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In this shop I am offering documents and dowsing charts to help navigate energy, help clear the unwanted and heal. All products are set-up to be downloaded only.
Using our intentions to direct energy for healing, it is important to understand the following.
Our thoughts are energy. We are energy. Everything is energy. We have the power to shift and change all energy around us. What stands in our way usually is the programs and belief systems we are tied to and are running. If one wishes to expand their mind, their power and the possible, one must neutralize these which do not service the highest and greatest good and well-being for all.
One does this via intention –
I neutralize all belief systems and programs from all levels of my existence not serving my higher self and highest and greatest good and well-being for all now
One may have to say this a few times as some of these will be deeply entrenched. Daily maintenance of this is crucial too if one is working with energy so one is not limiting the flow based on predefined parameters.
I hope you find these products service your beautiful beings, and all life around you.
All prices are in USD. If one wishes to e-transfer in Canada or in the United States, this option is available via a direct email to myself at, where the order may be emailed directly after payment is received, thank you.
Otherwise, PayPal is offered as a form of payment. No direct credit card payments are offered at this time, thank you.
Terms of Sale
All products are final sale.
Two-Hour Healing Gift Card
This provides a two-hour healing session with a detailed report of the healing provided. No official intake will occur, unless otherwise directed.
An official intake involves a compilation of the animal’s history with photos and vet records provided which equates to a few more hours at additional cost depending on the age of the animal and toxic exposure.
This is valid for one year only. Price 205.00 USD.
Daily Negative Energy & Entity Clearing
This document is about clearing all the unwanted energies in, around oneself and the environment so one’s energy and their animal’s energy is not being drained and used with their frequency disturbed. These entities and energies can be very manipulative with curses doing a lot of damage. This is ideally said in the morning and evening. One may encompass more than what is written within the clearing, it is all about intention. Price 13.00 USD.
Clearing Vaccine Toxins via Dowsing
This document I was instructed by source to provide. We are each unique as are our animals. Therefore, how the organic carbon-based body has processed these products is specific to the individual. From my perspective, if one has received any of these products the body has been damaged, including all our animals and will be playing out as chronic disease in the physical and energetic bodies of the being. This document aims to direct the pet owner via intention to help clear these concoctions from all levels of their animal, and any other life force they wish to help.
All belief systems and programs must be neutralized daily by the pet owner literally, with protection and the ego neutralized, with the dowser becoming a true investigator. If any questions, please reach out, I am always happy to help. Price 44.00 USD
In addition to this document, one may find the following dowsing charts available for purchase below to be useful: Glands, Organs, Meridians, Toxins, Toxin Clearing Method
All my dowsing charts are circular in design, and colourful. If one wishes to see an example of them, the Vitamins and Minerals charts are available at no cost on the Mineral and Vitamin page of this website, thank you.
Please note, where charts may have been updated since last purchase, purchase of the new updated chart will be required, thank you.
Price per Dowsing Chart | 4.00 USD
Alphabet Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart is used to find the first letter of a place or thing and to spell out a word or place
Bach Flower Remedies Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart is used for selecting the optimal combination of remedies to help an animal heal, if this is the best way to help them or if this is all you have access to. The Best Way to help them heal chart is offered below.
Best Way Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart presents a variety of healing avenues available to help the animal heal. What is the optimal route of therapies for helping this animal heal their body, mind and spirit?
Blood Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart is a very important as the toxins impact the fluids in the body. Where there is illness there is toxins in the fluids usually. How has the blood been impacted and where to look? This is the focus of this chart.
Body Parts – A Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents all body parts from the head along the top of the animal
Body Parts – B Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents all body parts from under the animal including all legs and feet.
Cell Salts Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart is for selecting the optimal combination of salts to help an animal heal, if this is the best way to help them. The best way to help them heal chart is offered above.
Chakras – Animals Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart presents all the chakras in the body. One may ask what are damaged, stuck, closed, in need to help. Chakra systems exist in each of the force field bodies too – not just the physical, so it is important to be specific, and to check all systems.
Colours Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents all colours which the body, or organ, gland or body part, may need sent into it to help it help.
Cranial Nerves Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents all the twelve cranial nerves which are impacted negatively by vaccines and pharmaceuticals
Entities and Energies Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart is crucial as it is important one’s body, energy fields and space are cleared of everything on the chart so not only is the dowsing accurate but also those trying to heal are not being worked for their energy where their body is compromised. This is the first step of my dowsing procedure, is my space clear and free of all manipulations? This is essential to check before beginning to work with a pendulum I find.
Essential Oils Dowsing Chart v.1
There are three essential oil charts which are colour coded by category based on Caroline Ingraham’s work. They work together. This is a faster way than presenting all the oils individually to the animal – asking the dowsing system the synergy the animal requires to help them heal at this present moment. Please keep in mind their body changes throughout the day so the synergy required will most likely adjust also. One must then drill down asking about smell versus application. We must always work with the animal, never do to them.
Force Field Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents what could be impacting the force field of a being which needs to be addressed, cleared and or healed.
Geobiological Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents all geobiological interferences. It is an important chart as the earth has been so disturbed with much electromagnetic interference, and construction.
Glands Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart is represents the majority of the glands in the body.
Heavy Metals Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents all the heavy metals that may be sitting in the body which must be deleted.
Homeopathic Remedies Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart is used for selecting the optimal combination of remedies to help an animal heal, if this is the best way to help them or if this is all you have access to. The Best Way chart to help them heal chart is offered above I this shop also.
Licking, Chewing, Nibbling Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart helps one narrow down where in the body the need to lick, chew or nibble is coming from.
Meridians Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart represents the main meridians and vessels which run through the body against the time of day.
Negative Emotions Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart addresses the main negative emotions being processed by humans and animals. These can actually form into Spirits when strong, given enough power and then must be neutralized. They will then be picked up on the Entities and Energies Chart.
Percent 96.0-100.0% Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart narrows down the top percentages escalating by 0.1% from 96.0% to 100.0%.
Percent 99.900-100.000% Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart drills down further the top percentages escalating by 0.005% from 99.900% to 100.000%.
pH Dowsing Chart v.1
This chart provides pH values to check whether all parts of the body are acidic or alkaline. This is very important to check when helping a being heal.
Toxin Clearing Method Dowsing Chart v.1
As we are all living in a toxic soup on this planet and most animals have been exposed to and have had toxic products placed on them and in them, the question becomes how to negate these toxins once and for all from the body and energy fields. Clearing the toxins depends on their exposure, the product, the imbalance presented, this chart helps narrow the process down.
Toxins A Dowsing Chart v.1
One of the most crucial charts as when there is imbalance, there are toxins. What is jamming and hurting the innate intelligence of the body. This chart encompasses all toxins that I have come across to date. It is a lot. To clear these, it would be in one’s best interest to invest in the Toxin Clearing Method chart above also.
Toxins B Dowsing Chart v.1
One of the most crucial charts as when there is imbalance, there are toxins. What is jamming and hurting the innate intelligence of the body. This is chart one of two encompassing all toxins that I have come across to date. It is a lot. To clear these, it would be in one’s best interest to invest in the Toxin Clearing Method chart above also.