We are not understanding nor taking this seriously enough I feel. I have a few pages on this website about what our exposure is through all our devices, but as I am working throughout 2023. I thought I would consolidate the information to provide a brief important overview as radiation is having to be cleared from most of my client’s bodies.
Electromagnetic radiation is radiation. Microwave waves are in microwave ovens and is military technology. What radiates the body? Electromagnetic waves. What kind of beings are we and all life? Electromagnetic. All life’s systems are being messed with.
What are symptoms of microwave radiation | EMF?
And extensive list of symptoms may be found here: https://stopthecrime.net/wp/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/symptoms.pdf
Anybody who says there is no studies about EMF radiation and its harmful effects are either uninformed or being dishonest. The military alone, regarding radar, will have a massive number of studies on file over decades easily, in order to keep their troops safe. This is just logical. To think otherwise is to not critical thinking. With all studies, the key is to understand the distance they are using, and the methodology when these studies are compiled especially when those compiling the studies say there is no harm. As these scientists are usually being paid by the very industry, they are testing products for, so they are essentially captured.
What is radiating all life on the planet exponentially:Why is all this tech called SMART? So, the buyer does not question. SMART actually means – Surveillance, Monitoring, Analysis, Reporting, Technology - hook the being up to the network, see the network above?
What do all these devices connect to? ( and this is just my limited understanding)
What is prevalent on the planet? AI. How does AI fit into all of this? I invite you to investigate and dig deep on this. It is a very active part of the world we live in, and I am not talking about AI which is running machines, answering the phone, Alexis, Siri etc. Think much larger, mobile, and more invasive. It is amazing – there are many humans who will tell you they are working with AI “and the general public has no idea, concept of what is being developed” and that they are under confidentiality agreements to not share what they are working on and being exposed to.
If you love animals, love the planet, please start getting active and really take the time to understand what is going on around you. This is about stepping up and protecting life on the planet, this is not about convenience and ignoring what is going on around you hoping another human will step up. Every contribution and voice matters, and has impact.
And know – ANIMALS are the ones being tested on over and over again for all our tech convenience. No matter the species, we as a species, sentient beings, should not be allowing this.
When Normal is NOT Normal | What people do not understand or perhaps realize is what they actually would feel like in a non-radiating zone. When you have experienced this, when the body is able to breathe, and the brain is no longer being pulsed, then the re-exposure/re-entry is very telling on the brain and the body.
This documentary explains how it is all about the pulsing of these waves and the erratic nature which affects our carbon-based bodies. The devices constantly searching to connect. Of course, here we have confirmation of the animals being tested on. The amount of sacrifice animals make for us humans, it is surprising they are still here….
What this video is not addressing, is that there are other technologies available which would not be harmful to us. We do not need to go backwards but just another direction which is not designed to hurt life on this planet. Hurt fertility. The combination of the telecommunication industry greed, and power, and the majority of citizens on this planet not questioning is not driving alternatives. Apparently, so many patents have been blocked and inventors stopped from bringing new free energy forward. Yet people would not know this as “too distracted” on their phone, having their brain being “fed” information. It is designed this way I feel.
The fabric being shown is faraday fabric and is used by many to block radiation. This is a military resource again. I have a faraday cage on our ‘forced upon’ Smart Meter.
The fact insurance companies will not insure against any of this – should have people really questioning as citizens are being radiated into the very real “do nothing” zone. Being dumbed down.
There are many resources on each of these pages on this website for the reader to investigate.
Downloaded from StopTheCrime.net | 5G-Draft-Witness-Statement-Canada-13.07.21.pdf
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False | 2006 | Professor John Ioannidis Stanford
AI – Save My Freedom with Michelle Swinick | https://www.brighteon.com/9a4a03ef-4390-4f2d-a8ca-fac0b171fb29
The Biological Effects of EMF Radiation on the Body by Dr. Richard Alan Miller
https://www.richardalanmiller.com/bookstore/p/vawthyrhs2hins434wxni6z5589zljAI Roll-Out
How We Have Been Moving Towards AI | Great Interview
Save My Freedom with Michele Swinick ft. Jeff Dornik
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