Information Covered on This Page
Homeopathy is fascinating. It is intelligent.
It has been around for over 250 years much to big pharma’s disdain! What makes it so fascinating, is that it is so simple, once the right remedy is found for being. We are all conditioned to believe that to heal anything chronic there must be a monumental “fix” via science or surgery but this is marketing. This is just not true.
Homeopathy was established in the 1800’s by Samuel Hahnemann. It was tested on humans, voluntarily, so the science is defined based on real life human studies. Which hurt no one.
What is Homeopathy?
Homeopathy is the extreme dilution of plant and in some cases animal/sea life properties to extract the high potencies of their powers. It is energy medicine. And comes in the form of various dilutions, potencies. It is very, very powerful. Each of the individual remedy’s powers relate to a specific set of symptoms we organic beings may display if we took the solution when healthy. The idea is LIKE cures LIKE. What the remedy produces in a healthy body will cure what is present in a sick body. From my perspective, the remedy is getting the body to do its job healing by giving it a nudge to heal, as something has interfered with the innate intelligence of the body and it needs a nudge to say “clean all of these symptoms this remedy presents” to get the body well.
Usually, we all have one remedy that identifies us, called our constitutional remedy in homeopathy. However, as we change our lifestyle the remedy too will change I feel. In chronic cases, there are layers to the healing process, so the remedy may change as the healing journey progresses.
Remedy Profiles
Each remedy has a specific profile explaining how it interreacts with the being on all levels, physical, mental and emotional. Before anyone takes a remedy, the profile should always be reviewed to make sure what the healer is offering makes sense to you the client. This is informed consent. The profiles of all remedies have been recorded in a book called the Medica Materia. Several Medica Materia exist in addition to Hahnemann’s which are based on the doctor’s patients histories and recoveries supplementing Hahnemann’s works.
BBC Documentary
This documentary is very human focused, but again the information is applicable to our beautiful beings, our animals.
Homeopathy Vs Pharmaceuticals
Homeopathy is nothing like pharmaceuticals where many drugs are thrown in the body per symptom. This is like playing Russian Roulette as no one knows how all these drugs synergize in the body all together all at once. And of course, there are other effects of these drugs labelled “side effects’ which are really effects of the drugs, there is nothing “side” about them. These chemicals all do damage, do not heal, and MUST be intentionally cleared from the system at some point else they accumulate in the body damaging the digestive system. Homeopathy is a single remedy and does no harm. This is expanded on below.
Whole Body vs. Symptom Approach
Homeopathy has no side effects. I invite you to reference the illustration below. This is how homeopathy works compared to the conventional method. This is a simplistic look. Please note, this is not a real-life case study demonstrated below. As in a real-life case study, the animal will go through many healing cycles and healing crises to repair the body to achieve homeostasis. And remember, anything suppressed with pharma has NOT cleared the body and will have to re-surface to be healed. What is important to note:
- One natural, non-invasive remedy versus many toxic products
- Organs are not impacted and damaged
- We honour the being by listening and learning
- The body, the mind and the spirit are addressed
Acute versus Chronic
Homeopathy deals with ACUTE and CHRONIC cases. Acute cases are easier to deal with as there is a cause – effect relationship, and there is no long-term tissue damage. One can easily see the patient getting better with the remedy immediately.
Chronic cases are trickier to remedy because the condition has been festering for some years, a lot of pharma has usually gone into the body, suppressed a lot of symptoms and hence, information. Tissue damage has therefore, been building for this period too. Also, perhaps the animal has changed hands a few times too so no one really knows what has happened to the lovely being. This becomes a layered problem. This is where Zoopharmacognosey can help here to deal with trauma as the animal tells us, directs us to supporting their own healing, which highlights the layered issues in the body. I end up using both methods to help the being heal themselves while muscle testing their system along the way to make sure we are all on track.
Real- Life examples of both are presented below so one may see the difference in assessment and healing journeys.
Real-Life Experience | ACUTE | Dog Poisoned
I came home one day and my dog had annihilated the house via vomiting and diarrhea. She was fine when I left the house 3 hours prior. It was the kind of moment where you look at the damage and amount of work and say “don’t get upset, it is not her fault, it just is, put on some old clothes and take one step at a time”. It had to have been poison.
