Dear Reader,
The goal is to not present you sadness, and despair, but to provide information about what is happening to our animals under the guise of healthcare. To teach. This is about creating change, about truth, about listening to the animals and understanding the divinity of the body each of us has been given to thrive. Each animal on this planet is no different than this beautiful being.
I do not wish for anyone who reads this, to walk away and send low vibrations in the capacity of negative emotions to the collective consciousness nor to the planet herself, but to sit and understand what is happening on this planet, to all life in this “system”, and question, how can I contribute to change? This is high vibration. This is powerful. The animals are waiting. Namaste’.
This is a case history of a dog who cannot stop itching since 2021 with hot spots presenting over, and over again. His jaw area, where his meridians run up to, is inflamed, red and raw.
Our species vaccinated, over, and over again, then poisoned the body over, and over again, under training protocols, then sent the animal out for adoption. He was only 8 months old. The current pet owners have been trying to find someone to help them heal their animal knowing that more toxic pharmaceuticals are not the answer. This animal’s body is toxic soup with the majority of toxins coming from these labs conducted by a veterinary school.
For anyone to say this is required, I suggest you offer your body up for such “trials” and see how you feel, what your quality of life becomes, in and out of hospital being poked and prodded and tested over, and over again, and let’s not forget the pain, and the life span lost. To itch every day for years, and for the body to produce massive sores with the nose and jaw area red and raw is not something any of us should be condoning.
No being should be tested on or experimented on, especially against their will. The animal kingdom trusts humans until we teach them not to.
This is one of these cases.
So many humans exploiting this beautiful animal’s body, mind, spirit and soul, all in the name of “practise”. Where is humans’ creativity to learn different ways, to demand no harm and yet still learn. Where is this drive? What concerns me most, is every being participating in this process has no knowledge of what is in these needles, nor the impact on the body short term or long term. This is not practising do no harm by any of these facilities.
In the year 2024, this is barbaric to do this to another life form. We as a species must think broader. There is so much technology on this planet – easily something could be created for these labs so animals are not test subjects, against their will then sent out to lead a life of suffering and pain with an enormous cost and disruption to the pet owners who adopt them and then spend years trying to “save” them.
This is a terrible quality of life not only for the animal but for all those involved around them. This is what these procedures and our species is propagating.
Financial Liability
Also, all labs conducting such “training” should be financially responsible for the life of these animal’s well-being. This is true learning, so they may see the cause and effect of all these toxic protocols long-term with transparent blood analysis showing everything that is in the blood like vaccine ingredients, heavy metals, chemicals, nanotechnology, AI, which can then be all linked back to these “health protocols” which are being pumped into these beautiful being’s bodies.
From Rescue Organization to Veterinary Training Facility
Below is a history of what was done to this animal. I have highlighted what the records show. The yellow are the symptoms the dog is presenting each day. This is information to all those around, our species, to stop what they are doing as the body, mind and spirit of this life form is under immense stress. The red font highlights the toxicity going into the body. The reader will see, no matter the communication from the body and animal directly – to stop, the toxins keep going in. No one is listening.
I have to say, reading these records, was heart-breaking.
What is important to note is the list above is what went into the body at a different facility before this dog was farmed out for experimentation just eight days prior, as well as major surgery. This is the annihilation of the physical body and energy fields. Just because this is accepted “as normal what we do to animals” does not mean ANY of this is healthcare or in the best interest of an animal to live a long happy pain free life.
This is dis-ease creation, this is forcing the body to cancer, it all stays in the body festering and causing immense break down and dis-ease. Please do your homework. Belief systems do not equate to knowledge. Following does not equate to knowledge. We, as a species, do not have a right to do this to another being. This is an assembly line of toxicity, immense pain, and death for profit.
Please Note | Vx in the following content refers to vaccination; ingredients in these products provided on the vaccination page of this website; all which most likely travel to the brain, have heavy metals, and can change at any time in production. Big pharma does not think they have to keep you, the client, informed about what is in the needle, so no one really knows, and no one is asking. The medical practitioners are not pushing for the information, they have no idea, they are injecting blindly. This is not health. This is not protecting life. This is a profit assembly-line.
How “lucky” this animal was, to be “rescued” by us, the human species.
Note | October 10-20, no information on records during this time frame.
This beautiful dog is:
End of LABORATORY EXPERIMENTATION on a life form against his will filling his body with lethal toxins.
Sent back to kennel.
We must address this – what are we doing as a species to others?
The body knows what is happening to it. The subconscious knows it is being violated. This is all recorded in the cells. All levels of this dog’s physical and energetic bodies record this violation. This is not prevention. This is not health. This is harm.
In summary, in fifty-one days –
Humans have literally destroyed the life force of the body and the quality of life of the dog and whoever adopts him. Shattered his energy fields, and his soul.
The dog is in and out of vet clinics monthly for the next 3 years, itches all the time, presents open sores, does not sleep and is in pain. He is right on schedule though generating lots of profit for the “created illness” industries.
He will not live a long life unless all this can be negated, and this is questionable as no one knows what all of these concoctions do to the body long-term nor what they do synergistically together.
No one should be injecting anything into any being where they do not know what is in the needle, where it goes in the body, the synergy of the product with another, what it does to the body and the implications on the body and energy fields long-term. To follow is not an excuse to harm. To do otherwise, is unethical, and a violation of the code “do not harm” which EVERY medical partitioner is supposed to uphold, live by, and which every patient is counting on them to do so.
Most of us have participated in creating this system, now we must choose to get informed, get educated, get off the treadmill, stop being constantly manipulated into the fear-zone for profit which cycles monthly to make more money from your animal’s body. And begin creating and demanding real change in alignment with our home the planet, which supports life not death and honoring the animals’ body, mind and spirit and soul.
Source |
Alpha-Casozepine (a CZP)
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