Programs | Our Unconscious Mind
Everything is a program. Pharmaceuticals are toxic programs. Organic fresh food are beneficial programs. Pet food industry, toxic programs. Everything is directing the body to do something. You and your animals systems are hard drives and programs come in from every direction, from food, thought, technology, imprinting from listening to others, from touch, herbs, anything we process is a program.
Therefore, it is so important we manage our hard drives, our bodies with great care and make sure detrimental programs, programs that do not support our higher selves are not running. And this goes for our animals too. Replaying any event, any story over and over again is a program. A lot of pet owners love to do this with trauma I find, which reinforces the program over and over again not only in them but their animal. Stop this please if this is you.
Programs mess with every part of our being, it just depends where they have been recorded and the dark side too will leave their imprint programs as well, so these also have to be removed.
Our thoughts create our reality as energy follows thought. Are you managing your thoughts? Or are your programs managing your thoughts? This is where awareness comes into play. Watch your thoughts.
Your atoms are responding constantly to what you are telling them to become. Communicate directly with them. – Ian Welch, Healer
I watch very carefully what my mind is doing to see what programs, if any are interfering with my being, my creation. If I do not like something I am processing – I literally direct my atoms to delete the program. Belief systems operate and are handled in a similar way. This is about managing the very essence of who we are and how we operate, watching and managing our hard drives. The more limitations, programs we are running, the heavier the weight on the energetic system, literally and our frequency. Our animals, all life forms, I understand, are the same.
If you are not full of light and love, then start deleting your programs and your belief systems. They are not serving you nor your animal(s). For our animals it is through intention we clear them, and through Golden-Aging everything they come in contact with. Another avenue is to also begin practising Ho’oponopono especially if any animal has been adopted. If I was running a sanctuary of any kind, I would have this mantra being expressed in some form around the place so all those working with the animals and the animals are consistently clearing negative energy and healing. This would raise the vibration of the land, the beings present, and the types of energies the sanctuary would be attracting as well.
You are here to create. Are you creating or being run by your programs? And if you are being run by your programs, your animals are too. Please watch your mind, and clean your hard drive daily. You may also do this on behalf of your animals. Namaste’.
“I ask my atoms to delete all programs that are not serving my higher self.”
“I ask my atoms to delete all belief systems which are not servicing my higher self.”
One can ask to do this on behalf of their animals too. Place a hand on them, or if they are remote imagine them in front of you, ask their permission and then direct the energy via intention. However, if you BELIEVE this will not happen, that this is too simple, then the universe will not deliver, as intention is everything. Go work on your belief systems, clear them then come back and revisit, as beliefs are blocks to energy flow.
How To Reprogram Your Mind | Bruce Lipton
Bruce Lipton explains how the mind is of two parts, the conscious and the subconscious, and each have different functions. The conscious is always thinking, whereas the subconscious is where our programs are installed. This is our hard drive. Repetition reinforces all programs. This is why affirmations can be powerful as they are rewriting the programs of the hard drive. It is important to know, we can learn all we wish, but this will not change the programs. The programs MUST be intentionally deleted and rewritten to change desired outcomes.
Brainwash Yourself to Success | Dr Joe Dispenza
This is an interesting interview as Dr. Joe Dispenza is relating everything he does to science. From my experience, what is making transitions challenging is the presence of the dark side, which is never discussed, and of the course the ego. Loads of information about how he is helping human beings to heal.
And I do not agree the body wants to be sick. The body always wants to be well it just completely gets discouraged about not being listened to and being hurt, being ignored and mistreated. So eventually certain organs, glands or body parts lose their will to live. This can all be turned around though with consciousness, focus and love and saying I am sorry. Give much love to every part of your body, and your animal’s body as every single cell is listening at all times.
Dr. Michael Nehls, author of The Indoctrined Brain, Interviewed by the Health Ranger Report
How index neuron production is essential which is managed by the hippocampus in the brain. The health of the reproduction of these neurons means the health and welfare on all levels of our being and our interaction with society on the planet. This is the war on the mind we are all currently being subjected to.
Book | The Indoctrinated Brain by Michael Nehls, MD, PhD
Article | Mitochondrial Health Is a Key Countermeasure Against the Global Indoctrination Program by Do. Joseph Mercola
Human Brainwaves | https://noc.galacticage.org/schumann-resonance/