I gave her a remedy, NUX VOMICA 30C immediately and placed her on broth for 3 days. This allowed the system to repair and clean. Please note: We do not want to put food in the body because then the energy will go to the digestive system and we do not want that. We want the body to clean, have minerals and support but to not redirect resources to digestion. Therefore, broth supplies nutrients but does not tax the system with a heavy digestive responsibility.
She was fine. The system kicked whatever it was as it is designed to do. No more episodes, no vet visit, no toxicity and she was back to processing food properly 3 days later. Much to her extreme DELIGHT! Did I mention she was a Labrador? 😊
Real-Life Experience | CHRONIC | Cat not Eating, Peeing Huge Amounts, Urine stinks, Losing Whiskers and Drops Back When Stroked
Sam came to us around 3 years old. He is a tiny cat, was underweight and peeing his guts out. He was not a big eater and was on dry food. His previous owner said he would sit and just look at his food. And the smell of his urine was just so wrong, it was incredibly strong permeating the whole house. And I felt his body hurt.So, this has been the process:
1. Diet
We needed to get weight onto him and get him eating. He was switched onto raw diet in 3 days from arriving in our house. This was how long it took to convert him. He was eager to eat but I felt he was sore inside and there was a reluctance to eat.
Slippery elm paste, was made on the stove top, and was used to help heal the gut and soothe the system prior to eating. Swiping a little on his gums 15 minutes prior to food offered.
Enzymes were used to also start building up the body. Lots of notes were taken as I knew his kidneys were under a lot of strain so I needed to watch him carefully.
Above photo | Sam, eating raw meat. He used to sit and stare at the dry food his previous owner reported. I explained he knew it hurt him, hence, his coat falling out massively, ad his urine smelling so toxic.
2. Self-Medication | Zoopharmacognosey
Consistently I worked with Zoopharmacognosey to help heal him. He chose almost everything – digestion, antibacterials were massive as well as cellular repair, all kidney and hormone remedies and trauma to the body were absorbed daily.
3. Kidneys
It took 6 months for his body to heal his kidneys. The volume of liquid coming out of him, reduced 85%. Finally, I felt the kidneys were back to normal as I could touch his sides easily too but I still felt he had structural issues. And this was confirmed when he broke his toe. What cat breaks their toe at 3 yrs. of age?
At this point – I felt I needed help to go deeper in the body to help him heal.
4. Homeopathic Vet
I reached out to the homeopathic vet and provided my list of symptoms:(this was prior to my using muscle testing to test animal’s systems):
a. Jumpy
b. Not so secure in his body
c. Back hurts when I touch him
d. Broken toe, should not have happened, has skeletal issues I believe from so much pharma and vaccinations at such a young age when he was developing his frame
e. Losing hair, 80 percent improvement but still losing too much for my liking and he was dropping whiskers. This was a BIG deal for me as I thought the skeleton was again, just not strong enough
f. Stalked our other cat – behaviour was not rational
g. Sometimes bit you out of nowhere
h. Had trouble learning from past mistakes
i. Overall, very loving but not comfortable in his body
5. Remedy
Based on the symptom list above, one remedy was prescribed. After the first dose, I touched his back the next morning and no buckling. Fabulous! And no more stalking! Fabulous! These were immediate changes. I am now watching to see what else surfaces as his system was so pummelled at an early age, that the body must have suppressed more symptoms which I was not around to witness. So, he may need another dose or another remedy. It is about allowing the body to process and heal and taking a lot of notes. But I can tell, he already feels much better inside his own skin. Time will tell….it is all about patience.
How is a Remedy Determined?
What is important to know is homeopathy is a science, it takes years to know how to use each remedy and apply it to an individual being. An experienced professional for chronic cases is preferred if one is only using this modality. All symptoms of the being are listed, are important and become part of the drilling down process to the right remedy for that being. For example:
- Behavioural symptoms | Likes and dislikes, reactions to things and perhaps people, light and darkness implications, habits which seem unbalanced, changes in patterns, sleep for example, crying in the night etc.
