FIRE | Small Intestine

SI | Small Intestine Meridian
1.00-3.00 PM | Strongest Activity

1.00-3.00 AM | Weakest Activity

Small Intestine Meridian

The small intestine meridian separates beneficial from non-beneficial energies in the body, supporting absorption where required, and elimination of energy which no longer serves the being. This is a very important organ.

  • Energy | Yang
  • Meridian has a soul which travels with the being’s soul lifetime to lifetime
  • Follows and works well with | FIRE | H-Heart Meridian
  • Brain | Left-Hemisphere dominant
  • Meridian Flow | Runs from mid-ear under eye, then zigs down side of face and neck towards shoulder bone. Zig zags along shoulder bone towards front leg, and then down front leg to elbow continuing down side of leg to the exterior of paw
  • Brain | Left-Hemisphere dominant
  • Acupuncture points | 19
  • Represents | Mucous membranes of the small intestine, and nose and throat area.
  • Governs | Bacteria population, intestinal flora; small intestine and duodenum
  • Location on Tongue | ¾ of the way at the back of the tongue; sits in front of the kidney and bladder with the large intestine
  • Teeth | All meridians flow into specific teeth; dowsing identifies which meridian, organ, and gland are affiliated with each tooth
  • Gland Association | Parathyroid, adrenal-left
  • Chakra Location | Sacral
Toxicity Contributing to Imbalance
  • Impact on Body | Infections in teeth, ears, skin, Stomach, pancreas and uterus upset, shoulder and elbow pain, pulmonary and bronchial dysfunction, fevers
  • Positive Emotions | Joy, valued
  • Negative Emotions | Sadness, sorrow, suffering, unvalued
Small Intestine | Organ Function
  • Organ has 2 layers of muscle; one going one way, and the other travelling the opposite way
  • Duodenum connects the stomach to the small intestine
  • Processes food absorbing nutrients for the body

Diet, exercise, toxicities the animal is being exposed to must be addressed. In addition, the following are supportive of healing the associated organ(s). These are some resources below, however, ultimately muscle testing the animal is the best approach so the healing journey is specific to their body, mind and spirit.

Resources | Please visit the Meridians & Vessels page for list of resources.