The pharmaceutical industry, a subsidiary of the Chemical Industry, is unbelievably powerful, both in money and influence as the planet’s population have been witnessing these past few years. Although there may be evidence about curbing symptoms, I believe there are no studies about actually CURING anything, as pharma makes billions of dollars off sick people. The industry wants you to be sick, and your animals are now part of the equation. From my perspective, this is a profit machine, each drug makes the body sicker and in goes another.
All pharmaceuticals manipulate the body. They are foreign substances, usually toxic, which the liver, and the rest of the body’s organs do not fully understand or recognize. All pharmaceuticals target the body to do one thing while compromising and damaging the whole system with unwanted “side effects.”
Pharmaceuticals are fabulous for trauma, and supporting the body to stabilize while the body’s natural healing mechanisms take over. This is fully presented in the Healing Journey – Dilated Cardio Myopathy DCM. Beyond this, there is no healing with pharmaceuticals. Pharma is designed to keep you buying more, which again makes stockholders rich.
The Earth’s medicines are super powerful, and are what the body knows. There are no TOXIC side effects when used with care. The liver, and all the organs know what the plants are, and how to process them as we are one with the planet. When they are excreted out of the body, there is no harm to the planet also. Synthetic medications, however, end up in the water supply, and affect all the living organisms who come across their path. Studies have proven that pharmaceuticals affect all our marine life. There is even a boat load of synthetic drugs contaminating our tap water which one would think would be neutralized out.
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS)
Most people, including many medical professionals, do not know they exist. I feel this is partially due to the fact informed consent has basically disappeared as everyone should be referencing this information.
Each chemical has a Material Data Safety Sheet which analyzes the impact on the carbon- based body. Unfortunately, these sheets will show which species also suffered to get this information, something people do not understand when they take these products – at what expense did this due harm to another living being?
Back to the MSDS, these are very informative as they show how toxic the chemicals are, and what they potentially can do to the body. I have created a separate page for this to show approximately 120 pharmaceuticals which I collected from vet records, showing the toxic effects are, with natural alternatives. I have to say, even I was astounded at what was on some of these sheets.
By the time people find me, their animals have been so pummelled with pharma, that it is really incredible the body is still functioning. One of my biggest concerns is no one is questioning much less investigating the drugs going into their pets’ bodies ,and the implications of these drugs prior to use.
It is said that allopathic medicine, “fills a gap while digging a hole”. While the drug is in the body, the organs have to process it. This is high toxicity which the organs which the organs are not designed to come in contact with. What happens with some pharma, the body literally stores as it do not know what to do with it. Apoquel is an example. As a result, a lot of damage is done to the organs as these drugs get stuck in the system, corroding the body inside out, damaging this exquisite intelligent system we call life.
Most drugs if not all of them are extremely toxic, hurt the organs, and are even carcinogenic. All of them do damage. Each drug has a Material Safety Data Sheet which can be found on line for you to reference.
Please take the time to read them before the drug goes into you animal’s body. Your vet may not be as informed as you think. Please do your homework, and demand informed consent is practised by your practitioner.
Pet owners should NEVER be forced to put a drug in their animal, pet owners should always be allowed the option to go away, research, and make a well-informed decision WITH the consult of a vet if needed. I have expanded on two drugs below, so the reader may see what I see. Please take the time to educate yourself. Your pet is depending on you to do so.
Cerenia is used to make an animal eat. It blocks the brain receptors which are telling the body to not eat, it manipulates the brain. Your body is designed not to eat when it is sick. So is your animal’s. The body does this, so resources can be allocated to repair and purge. This drug overrides this information, the messages from the brain to the body, and therefore, FORCES the body to process food – it goes against NATURE. This is very dangerous, hurts like $#%^& going into the body and it is bright, bright pink. Very toxic. This is found on most vet records, and pet owners have no idea what this drug is on their invoice or why it was needed.
Cerenia MSDS – what does it say?
The MSDS says causes heart and kidney failure as found testing on animals. Here is a copy of one section from the MSDS link above:

My heart goes out to all these animals who were tested on for these results.
This is used on all animals, for joint issues. What it does is relieve pain while the joints get worse and the liver becomes severely damaged. It is extremely toxic. Vets will say they want to watch the liver values on the blood work, what they are not telling you maybe is once the liver numbers show a problem, the liver is failing.
Metacam MSDS – what does it say?
What is important to note: THIS IS NOT FOR USE IN HUMANS – WHY? TOXIC! It says on the sheet: it is toxic to take orally – yet we are giving this to all animals ORALLY.

This is very dangerous. As soon as I see anything “for animal use only” red flags go up immediately as we are ALL ORGANIC BEINGS, our cells are the SAME.
usually means from the corporation perspective,
“Sure, it is toxic, yet let’s make some money anyway, because no one is questioning. It is only the animals who will suffer. The risk-reward ratio says let’s take the risk as payout will be minimal if we are caught. Let’s funnel it through the vets, and make some big money.”
Again, no one is questioning, not even the majority of veterinarians.
Gut Microbiome Testing
People: https://www.viome.com/
Animals: https://www.animalbiome.com/
To Replenish Gut Microbiome
Humans: https://naturemd.com/products/biotic-nmd
Dogs: https://peterdobias.com/products/gutsense or
Horses, dogs and cats: Use Applied Zoopharmacognosey, dowsing
All beings: Restore | Dirt Water https://ionbiome.com/products/ion-gut-health-pets
Blog Posts
What Drug Makers Are Targeting Your Pet by Dana Scott
Apoquel: Dog Miracle Drug with a Dark Side by Dr. Will Falconer
Better Than Antibiotics: https://vitalanimal.com/better-antibiotics/
Important Study – Metronidazole – the most common diarrhea drug is harmful to your dog’s gut and digestion:
Everything that is happening to people is happening to our animals. We have the ability to protect them. Are we questioning and investigating – without fear?
About Big Pharma
Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained by Forrest Maready
Overdosed America: The Broken Promise of American Medicine by Dr. John Abramson
Big Pharma, Big Greed: The Inside Story of One Lawyer’s Battle to Stem the Flood of Dangerous Medicines and Protect Public Health by Stephen Sheller with Sidney Kirkpatrick and Chris Mondics
Bottle of Lies: The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom by Katherine Eban
Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It by John Abramson
Question Everything You Think You Know
What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease is Wrong by Dawn Lester
Good-Bye Germ Theory by Dr. William P. Trebing
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False | 2006 | Professor John Ioannidis Stanford
About Corporate Veterinary Practises
The Strength of Big Pharma
Merck & Meta’s Alliance | https://rumble.com/v3q3wl4-meta-and-mercks-secret-alliance-just-got-exposed-stay-free-226.html