- Physical symptoms | Sound, colour, size, change in body, stool, urine etc.; eating habits, vomiting, diarrhea, itching – where on body? Side of the body prominent, lumps, and bumps, side prefers to lie on, favoring any part of the body, etc.
- Interaction with others, humans and animals
- Weather impact on the above symptoms
- Time of day above symptoms occur. One may reference here to understand the importance of the time of day.
- Accidents, injury, trauma | History which could have impacted permanent imbalance on the being
- Everything tells a story. All of it is very important information about how this being is currently operating and perceiving the world around him/her from the inside out A lot of what a homeopath would be looking for may be found on the symptoms page on this website. This is what I am interested in also to help any being heal their body, mind, and spirit.
Homeopathy’s Power
What Can Homeopathy Heal
Everything, including cancer. Please find a link below explaining how brain cancer, which evolved into seizures and vision loss as well, was healed which was a result of suppression of original skin issues. https://vitalanimal.com/case-reports/
The challenge comes when the animal has been chronically ill for years, using homeopathy alone takes time. A well-seasoned homeopath is better to answer this question. What I do not know is if the modality can deal with clearing AI and nanotechnology from the body. It is my understanding energy work is needed to supplement this.
How to Give
Every animal is different, it is important the remedy goes into the body and does not drop on the floor, so this becomes the determining factor.
First, the animal should be offered the remedy through smell, with permission granted to give it to them. They know if you have the right remedy as they are always willing, if not eager to take it.
If they walk away, this means the remedy is not correct, not accurate. They can sense the vibration, so if you are not muscle testing or dowsing, then offer a few different vials of different remedies you may think they need, and see what they say if you are at all unsure.
Ideally, dropping the remedy on the inside of the animal’s gum line along the side of the mouth by pulling the lip out, allows for absorption using the cap of the remedy to tip the remedy into the mouth, no touch is preferred.
Another option, especially with small animals, is using a dropper along the gum line or a mouth syringe. The remedy, if not already diluted, may be dissolved in a little water and then given.
The idea is no food or water at least ten minutes before and after remedy but this is not always possible. Do the best you can, the more time the remedy has to work on its own, versus with other substances the more powerful it is thought to be.
The important thing is, the animal knows what they need, so consent is important, and this confirms you are actually helping them, not offering the body something that it does not need. If it has to be given with food, then this is better than not at all.
It is always preferable to give on the side of the mouth as then no choking can occur versus going directly into the mouth. It is important also to give remedies with peace, love and gratitude never in a rushed state, never in a forced manner either, as this counters healing.
How to Use
The traditional method is to give a remedy and watch and wait to see how the body responds. To my knowledge, homeopaths give remedies to be taken daily at the same time every day. It of course depends on the situation. Changes could be instant within 24 hours where acute illness presents or it may take a few weeks to turn the body around.
In 2024, the energy levels on the planet are much, much higher. I use dowsing to help clear the body and then determine what remedy is needed, and how often. I find this is very effective, especially as with chronic cases we are jumping remedies to help the body navigate back to health.
It is crucial good documentation is taken / recorded, daily with the time of day. All changes, behavioural and physical mean something, so do not filter in note taking, take photos too where they are helpful for comparison and information.
How to Store
Store in cool, dry, dark place
No sun exposure, or bright lights
No EMF exposure or heat from electronics or appliances esp. cell phones
Away from other drugs, essential oils and anything strong smelling. Store in “their own place”.
How Long Do They Last
Dry doses – forever, with care
Wet doses – check the liquid – any cloudiness – throw out; but should last a very long time
Using With Other Modalities
No matter who I talk to, I receive a different answer. Some say not to use homeopathy with acupuncture or herbs as this can confuse the life force. It is best one modality is chosen so the life force can be watched and the direction is clear. The practitioner will want to know what the messages are from the body, the symptoms, in order to know how help the whole being. By placing a lot of different modalities in the system at once, the picture, the vital force’s expression, may become a little fuzzy.
However, since I have been using muscle testing and dowsing, I find one can drill down on what to use, and how often, and compatibility with other modes of healing including essential oils. I am finding compatibility does exist and the healing is witnessed with the right questions asked, and the animal engaged in the healing process. They know and are very keen to direct their own healing. I ask always, it is a team effort.

