From my perspective, in animals, “allergies” are simply a combination of symptoms of the symptom page of this website which are indicating to the owner the animal is toxic with potential damage which must be repaired.
The body has either reached a point where the toxic load is too massive for the body to manage, or the body has been given something or exposed to something which is sitting in the organs, glands, body parts and body systems interfering with the innate operation of the body. Either way, this is about toxicity. Emotion may play into this too, if the animal is living in an emotionally toxic household where the stress level is beyond manageable.
Therefore, allergies are either:
1. Learned responses by the body, mind and spirit. This has been proven with NAET therapy where one taps the body clear of the association to the allergen. At some point in time the body associated trauma with the “allergen” and now feels this is a threat.
2. Not allergies at all but for most, created illness where the life force has been messed with and either surgery, or a toxin or repeated toxins have driven the body into this state. The animal is itching and scratching as this is where the toxins are sitting and usually the toxic load keeps growing with more being done to the body to “fix” the symptom.
Therefore, it is not about allergies. It is about everything the animal has been exposed to on a mental, spiritual and physical level.
Vaccination is a threat to the body, and this plays heavily into this discussion as they are full of ingredients the body would never be exposed to, and also enter the body under fear. The animal would never subject themselves to these concoctions (low frequency) in the wild, so associations are developed here which interrupt the flow of the intelligent life force. I am always clearing and healing damage from these products, and I feel most chronic illness can be linked back to these products causing harm to the body over the lifetime of the being.
Cleaning products are having a massive impact on the animals living indoors too as they are being absorbed through smell and touch as rarely is the pet owner looking at the ingredients. Hence, a lot of licking the forearms, upset ears, and feet perhaps. Glyphosate exposure I am finding is affecting animals heavily. Most of it coming via the air and or coating the ground absorbed through feet, and via the pet industry products.
The question becomes – what is the toxic soup in the body? This is about going through the toxicity section of this website and addressing what is being done or being given to an animal and choosing to understand the impact of our choices and making real change.
Usually if the body is in a lot of distress and one is “pharmaceuticaling” the body, this will only lead to more dis-ease as no pharmaceuticals heal anything. They manipulate until the body says no more, then dies.
Therefore, if you are reading this, there is work to be done. It is not a “pill” fix, it is addressing how your animal got into this state, stop what you have been doing up to this point and make changes. Self-medication – the animal will select what they need – as all the cleaning organs will be under a lot of duress and no doubt the animal will source a lot of herbs to help these organs.
It is important to understand a lot of communication pathways within the organs, glands and the body systems may have been broken due to the chemical exposure as all pharmaceuticals, vaccinations and flea and tick are highly toxic chemicals. They can also cause leaking throughout the body, hence the incessant itching and licking.
I think these tests are ineffective, another created illness revenue stream. Everyone should be looking at toxins in the blood to clear the toxins, so then the body can function normally. Allergy testing is only propagating the situation, keeping people in fear, and not helping anybody I feel especially the animal.
Hot spots are another symptom of “allergies”. Toxic soup in the body being pushed out as the body is at its limit. Those with hot spots are usually very itchy also.
I have mapped the meridians to where all animals are itching and chewing so the pet owner can understand, this is a toxic body issue.
Ideally, a good dowsing session would highlight what is going on, place the body and energy fields into a healing state, and provide the pet owner great direction. I hope this helps.
The below information is generated by an AI search on Brave – 2024 Sunday November 24. None of these should be injected in the body, reads a lot like the ingredients in a vaccination actually, which are highly toxic to the beautifully designed body. From my perspective, this is harmful science.
“Allergy Shot Ingredients
Based on the provided search results, allergy shots typically contain:
It’s essential to note that the specific ingredients and formulations may vary depending on the manufacturer and the individual patient’s needs. Additionally, some allergy shots may contain multiple allergens in a single extract, while others may be single-allergen extracts.”
Universal Allergy Healing, A Mother’s Story by Dora Sharpe
Fabulous read as the author shares how she helped heal her son who was allergic to most food, by connecting to the divine, searching for the possible and not taking no as an answer.
Every Vaccine Produces Harm by Dr. Andrew Moulden
Everyone should read this. Dr. Moulden was trying to educate the public why vaccines were immediately causing mini-strokes in the brain per shot in all life setting us all up for a lifetime of chronic illness while making the Big Pharma Medical Complex billions. He mysteriously died at the young age of 49, like a lot of other doctors and scientists trying to challenge the Complex by bringing real science to the public over the centuries.
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