In mainstream medicine, the eyes are looked at separately from the body. Crazy. In “whole – isitic” medicine, the holistic approach, the eyes are an indicator of a much larger issue in the body. It all depends on the individual being what exactly the cause is, emotional, physical or spiritual, or perhaps a combination of them all.
Glaucoma, from my experience with animals, is infection coming from the base of the ears, with inflammation in the head. The infection usually is coming up from one of the organs, either kidney, spleen or liver. Mobility also has an impact. Often a lot of back-end issues are impacting the eyes, as tendons, and structure are directly linked again, to the head via the meridians. During energy healing sessions, I can feel where the imbalances sit in the body which are connected to the eyes.
With glaucoma, there will most certainly be other “symptoms” being expressed by the body which need to be healed. The eyes are just one of the “alarm bells”. Therefore, the process becomes, making a list of symptoms in order of appearance time-line wise as clear as one can remember, then coming up with a healing plan which includes supporting the eye, while healing the whole body, mind, and spirit.
There are many routes one can take to heal the eyes naturally by healing the body. Animals are usually easier than humans as there is less emotional involved and their willingness to heal is more present. Whereas humans, the eyes may translate to “I do not wish to see what is in front of me right now” which makes the healing journey potentially more complicated. How to help your animal?
The six avenues I work with to help your animal are:
I use a combination of muscle testing and dowsing to determine the best route of healing for each individual. These are each briefly explained below.
Diet is crucial to look at. Is the body getting sufficient minerals, and vitamins to run on? Especially Vitamin A, E, and C. Is the body being fed what it needs in alignment with the species? Is there any toxicity in the diet which could be contributing to the system breakdown? Is the body using all the food? Is the body on compatible proteins? As many animals test negative, for many. Is there weight gain, and debris on the teeth? This could be linked to a depleted gut balance. What is the pH balance of the animal’s gut, and mouth? So much to look at here.
I initially use dowsing, and muscle testing to gather as much information as possible about what is blocking the body from running efficiently. I use dowsing to shift energy clearing the unwanted, running energy in, and reducing dis-ease. It is incredible the amount of healing that can take place just through shifting energy. I then also address what is upsetting the animals system, in detail, defining which avenue of healing will support your animal the best. In some cases, it may be a combination of them all. Our animals are being exposed to so many toxins, I have to clear each, and educate the owner about exposure and we begin negating the sources.
Emotional Component
Eyes are also about not wanting to see what is going on around the being, not being able to process something. Louise Hay states in her book, Heal Your Life, glaucoma is about – “Stony unforgiveness. Pressure from long-standing hurts. Overwhelmed by it all.” With cataracts linked to “Inability to see ahead with joy. Dark future.” So, this is all considered when dealing with the eyes, as our animals are stuck in our households, and sometimes the negative emotional energy can be too much, and this becomes a coping mechanism in the body.
We are all energy. Our systems are energy systems – electrical one might say. When an energy worker works on the being at an energetic level, then the energy centers are cleaned, and healing is supported according to the beings’ subconscious direction. Lots of important information can be gained via these sessions as often I can find in the body where the issue is potentially coming from with the cataracts being a symptom of a larger system issue.
These are symbols infused with source energy that can be placed on the body, with a surrogate also being used when needed, to help the body heal. With the eyes there will be several areas which will need support. I have one dog where a cyst on the eyelid and on the inside of the lid is almost gone just in a few days, using her photo only and placing the glyph on the required area. Other glyphs are also being used in conjunction with dowsing to heal her body.
This is energy medicine. One remedy or perhaps two, depending on the being’s constitution is chosen based on all the symptoms being expressed yet the body on all levels - body, mind and spirit. So, the being may need Phosphorous or Sulphur, or perhaps Ruta Graveolens. It all depends on what the being is communicating, and then the remedy is chosen by either a homeopath or via muscle testing, which is the method I use to drill down on the type of remedy.
Self-section of nature’s medicines is paramount to any animals healing. It takes the guessing out of the equation and allows the animal to direct their own healing process. It is profound on so many levels as the information provided through their direction is beyond invaluable. It is about getting the human out of the way and honouring the animal kingdom, as they know what they need to rebalance.
For example, this is my dog selecting essential oils via application. Carrot seed (cellular repair) was directed by her all over her head several times a day for weeks as well as German Chamomile (inflammation) or Yarrow (inflammation and bacteria).
Then came the request for Sandalwood and Eucalyptus all at the base of her ears, not so near her eyes, but of course connected. And bowls of liquorice root selected which not only works on the gut, but also supports the hormones, and the healing of the eyes. just came out with this article showing how wheatgrass will heal cataracts. This again shows how everything is linked to toxins. Eye issues is toxins in the body the body is not able to excrete. I am a huge fan of wheatgrass and take two shots daily to support my system after reading Ann Wigmore’s story about healing herself years ago, The Hippocrates Diet and Health Program: A Natural Diet and Health Program by Ann Wigmore. Ann is the founder of the Hippocrates Health Institute. She explains how wheatgrasses healing effects are extraordinary. The Wheatgrass Book: How to Grow and Use Wheatgrass to Maximize Your Health and Vitality by Ann Wigmore. Shots may be purchased frozen and defrosted at room temperature for your animal if you are unable to source fresh.
This symptom, glaucoma, got me reading about the eyes and how to support them so the toxic medications did not need to be used. Stop Vision Loss Now! Prevent and Heal Cataracts, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration and Other Common Eye Disorders by Bruce Fife, ND is an amazing read.
By placing a few drops of coconut oil directly in the eye, the eye is supported while the other remedies get to work healing the body. This process of preparing the coconut oil is explained on this page, Eyes | Coconut Oil. 2024 February, knowing what I know now, this in conjunction with me working on the body, a change in diet, among other things potentially, is in most cases required.
Please find below some fabulous resources about healing the eyes, and eye health which I have found invaluable.
Something to consider, a lot can be done for the eyes in one session, so instead of guessing, I would have myself run through your animal, approximately a 2-4 hour session to provide direction on what is stuck in the body, releasing the toxins, repairing and healing the body, with a detailed report explaining where and why the body is so upset, and with a proposed healing plan. This can be easily down at a distance, usually it comes down to belief systems, are you open to the possible?
Animal Self-Selection by Caroline Ingraham This explains in detail the process of self-selection by animals and how to support the healing process. An essential resource for any animal lover’s library.
Coconut Water for Health and Healing by Bruce Fife Bruce Fife is a naturopath. All his books are fabulous reads and resources. The history and information about coconut water is amazing. The sourcing MATTERS massively, so not every product on the shelf is good to use. It must be in its original form, and not have been exposed to high heat for processing, else it is useless. I also drink glasses throughout the day and especially before I go to bed, my eyes feel amazing in the morning, ready for the day!
Heal Your Eye Problems by Max Crarer This is for humans written in the 1970’s but with fabulous information and resources which can be investigated and applied to all animals.
Healing Glaucoma by Glen Swartwout This is written for humans. The fabulous information and resources can be investigated / applied easily to all animals.
Stop Vision Loss Now! Prevent and Heal Cataracts, Glaucoma, Macular Degeneration and Other Common Eye Disorders by Bruce Fife, ND This is a must read for all, again for humans but information can be totally applied to animals. There is so much cool information in the book. Cataracts can be healed by placing coconut water – non-heated in the eyes, best to buy a coconut, (as all coconut water in the stores has most likely been heated) and then leaving a warm cloth on the eyes for 10 minutes. Fabulous resource!
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