This is just one of many examples of what is possible with self-selection, healing trauma to the eye “inside out”
The brambles around here grow low to the ground and when walking through the forest I was pretty sure one of my dogs had her eye poked directly by one of them. She could not open it. I took her to the vet to check for damage, they could not see anything and as I am against toxic remedies and pharma when not needed, they used her blood to mix a concoction to put in her eye daily. They were very helpful, but this did not heal anything. The eye remained closed and sore.
I then offered a Zoopharmacognosey session to see what she may select. She chose to ingest bowls of liquorice root powder, the bowl at the bottom of the photo above, with the golden brown powder and chunks, mixed with a little water. She selected this several times a day over 3 days. The 4th day she no longer selected, and the eye was healed. The eye was open, clear, happy, and fully functional again. It was amazing how fast this worked, and all through ingestion. Nothing went into the eye directly.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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