drive to not be manipulated, programmed, etc. This is important to understand.
To delete these – instruct your hard drive with focus and intention to:
“Neutralize all belief systems that do not service your higher being, your higher self which are operating in your physical and all energetic bodies and on all levels of your existence”,
then ask:
“All programs be deleted from all your physical and all energetic bodies that do not serve your higher self and on all levels of your existence”.
You may need to do this a few times if some of these are heavily ingrained. One’s intention is paramount here.
Wait a day then re-read the page and see what comes to you. Then ask the universe to back up the information by sending you a sign, as you are now open to receiving the truth, and notice what comes your way. Namaste’.
A few resources to explore.
https://andrewkaufmanmd.com/sovi/ - Statement On Virus Isolation (SOVI)
The Greater Good by Leslie Manookian
The History of Big Oil by Johnathan Corbett, The Corbett Report
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