Universal Laws
Universal Laws, How They Govern Us
We are all energy. Everything is energy. And we are a part of this expansive energetic universe. Some say, part of this universe, as there is thought to be more than one. This universe is managed by universal laws. So, while we may come from the perspective we have no power, life just is, this is just not how the universe works. Everything a being THINKS is subject to, a universal law which governs this flow of energy, as thought is energy and will manifest into the physical third dimensional world as an experience / lesson. The experience / lesson may be positive or negative, it depends on how we are participating, how we are utilizing our free will via thought.
It is important to understand, universal law supercedes all third dimensional man-made religions.
Every being on this planet is “on assignment” or perhaps mission is a better word, to learn, grow and manifest into a higher dimensional reality. The laws, when understood, will help manifest this pathway. Going against the laws, one will manifest a life of challenge, as this is what the beings thought processes have created, and the information will be provided via these laws to recorrect. How humans, whether a pet owner or not, participate affect all life forms.
I have listed some of the laws below, based on the sources I have referenced below. When dowsing, and asking the question “how many universal laws govern the universe we inhabit?” I receive the answer 1,200+. I invite the reader to delve into all of this, as this is what truly governs our existence, this is who we are, energy, in this vast universe. Namaste’.
The Law of Absolute
The Law of Abundance
- Give thanks to the Spirit of Abundance daily
The Law of Action
The Law of Akasha
- Aka Law of Ether, akasha is the Hindu word for ether; records of all life located in etheric level
The Law of Analogy
The Law of Attraction
The Law of Attraction and Repulsion
- One of the 3 Cosmic Laws
The Law of Balance
- Linked to Law of Addiction
The Law of Being
The Law of Believing and Knowing
- Believing from emotional heart
- Knowing beyond any doubt with every cell and fiber of one’s being
The Law of Cause and Effect- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Challenge
The Law of Change
The Law of Chemical Affinity
- o Serves to protect the mineral kingdom and preserve its integrity
The Law of Circulation
- All energy moves in a circle
- We will be presented with the same lessons over and over again until learned
- The quality of energy sent out by you will circle back to you
The Law of Coalescence
- Controls primal gathering of molecular matter beneath the atomic sub plane
- The sub atomic plane sets the rate of vibration
The Law of Cohesion
- One of 7 laws of the Solar System under the 3 Cosmic laws
- Aka Law of Birth
- Branch of Law of Attraction
- Aim of all things to unite
- Fixes the colouring of each plane
The Law of Color
The Law of Common Ground
- Area can be cleansed of negative energy. This is done by two or more sending loving energy to the area for a specified period of time. Surround the area with a gold net and it will stay cleansed of other’s energy.
- Very important law to study as we must give our consent, and understand when we are giving our consent even when we may not realize we are doing so
The Law of Consciousness
The Law of Continuity & Consciousness
The Law of Correspondence
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Cycles
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Cyclic Return
- Aka Reincarnation | The soul no longer experiences this cycle once all lessons have been learned and karma healed.
The Law or Right to Decree
- Very important law to understand and invoke
The Law of Discipline
The Law of Disintegration
- One of 7 laws of the Solar System under the 3 Cosmic laws
The Law of Divine Flow
The Law of Divine Love and Oneness
The Law of Economy
The Law of Economy of Force
- One of the 3 Cosmic Laws
The Law of Equalities
- Aka Principle of Correspondence or Essential Divinity
- Our outer world is a reflection of inner world; we each create our own reality
The Law of Essential Integrity
- Has 10 subsidiary laws
- Healer must gain magnetic purity
- Magnetic field, radiation field established which heals
- Must link soul, heart, brain and hands; only then can healer pour vital healing force; this is known as magnetic work
- When a healer has linked soul, heart, brain and auric field, mere presence of healer can feed the soul life of the patient. This is the work of radiation, as the soul emanates the power.
The Law of Expansion
The Law of Expansion
- This law highlights limited thinking
The Law of Fixation
- One of 7 laws of the Solar System under the 3 Cosmic laws
- Whatever we focus on, we energize and bring to form
- Hence, capacity of thinker to shape own destiny
The Law of Flexibility
The Law of Forgiveness
- Give thanks to the Spirit of Forgiveness daily
The Law of Free Will
The Law of Gender
- Male and female for procreation in the physical; yin and yang, male and female energy aspect within every life form also, yin and yang life contributing to life-force
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Good Will
The Law of Goodness
The Law of Grace
The Law of Gratitude
- Give thanks to the Spirit of Gratitude daily
The Law of Group Endeavor
- Shows the power of coming together with single intention
The Law of Group Life
The Law of Group Progress
- Aka Law of Elevation
The Law of Happiness
- Give thanks to the Spirit of Happiness daily
The Law of Harmony
The Law of Healing
- Ability to channel life force through one’s being
- Healers brain waves are 7.8 Hz – same as the Earths heart beat
- “Dis-ease, the result of inhibited soul life”
- Healer releases the soul so that life form can flow freely through the form
- “Dis-ease differs in humanity depending on the point of evolution of the individual”
- The more advanced healers automatically heal whoever is in their aura
The Law of Higher Will
The Law of Honesty
The Law of Humility
The Law of Identity
The Law of Intention
- Very important as contributes to karma when not honoured
The Law of Intuition
- Are we using our power? Or are we handing our power over to others?
