Apple Cider Vinegar
The Uses and Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Apple cider vinegar, organic and with the “mother” is a huge pH balancer as it helps alkaline the gut. It is also a massive anti-bacterial and can be used to clean the gut, around the mouth and wounds. The amount apple cider vinegar to water ratio, depends on how much power is required of the apple cider vinegar (ACV) usually a 50:50 ratio will suffice.
Adding ACV to Food
Typically add 1/4 tsp per day for cats; and for a Labrador size dog, 1 teaspoon per day to give the pet owner some idea of amount per feeding. This helps their gut, and their mouth pH stay alkaline.
Inflammation Around the Jaw, Sterilizing and Keeping It Clean
It is very important to keep things as sterile as possible. Mix 50/50 ACV and distilled or filtered water. Use a sterile cloth to dab the infected area of the mouth with the mixture. Before you do this, let your animal know this may sting a little but that they will feel much more comfortable afterwards.
Do not put the infected cloth back into the mix. Use another fresh sterile cloth to continue dabbing. The most important part of this is keeping everything separate and clean.
Please do not let your animal lick the cloth. If they wish to lick the cloth, prepare a bowl, ceramic or glass, with 2 cups of fresh water, and add 1 tablespoon of ACV. Place on the floor and let your animal self-select the mixture at their leisure. However, this too must be emptied, and a fresh new bowl introduced if the mixture is sourced a few times, as you do not want bacteria circulating in the very mixture you are trying to use to negate this issue. This must be done a few times a day to make sure this is resolved. Smelling essential oils via self-medication supports the healing process too. As well as offering Bach Rescue Remedy, four drops in a separate bowl, ceramic or glass, of water for self-medication too.
If the Jaw is Infected Then One Must Also Clean the Forearms, Paws etc.
If the animal’s lips are infected, the outside of the jaw, then one must clean where they also lick or chew. This will require a few more cloths as every area must be treated separately. This is a cycle which has been going on outside the body and inside the body that must be halted.
Any small sores or open skin, once cleaned with the ACV wash, then dust with dry green clay, must be food-grade to seal, cool, and heal the wound, detoxing without scaring.
All wounds I wash with a 50/50 mix of ACV and then dab dry. Green clay is then packed in to help seal, cool detox and heal. If the wound has any blood, then red clay is used instead as it is preferred for more serious gashes. However, if at all in doubt, seek a healthcare professional.