Arnica Montana
Arnica is fondly used in the entertainment industry for bruising, as no actor or actress can be seen bumped or bruised from their daily life on screen. It is also used for shock to the body. One can take it internally or externally. My niece had her wisdom teeth out, and Arnica was taken internally. Not one bruise experienced.
Remedies Most Common
The remedies most commonly used I find to date are the following:
- Aconite Napellus
- Arnica Montana
- Arsenicum Album
- Calcarea Carbonica
- Carbo Vegetabilis
- Echinacea
- Hypericum Performatum
- Lachesis Mutus
- Lycopodium Clavatum
- Nux Vomica
- Phosphorous
- Pulsatilla Pratensis
- Rhus Toxicodendron
- Ruta Graveolens
- Sepia Officinalis
- Silicea Terra
- Sulfur
- Symphytum Officinale
- Thuja Occidentialis
Each remedy has a profile which I have provided on the links above as a rough indicator of what the remedy would be helping the animal heal.

Calendula, the Marigold Flower
Calendula is a massive healer. The macerate / CO2 is ingested by a lot of animals during Zoopharmacognosey sessions. Especially when there are skin issues. Calendula is also a homeopathic remedy.
I am a massive fan of Calendula tincture diluted for open sores, and calendula salve for healing all kinds of things. The body heals extremely fast with its aid. To gain understanding without having to read a lot, a great resource to read is Homeopathy the First Aider by Dr. Dorothy Shepard. Product resources are referenced at the bottom of this page.
Combo Remedies | Not Proven
Homeopathy is a science. Each homeopathic remedy has been tested and proven singularly. Combos have not been tested all together in a human body – synergistically. Meaning, they have not been “proven” and therefore, there is no data on them. When one is offered these combo’s, this is not accurate diagnosis. This is taking the “conventional ideology” route. This will confuse the body as the body will have to respond in some way making it harder to properly diagnose the original imbalance.
Dr. Will Falconer, reports, “The use of these remedies is palliation. And what palliation does is suppress symptoms for a while but the chronic issue remains. It has not been dealt with at all. As soon as the combo remedy is stopped then all the symptoms will return and probably in a much stronger force.”
This is actually really dangerous because as palliation is being practised the chronic issue grows. Crucial time is being lost in the healing process as the being will indeed be getting sicker.
Something to consider when remedies are labeled based on symptoms such as ITCH remedies and ALOPEA remedies. This is not how homeopathy is supposed to be utilized. Every being is different and every being will require a professional homeopath to find “that being’s constitutional remedy”.
So, beware of remedies labeled based on symptoms such as ITCH remedies and ALOPEA remedies. This is not how homeopathy is supposed to be utilized. Every being is different and every being will require a professional homeopath to find “that being’s constitutional remedy”.
Selecting the Right Remedy
For low dosing, I use muscle testing or dowsing. This is very accurate I find and see results right away. So far, I have found chronic cases need low dosing often. Muscle testing allows one to determine the constitutional remedy, potency, dosage, and frequency.
For situations where high dosing is required, if this is the route one would like to take, I suggest one finds an experienced homeopath or homeopath vet. Always take notes, keep history against a time line about each of your animals. It is your responsibility to keep track of your animals’ symptoms and progress and then follow up. The more information provided the better. Always keep in mind, as there are good doctors and not so good doctors this too applies to homeopaths. So, seek the professional who works for you, who you feel comfortable with. Who practises 100% homeopathy, no dabbling while practising conventional as this is not going to help your animal.
And most importantly, they must deal with the constitution, not giving multiple remedies for symptoms present. This is not how this modality is supposed to be practised.
Homeopathy versus Self-Medication | Zoopharmacognosey
I have been exposed to homeopathy for a lot longer than Zoopharmacognosey. What I like about Zoopharmacognosey, is the animal is fully engaged in their healing. They direct the healing process fully. The pet owner supports the process but does not dictate the remedies, the animal does. And by doing so, there is 100% accuracy.