The Law of Inverse Proportions
- Interesting, span of life related to rate of breathing
The Law of Karma
- Law of cause and effect operates heavily here
- Fear is a result of lack of knowledge
- We are responsible for the thoughts we produce
- 7 dimensions of reality where cause and effect occur
- Learn to operate in grace versus accumulating karma The Law of Knowledge
The Law of Intuition
- Are we using our power? Or are we handing our power over to others?
The Law of Inverse Proportions
- Interesting, span of life related to rate of breathing
The Law of Lotus
The Law of Love
- One of 7 laws of the Solar System under the 3 Cosmic laws
- Law of the Astral Plane
- Three points | Personality > Triad; Triad to Monad; Monad to Source
- Love has the highest frequency and is the best cure for healing
- Give thanks to the Spirit of Love daily
The Law of Lower Four
- Aka Law of Etheric Union; symbol male and female form placed back-to-back
The Law of Magnetic Control
- One of 7 laws of the Solar System under the 3 Cosmic laws
- Law which holds atoms together
The Law of Magnetic Impulse
- Aka Law of Polar Union
The Law of Magnetism
The Law of Manifestation
- Pure thought when held intently and solely = manifestation
The Law of Mantras
The Law of Meditation
The Law of Mentalism
The Law of Miracles
- Projection determined by power of will and visualization
The Law of Monadic Return
- Force of evolution and sum of three influences
The Law of No Judgements
The Law of Non-Attachment
- Attachment to self creates karma
- Love is appreciation not possession
The Law of Non-Intervention
The Law of Paradox
- Recognizes the movement of energies in 4 dimensions simultaneously
- All spiritual answers are found in the opposite perception than that which manifests in the physical
- Physical = control; while spiritual = surrender; ego is healthy and well-developed
The Law of Patience
The Law of Patterns
The Law of Peace
- Give thanks to the Spirit of Peace daily
The Law of Perception
- Our ability to discern truth is proportionate to our desire to know
The Law of Perfection
The Law of Periodicity
The Law of Planetary Affinity
The Law of Polarity
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Poverty
- Applies to spirit
The Law of Praise
The Law of Prayer and Meditation
The Law of Present Moment
- Time is a concept; we only have now
The Law of Process
The Law of Progress
The Law of Prophecy
- Be careful what you listen to – as processing the thought can manifest; as energy follows thought
The Law of Radiation
The Law of Rebirth
The Law of Rebound
The Law of Reconciliation
- Finding common ground from which to have a relationship versus focusing on the differences
The Law of Repulse
The Law of Response
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Responsibility
The Law of Rhythm
- Law of compensation and maintains equilibrium
- Either use the law or become subjected to it
- Very important to understand as belief systems play a heavy role here
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Right Human Relations
The Law of Right to One’s Own Space
The Law of Sacrifice
- One of 7 laws of the Solar System under the 3 Cosmic laws
- How growth from all elements and beings are sacrificing in terms of evolution; this is not blood sacrifice
The Law of Sacrifice and Death
- Linked to Law of Disintegration; gradual disintegration of form
The Law of Schools
- Aka the Law of Love and Light
- Unites two aspects of oneself, personal self and higher self
- Law that governs transition into higher dimension/kingdom
The Law of Service
- Aka the Law of Water and the Fishes
- Symbol | Man with pitcher on head who stands in the form of a cross
- Governing factor of Age of Aquarius
The Law of Sex
The Law of Silence
The Law of Solar Evolution
The Law of Solar Union
The Law of Sound
- Every living thing has sound
- Release of energy from atom linked to sound
- Most powerful mantra known to man “Om mani Padme hum”
- Did you know plants cry for water? And so do rocks and stones.
The Law of Spirit
The Law of Spiritual Approach
The Law of Spiritual Awakening
The Law of Spiritual Movement
- Movement, change, growth is circular, a spiral motion
The Law of Structure
- Everything is energy and everything has structure and every structure must have a an assigned purpose; very important law to study
The Law of Subconscious Mind
- Does not distinguish between fact and fiction
The Law of Suggestion
- Extremely important law to study, about how everything that is presented to us is a suggestion and how we process this information matters
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Summons
The Law of Surrender
The Law of Synthesis
- One of the 3 Cosmic laws
The Law of Teaching
The Law of Telepathy
- Third eye communication when focusing on the heart
The Law of Tenfold Return
The Law of Thought
- Must be aided by visualization, ability to work with forces and ability to handle light substances
The Law of Transcendence
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Transformation
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Three
- Positive, active
- Negative, passive
- Neutral, reconciling
The Law of Three Requests
- Request must come in threes
The Law of Time
- As one’s vibration raises, concept and reality of time diminishes
The Law of Transformation
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Truth
- Has different levels of frequency
The Law of Unconditional Love
The Law of Unity
The Law of Universal Sympathy
The Law of Verification
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Vibration
- One of 7 laws in our Solar System under 3 Cosmic laws
- All that exists is in constant motion and vibration
- One of thirteen principles of Natural Law
The Law of Will of God
The Law of Will Power
Flowing with Universal Laws, Cosmic Laws, Universal Laws, Subsidiary Laws by Margo Kirtikar PhD
The Light Shall Set Your Free by Dr. Norma Milanovich and Dr Shirley McCune
Natural Principles to Self-Governance