Negative Energies & Entities
The Dark Side of the Planet’s Polarity
This is very interesting to me that this is now part of my healing process. I never thought I would be writing about this, much less dowsing entities. But here I am, doing just this.
Negative entities, ghosts, cording, etc. are all very real in our world. We are all energy, and there are other energies around us. Some are good, some are lost, some are really bad, it just depends on their intention, the “species”, and journey of these entities.
This is part of our 3D world, as this dimension presents polarity, the dark and the light. It is how we wish to command our light which depends on how much we entertain the dark side allowing them to use our energy and manipulate us. As everything has a frequency, our frequency and our animal’s frequency determines what doorways we open to entertain these energies. Again, this is all dependent on how we own our light. And how we operate affects our animals directly as they are in our energy fields, and spaces.
I have been doing this long enough, which is not that long, and can already see when I am working on a being and their frequency takes an unexpected drop, something else is at play. The nature spirits of the body, which are vital for our energy systems, and exist inside our body, and outside in nature, as we are one, also take a dive. I can also see symptoms more exaggerated, and heightened with high levels of pain associated. Something else is drawing on the energy system, and what was uncomfortable before symptom-wise, then becomes unbearable. Vitamin and mineral balances also become depleted. This is very real.
Cording is something to very aware of, as cords may close chakras, and do immense damage to the energy system. I find a lot pf pet owners cord through worry, and when their lives are not going “as planned” they use their animals as support.
Horses especially can have a large number of cords running to them to the point they can block the body and contribute to “colic” in the body.
Headaches, and pounding migraines in humans can mean a cord to their Crown Chakra, someone is trying to control them.
Energy Impact | Some Examples
I just tested an animal today, 2022 July 3, and at the end of cleaning their system, thinking I was finished found someone had corded to the animal earlier that same day. Below are real-life examples of negative energies, and the impact on the beings.
Energy Impact of Psychic Cording | Species: Dog
Energy Level (EL) | 334,000
Nature Spirits | 71% in Body – yet this had been increased hours earlier ***
Psychic Cord | 1 | Removed
Energy Level (EL) | 342,000
One can see the difference, the energy draw, on the body once removed.
Perspective | It is important to note, this is not a strong cord, some cords pull immense amount of energy from the being.
Energy Impact of Negative Entities (NE) | Species: Human
Energy Level (EL) | 311,000
Negative Entities | 3 | Removed
Energy Level (EL) | 332,000
When a life form has a lower EL, such as 200,000, the draw on the energy system can be greater as the system is not as strong to repel the forces.
Perspective | It is of value to know when I first work on any being their EL is in the negative range -50,000 to -90,000. As I begin to clean the energy fields, the numbers start to rise. And we wonder why people, and our animals are tired, bad tempered, and ill?
2022 October | Energy Levels on Planet Increasing | Please note energy levels are increasing exponentially weekly. These were measured months ago, and are now considered very low numbers in comparison to where beings should be on the scale.
Things We May Not Know, But Need to Know
Land frequency, land life force, home frequency, and the greed level on land, as everything has a Spirit, if these are low, sometimes even in the negative, you and your animals will be feeling drained, bad tempered, frustrated, perhaps always arguing – all the low vibrational energies will be at play as this energy level is literally hosting the dark energies.
Some animal’s strange behaviour labelled as “this is them” could really be about them navigating these energies or entities or both which humans are unaware of. I have witnessed my own animals do this, do something strange. Before I would not know any different, realize it was out of character, not knowing how to drill down into the cause. Sure enough, one night, checking my dog’s system after we had come home from being out, a negative entity needed to be removed.
Our animals are here to guide us, and teach us. I suggest every one of us pay attention to them fully, and learn what they are messaging. For some animals, it is really tricky because the animals can see some of these scary entities, and this puts an immense strain on their energetic systems which inadvertently impacts their physical body. They are indeed frightened.
Frequency & Types of Entities
Everything is about frequency. The less we look after ourselves INTERNALLY, SPIRITUALLY, the more we become a host as well as our home, as we become a vibrational match.
