Dowsing, Shifting Energy Using Your Intention
Everything is energy. Raymon Grace is an amazing healer using intention with dowsing. He has been doing this for 47+ years. I invite the reader to investigate his website and listen to all his YouTube videos. You will be able to not only help heal your pet, but your family, and the planet, especially where quality of water is concerned. Yes, you can clean it through intention, raising its vibration, and have nutrient dense water flowing through your tap which then flows into other water ways impacting the planet as a whole. The following videos Raymon has kindly posted for free for us all to learn what is possible.
2019 Holistic Health for Animals | Using Dowsing
Fabulous information about how to dowse. Cleaning water. Lowering brain frequency, so adding power to the thoughts. Each living species has their own ideal frequency, is there anything affecting their frequency?
2020 Raymon Grace’s Presentation to the Ozark Research Institute Conference
This is a very important video to watch. The power of our intention, and thoughts.
2021 Right Place at the Right Time
Learn how to use the Law of Attraction and one’s power of intention to be at the right place at the right time.
2021 How to Transform Energy Using Dowsing and Brain States – Master Raymon Grace
Daily Gratitude | Raymon Grace’s Problem Package to Help Heal People and the Planet
Raymon has established this package to help neutralize the following negative energies around you, your family, and your home, of mass consciousness, of the Schumann effect, of 5G, of any riots, of radiation, and of the current “news” narrative. This saves each of us a lot of time doing this ourselves, in an instant with our intention we are all protected at the start of each day by doing the following. Each morning, when you wake up, give thanks for neutralizing Raymon Grace’s problem package on you, your family, and your home. This is an unbelievable kindness indeed extended to us all from an amazing healer.
How I Use Dowsing to Help the Animals Heal
Where energy is concerned, anything is possible. It is about expanding one’s mind and letting go of old belief systems, and usually deeply entrenched patterns. What is crucial to check is dark forces around the animal, people, home, and land. The vibration, and energy intensity is impacting us all immensely especially since the energy on the planet is increasing daily. Neutralizing negative effects on the being’s energy fields, and the body of the being is critical for healing. Dowsing helps highlight where these imbalances are located.
It is important to know, any animal who has been under anesthesia or has experienced some sort of shock may very well be susceptible to dark forces, attachments especially psychic cording. Or where they are living with humans who are unstable. It may interest the reader, that not one client has come up “clean” since I began checking for such forces using Raymon’s “checks”.
For me, it is very close to muscle testing, however, using the dowsing system to clear and scramble frequencies is invaluable.
Real Life Example | Changing the Energy of an Event
Every year, in my client’s neighborhood there is an annual party. For those not attending, it is loud, with a lot of unfavorable behavior going into the wee hours of the morning. This is very uncomfortable for the lovely animal residents. This year, I cleared all the negative energies from the street, houses, residents and those attending. I then placed beneficial energy around the event surrounding everyone in love, light, peace, harmony, kindness, and respect.
This was the feedback with a video of the stillness in the neighborhood, “Whatever you have done this evening is absolutely mind blowing. They are completely zonked out snoring this is absolutely incredible.” They, being the dogs, who would have been in distress all evening with the comings, and goings and their pet owner as well.
Everything is energy. Our intention is everything. And we are all connected.
The mind does not determine good or bad, it just follows – Raymon Grace
Please note | Although I love the look of the crystal pendulums, and using them, I have found metal pendulums to be more accurate, as they seem to be harder to manipulate by other energies.
The Pendulum Kit by Sig Lonegren | This teaches basic dowsing, how to find things, and answers to questions. The kit comes with a pendulum and dowsing charts.
Charts | Main
Raymon’s Dowsing Chart |
Charts | Animals Body Mind Spirit
The following charts are available from myself for a fee if one wishes to email me. I have also placed those in bold in the ABMS Shop to source independently. I use Raymon Grace’s Chart to dowse where I need to go then I use my charts to drill down for more detail and to help direct the healing of the body, mind and spirit.