With homeopathy, if one is not using muscle testing, then finding the matching remedy is a skill set. The homeopath has to know how to drill down into your animal’s symptoms and then come up with the right remedy. The most challenging thing is a lot of symptoms are not visible to the human. And people’s memories must be relied on. However, when practising Zoopharmacognosey, the information surfaces during a self-selection session as the animal is directing. It is really, really interesting as based on the selection the issues for the animal are highlighted which is come cases the pet owner is unaware of.
Time is also a factor. While both methods can provide immediate results, the homeopathic remedy does sometimes take time to work. Applied Zoopharmacognosey, the results are usually more immediate I find. It all depends on the being and the imbalance. However, homeopathy takes less time to administer. A Zoopharmacognosey session may take up to two hours to allow the animal to fully process the remedies required.
I have witnessed remarkable things with both methods. And I do not find they cancel each other out when using both modalities at the same time. I check using muscle testing. What I feel though is Applied Zoopharmacognosey is more accurate with some animals because the human ego is not involved.
In my experience, I have also found some vet homeopaths prescribing based on ailment not constitution. Remedies should never be given based on one major symptom in a chronic case – the imbalance must always be diagnosed based on the whole being. But again, this is not what I am coming across. So, keep this in mind when working with anyone if you go this route. I hope this helps. Please reach out if you have any questions. I would be happy to discuss further.

Nettle | Urtica Urens
This plant is used in both homeopathy and Self-Medication | Zoopharmacognosey. It is known for its liver cleaning properties, but it does more than just that in the body. The Materia Medica shown below, provides all the profiles of all the homeopathic remedies. It explains in detail how the plant, Urtica Urens, impacts the whole body by organ. In Zoopharmacognosey, the animal will select the pure dry form of the plant usually with water and maybe with oil and maybe with another remedy. The animal will dictate the dose, the frequency, and the time of day needed. We always follow their lead. They know. For horses, the plant is cut and dried, then the horses munch away at their leisure. Again, nature knows.
Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats (4th Edition)
In the new edition above, Dr. Pitcairn now promotes a vegan diet for dogs and cats which people are upset about.
Dr. Pitcairn’s Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs & Cats (2005)
This is the older edition which I have used for many years, some people like this version better:
Homeopathic Care for Cats and Dogs, Revised Edition: Small Doses for Small Animals by Don Hamilton, DVM
Practical Handbook of Veterinary Homeopathy, Healing Our Animals Inside Out by Wendy Thacher Jensen, DVM
Homeopathic Treatment of Small Animals Principles and Practice by Christopher Day, MA, VetMB, VetFFHom, MRCVS
Cats Homeopathic Remedies by George MacLeod, MRCVS, DVSM, VetFFHom
Boericke’s New Manual of Homeopathic MATERIA MEDICA with REPERATORY by William Boericke
New World Veterinary Repertory, by Richard H. Pitcairn and Wendy Jensen
Homeopathy for the First Aider by Dr. Dorothy Shepherd
Magic of the Minimum Dose, Impressive Case Histories by a World-Famous Homeopath Demonstrating the Superiority of Homeopathy by Dr. Dorothy Shepard
Homeopathy in Epidemic Diseases by Dr. Dorothy Shephard
Homeopathy for the First Aider by Dr. Dorothy Shepard
Homeopathy Beyond Flat Earth Medicine, An Introduction for Students and Patients by Timothy R. Dooley, ND, MD
Best Homeopathic Books On-Line & Free: https://homeopathybooks.in/
Inspirational True Stories of Animals and Angels in My Life by Gloria Dodd DVM |
Tincture: https://www.fushi.co.uk/marigold-calendula-tincture-100ml-by-fushi-wellbeing.html
Salve: https://well.ca/products/clef-des-champs-organic-calendula_101180.html
Case Studies
Fabulous information here from Dr. Will Falconer, Vital Animal – a homeopathic vet for 30+ years.
Homeoprophylaxis Expert & Author
I am leaving these links here, even though broken, as Isaac Golden has done amazing work healing vaccine damage over the decades. Hence, the removal of his sites. If you can find his information, it is well worth reading.
Vital Animal by Will Falconer DVM
Remedy Sites
YouTube: School of Homeopathy
Remedy Suppliers
Remedies of low potency can be used without homeopathic advice. High dosing must be via a professional’s instruction as damage could be caused.
Vet Homeopath Resource