“Grey” hair which shows up as white hair on our animals, from my experience with my own animals and my clients, means “organ alert”. It means there is a lack of circulation in this area of the body, the body is under stress, and is signaling the human to really dig down into which organ is struggling.
People assign grey hair to “old age”, when actually I feel it should be assigned to a struggling organ(s) which need support, and care. Most likely a heavy detox. When the body is cared for, and supported, the white hair does fall out, and new growth comes in.
I feel our belief systems which have been shaped heavily by society without questioning, leaves us without a true understanding about how, and what the body is messaging constantly. The body is designed to repair, not to fail. Why is it failing? What are we are participating in which is propagating such short life spans with pain, and such degradation of this beautifully designed, intelligent system? The toxicity section of this website explains a lot, with further insight provided in the blog , and the healing journeys.
To help you animal heal, dowsing, and muscle testing the system will help provide information of what, and why, and how to help the being repair on all levels of their body, mind, spirit. A dog is not old at 8-12 years of age, a cat is most certainly not old at 14, nor a horse at 22. It is we who are aging them out of their natural life spans which should be close to double these numbers.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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