- Alphabet
- Ascended Masters
- Aura, the Ten Bodies
- Bach Flower Remedies
- Best Way to Support Healing Process
- Blood
- Birth Trauma, up to 1000%
- Body Parts A | Front and Top of Body
- Body Parts B | Under Body, with Legs and Feet of Body
- Body Systems
- Cell Salts
- Chakras | Animal
- Chakras | Human
- Clock
- Colors
- Colors in Force Field
- Colors with Bi-Colors
- Cranial Nerves
- Diet-Cats & Dogs
- Emotions | Emotion Code
- Energetic Drains
- Entities & Energies
- Essential Oils-Green
- Essential Oil-Purple
- Essential Oil-Rest
- Force Field | How Compromised
- Frequency
- Geobiological Disruptions
- Glands
- Herbs
- Homeopathic Remedies
- Linking – Licking, Nibbling, Chewing to Source
- Meridians
- Minerals | Chart available on Minerals and Vitamins page at no cost
- Minerals Self-Selection
- Negative Emotions
- Negative Emotions Mapped to Meridians
- Oligo Elements
- Organs
- Percent 96%-100%, escalates by 0.1%
- Percent 99.9-100.0%, more finite, escalates by .005%
- Percent 100%, escalates by 2.0%
- pH Balance
- Quantity, Cups
- Quantity, Teaspoons
- Toxin Clearing Method
- Toxins A
- Toxins B with Vaccination Focus
- Tumors & Cysts
- Vitamins | Chart available on Minerals and Vitamins page at no cost
- Vital Force
- Water in the Body
- Where to Focus | A-D
- Where to Focus | E-N
- Where to Focus | O-Z
Charts | Other Sources
Charts | Universal Allergy Healing, A Mother’s Story by Dora Sharpe
This is a great read regarding a mother helping her son heal allergies to all food which started not long after he was born. It was her perseverance which saved her son’s life dropping all belief systems, listening to her inner guidance leading her the possible. Sixty-seven charts are provided in the book focusing on all things one may be allergic too with four charts dedicated to looking at vaccination and other biologicals stuck in the body.
50 Dowsing Charts by Mystic Metric
This is a great book if one has no charts. This book has geopathic charts which are very good and deal with old structures which may have memory from years of living.
The Practical Pendulum Book by D. Jurriaanse
Great book with lots of charts with a heavy focus on herbs and how they can help organs, glands and body parts in the body heal.
The Pendulum Instruction Chart Book by Dale W. Olsen
This is a fabulous investment with an in-depth explanation of dowsing with fifty dowsing charts. I highly recommend this book to anyone new to dowsing.
Rayon Grace Interviews
2012 Mar 7 | Raymon’s Initial Interview with Kim Greenhouse |
2013 Dec 13 | Raymon’s Second Interview with Kim Greenhouse |
2023 July 10 | Raymon’s Interview with Tom McCarthy
2023 July 14 | Raymon Grace “Stretching Our Limits”
2023 August 17 | Ed Strachar Interviews his mentor Raymon Grace
2023 November 4 | Tucson Dowsers Interviewing Raymon Grace
2024 February 21 | Jenn Payeur | The Ancient Practice of Energy Healing with Raymon Grace
2024 | Raymon Grace’s Webinar
Nine videos for rent teaching dowsing
The Future Is Yours: True Stories about Dowsing, Spontaneous Healing, Ghost Busting, and the Incredible Power of the Mind by Raymon Grace
Ian Welch | Another fabulous dowser, with a wealth of information. His book, Empowering the Atomic Body, The Universe Within by Ian Welch, teaches the reader how to instruct one’s atoms to respond according to instruction and intention. So easy.
Mark Attwood has interviewed Ian several times, so if one wishes to see more interviews search on Mark’s platform via the link above.
Letter to Robin: Dowsing Insights and Tested Protocols by Walt Woods
Pendulum Healing Handbook, Complete Guidebook on How to use the Pendulum to Choose Appropriate Remedies for Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit by Walter Lubeck
Geopathic Stress & Electro-Pollution, How to Protect your Health and Home by Paul Craddock
Pendulums for Guidance & Healing by Maggie & Nigel Percy
This is great resource, well laid out and easy to read with beautiful graphics to help one get started in dowsing.
What to Do When You Can Not Decide by Meg Lundstrom
This is a great book teaching the different methods one can use connecting to the divine with examples of questions to ask with basic charts provided. The author refers to this process as divining.
Walt Woods | Letter to Robin – A Mini-Course on Dowsing