toxic TV
We have been seeing a massive growth of violence in entertainment, and the new (Negative Energy Wordwide System) industry, decade on decade, which is not ONLY negative sensationalism, but a very low vibration. One of FEAR and CONTROL. As where there is fear, there is a huge element of control played out as “follow, we will protect you” is subliminally messaged.
And let’s not forget the consistent message of violence and death propagated via this medium consistently desensitizing the human into accepting low frequency, and horror as the norm. And we wonder why society is in such a state morally?
What people perhaps do not understand, is this is a tool to manipulate the mind, the brain through the pulsing, the rapid sequencing of what is being projected. This device was not introduced to our species by “invention” as we have all generally accepted. It has been introduced as a manipulation tool to steer the masses, and it has a vibration, and again, a massive, low frequency vibration which also acts as a portal.
What we are learning now too, is there is a lot of intentional programming via these feeds and not much truth. It is all about keeping your attention, and at a broader sense manipulating our species into division. News and most media channels do not support a thriving world. They are promoting decay. Serious decay of the human spirit, human connection, and of the planet I feel.
Pseudology: The Art of Lying
This documentary is about mind control via the television; how our frontal lobe which controls our spirituality, morality, will and critical thinking is being suppressed and bypassed on purpose, numbing the brain and being into a sponge, tapping into our emotions to manipulate us. It is reported the pentagon has a budget which is used to control the media around the world.
How is This Impacting Our Animals?
Volume Vibration
Well, for one thing, the volume which people watch this violence in their home is an astounding noise level and usually this is on these massive smart TV’s which are radiating massive EMF’s. For our animals who are stuck inside, especially in the Winter months, they are blasted with low vibrational frequency, a toxic energy with some of them forced to sleep around and in front of these toxic devices and streams.
If you find this hard to understand, I invite you to play a violent movie, put your animals somewhere else please so they are not exposed to it, and then go sit in another room and listen. The technical SOUNDS are so well done that they vibrate in your bones. Pure terror. They are VERY TOXIC to all of us. All living beings hurting us at the cellular level.
For the sake of your animals, please give attention only to the positive. This does not mean you do not have to be aware of what is going on in the world, this you can get from other devices – your computer, phone without having your home vibrate in this toxic vortex and exposing your family to this messaging. Again, be careful what you give attention to. Are you all supporting a thriving world? Or supporting one of terror and violence?
The larger issue is the average person thinks their VOICE, CHOICE does not have an impact on the WHOLE. But this is far from the truth. What you give ATTENTION to GROWS, in your life, in your family’s life, and on this planet.
So, the QUESTION must be – what kind of life do you wish for your animals and you? and all of us on this planet? One full of violence and negativity, or one full of hope, positivity, creativity, wonder, kindness, love?
Do Not Leave the TV on for Your Animals
A lot of people this is a good idea for their animals, leaving the TV on for company. So far, it is my experience the animals do not like it, as the frequency is messing with their systems. Also, people that do have TV’s, have really large TV’s, and these emit an enormous amount of radiation. If you would like to leave your animal with some music, choose a device that is NOT streaming, has all Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, etc. turned off on the device and is strictly playing directly from the device. Some soft music they would really enjoy I feel.
Bed Location
Also, please make sure your animal’s beds are not located near TV’s, and electronics, including the routers. All of the above are highly toxic for their bodies. Please turn everything off as much as possible. Please read the EMF and 5G section about how you are all being exposed heavily to microwave radiation in your home. The side effects listed on these pages I am sure many of you will be experiencing.
For further exploration on the toxicity of: “Smart Homes” & EMF
For further exploration on frequency, and who we are: Bringers of the Dawn, Teaching of the Pleiadians, by Barbara Marciniak
Pseudology: The Art of Lying, Documentary about the mind control of television) |
Four Arguments for the Elimination of Television by Jerry Mander