What is VERY IMPORTANT to understand is these things are after our energy. They are like leaches. The more one participates in low vibrational activity, the more they can harvest. When you see two people arguing, think of them as puppets, as energy puppets being worked by the dark side for their energy. This is how it works. While everybody is assigning unbalanced behavior to the personality – what is really happening is the humans are being worked for not only their energy but all the energy of those who are witnessing them too. Sort of like watching news feeds, they are designed to do the same thing, grab as much human low vibrational energy as possible.

The above diagram illustrates how this works. The goal is get as MUCH energy from you as possible. Therefore, they will target the weakest link around you, this may be your child, your animal, whatever they can to make you upset. Therefore, not only do they get the targeted being’s energy but also all those around this being due to the negative emotions processed. The vibrational drop in the energy fields of each those participating then open for energy consumption. It is all about energy, vibration and consent. They are draining one’s light literally.
What can you bring home, and host? Or have been hosting for decades in the case for some people, and their animals?
Curses | These are easier to place on another than one might think. They can do immense damage to the being dropping their frequency massively opening them up too much physical dis-ease.
In the animals, these occur where humans have tried to dominate them leaving them scarred with this energy vibration. These can lead to dementia, lack of will to live, it depends on the number and strength I feel. Curses are very physically debilitating and can affect land, businesses, and all structures too.
2024 April | I just removed curses from a whole host of beautiful deer hanging around, from the humans who were not so welcoming.
Ghosts | These can be drawing energy for decades, and are heavily attached to a lot of properties. They will also jump onto children, sometimes to help when the child is young and needing support. I am learning daily here, but I have found they can be with people for a long time.
Hexes and Spells | I have not had too much exposure to these, they are more prevalent in humans and places, than animals I have found. Both can have an immense impact on any person, place, event or thing.
Negative Entities, Spirits of Negative Entities, Dimensional Entities, and Other Entities | These are usually around or attached to everyone, in homes, and attached to a lot of people’s animals, plants, and sometimes hiding in energy fields. A low vibrational pet owner, will lead to a low vibrational home, surroundings, and a low vibrational animal(s), as everything is connected energetically.
Dimensional entities are really strong and dark. A lot of these entities can have master’s which also must be dealt with. There has to be a lot of trauma, or repetitive low vibrational activity day to day over and over again, for them to come in and work, as it has to be worth their while I feel.
Poltergeists | These are VERY strong and can actually draw up to 50% of a being’s energy “tank”. Poltergeists are known for moving things, making things happen in the household, very manipulative. Usually there is a portal that has been opened due to construction or an event that causes them to be active in some client’s homes or business.
Psychic Cording | Mentioned above, These are people running cords to others. Usually this is for safety, dependency, a lot of sorrow and pity establishes cords where people are “worrying” about the being, but can be for other reasons too. These are created via intention, and focus on another being through consistent thought.
Something to consider, people “worry”, thinking this translates into “caring” when it actually energetically does a lot of harm. It actually does the reverse of what they are wishing to accomplish. It drains the beings energy, and they usually cord too. Worry is low, low vibration, and achieves nothing. Coming from a place of love and strength takes the pressure off, with the question being, how can I help you?
Cords may attach to different areas of the body and are usually impacting the chakras of the being. I find a lot of headaches, and migraines are to do with cording – someone is trying to control another.
Psychic Attachments | These may be found in a being’s Aura, Chakras, Organs – it is interesting where they attach. as I find this is where the being is weak in their body initially and then drill down deeper as to why. I am finding a lot of these in every being. I call them manipulators. They are coming through technology daily. https://www.soundwavesheal.com/psychic-attachment-aura-entity/
Psychic Implants | These are very interesting. Once cleared, I am finding they are being reinstated via technology – the menu screens on the TV’s are one of many places. Just a cat walking by a computer on the counter is being impacted, or sitting with an animal while on the phone. Some beings have anywhere from 1 to 27 implants messing with their physical, and energetic systems https://www.soundwavesheal.com/all-about-psychic-implants/ They will block glands, organs and body parts functioning fully. They too can sit in the chakras, and aura of the being. Intention clears these, so far, and this must be done at least daily. Humans are exposing their animals to these via technology, and garbage food. Note, these impact vison and hearing immensely.
