Eyes Coconut Oil

Eyes & Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil is a Huge Healer for the Eyes

The coconut is a magic fruit. It has massive healing powers. When there are any eye issues, placing coconut oil in the eye not only provides relief but supports eye pressure and the healing of the eye.

However, what also must be done in addition to the above is having someone like myself run through the system, the physical and energy bodies as soon possible, to see what is blocking the body from not working properly where life force flow is being impacted. This will most likely involve clearing entities, a lot of correcting in the body, neutralizing toxins, healing the energy fields, diet change and probably homeopathy. Every being is different but this needs to be turned around immediately, please do not wait as the system is compromised.

This process will provide some comfort while we turn the body around. From my experience, it is not a long-term solution, but one of relief so toxic drugs are not going into the organs, glands and body parts via the eyes. How to prepare the coconut oil is shown below.

Preparing the Coconut Oil
We use an egg cup and place a small amount of coconut oil in the egg cup. We have two small dishes to then create a double boiler system for the egg cup to liquefy the coconut oil preparing it to go in the dropper.

Step 1 | Left | Egg Cup and two small dishes to act as double boiler.
Step 2 | Right | Coconut oil placed in egg cup, egg cup placed in hot water.

Step 3 | Left | Second glass dish placed over first to keep heat in and help liquify coconut oil.
Step 4 | Right | Glass dropper prepared. A fresh glass dropper is used each time this process is repeated.

Step 5 | Left | Coconut oil is liquified.
Step 6 | Right | Coconut oil is drawn up into the dropper ready to be placed in the eye.

Placing in the Eye

  • Always explain to your animal what you are going to do and why.
  • Show them the dropper, and allow them to smell the coconut oil.
  • Ask for permission.
  • Place in the eye from above pulling their lid back, never go directly at the eye. Please make sure the dropper is along the eye so there is no way the dropper can hit the eye if the animal moves.
  • Place a few drops in, close the eye and gently rub so the coconut oil circulates. Sometimes both eyes need to be done, if only one is your concern, as the other eye is working harder than the compromised eye and perhaps also needs support. Your animal will tell you.
  • Wipe round the eye to make sure no coconut oil drips down the face, as they will then try and wipe it off, and could hurt their eye in the process with their nails.
  • The eye will look happy, glossy, you will see the relief instantly.

Stillness Required
Make sure the animal is still after this as it is a bit thick and vision may be a little blurry until the eye fully utilizes the oil. We do not want the animal active, but still, so the oil may do its magic.

Dropper | Sterilizing
Dropper is rinsed, washed and sterilized with hot water for the next time. Please make sure there is no residue in the dropper, and it is completely dry before using again.

Remaining Coconut Oil in Egg Cup
We use throughout the day, then start a fresh batch the next day. Use any of the left- over balance on your skin. It will be so happy!

More About Eye Health & Coconut Oil
More information may be found on this page, Eyes | Health about what the eyes are telling you about the body. The coconut oil we use may be found here: https://alphahealth.ca