Other Energies | This encompasses other energies with mal intent. They can also be left behind from toxins. I do not understand it fully, but when toxins are removed from the physical and energetic bodies, it is like an energetic signature is left behind which can do a lot of damage such as blocking the life force flow of the being interrupting the operation of organs, glands and body parts.
Demons | These entities are linked to depression, crazy behaviour, and mental illness. I can tell now when someone is carrying a demon. You can feel the energy is not right, their language is extremely self-defeating, and their behaviour makes no sense to what they are wishing to achieve, to accomplish. The demon is all about drawing energy from the being, and all those around them creating chaos.
2024 March, these are not on the planet any more from my understanding and work to date.
How Negative Thought Forms Contribute
The vibrational scale is very important to understand as this impacts our frequency. How we choose to operate, will determine not only the strength of our light but also who is drawn to us.
Negative emotions and negative thought forms imprint on all matter around us and send out a frequency to match this vibration.
This imprinting can have major impacts on how life around one responds regarding vital energy and life force flow. It is like having a heavy, heavy weight placed on top of one’s energy system which drops the frequency of the being potentially inviting the above to host. Animals, and plants are very susceptible with areas of the human body being a focus where there is weakness.
With Reference to Dis-ease
What is very important to understand, is I have seen organs off-line energetically only to correct once these energies are cleared. So, when we see im-balance, dis-ease – is it really physical, or energetic is the question, as we are energetic beings, and this is without a doubt playing out in the physical body.
If you wish to learn more, I suggest people read Ramon Grace’s book, The Future is Yours, True Stories about Dowsing, Spontaneous Healing, Ghost Busting and the Incredible Power of the Mind, on Dowsing, and visit his website for educational resources to download. This is very real, and make no mistake if you are not clearing yourself, your home, and all beings you love, you are all hosting some entities. The question becomes, where, on who, and how many.
The Benefits of Clearing Your Space
A clear mind, more focus, no more drama in the house, peacefulness, a complete calmness, a healing body, bad behaviour subsides, no more aches and pains potentially as a lot of these entities draw on the glands and specific body parts, especially where there is weakness. Pain is a huge factor here. The shift is incredible once you start practicing, it shows how we are all so very manipulated without knowing, or understanding who we really are, and the world we live in.
A Daily Negative Energy & Entity Clearing Document is available in the shop on this website for those interested in clearing their family, homes and other spaces.
Clearing & Focusing on One’s Power
This all comes down to owning our power and managing our thoughts and emotions. This is about 100% accountability and responsibility for how one is operating. When this is practised this then leads to, better communication about how one is processing and evolving, an understanding that the universe is consistently communicating all the time to help one navigate.
The practise of Ho’oponopono teaches every negative thought given to consciousness must be rebalanced with positive energy. As every negative thought opens a doorway, drops our world vibrationally, and therefore, must be intentionally sealed with love and forgiveness countering this drop, sending this out to all of consciousness.

Please take the time to understand the universe we live in. We are all energetic beings. Everything is connected, we are not alone. We are each here to master our light.
Star Glyph – Restoring DNA Blueprint

“Restoring Divine DNA Blueprint. Star Glyph to remove Parasitic DNA Mutation that invites entities and is an energetic link to Fear Programming. This glyph restores DNA. “ Take the time to look at it and feel your body recalibrate. Namaste’.
Clearing Guidance and Support | https://cendrines.com/podcasts/
Mark Attwood Interviewing Jerry Marzinsky
This is a fabulous interview. Jerry was working with the mentally ill, realizing they are not ill but possessed and no one was investigating these voices in the slightest much less monitoring anyone’s brain to benchmark what the brain chemistry was doing. Doctors are just medicating – that is all, with not investigation into why. This area of medicine is therefore keeping those mentally ill – permanently ill while making pharma and themselves wealthy.
Entities do not like: Pslam 23, 91, Gregorian Chants especially in French
Sherry Swiney Dark Voices from Dark Entities 1⁄2