Sonar Radiation

Sonar Radiation

Sonar Radiation

It has been well documented in the Navy’s literature since 1966 that sonar is killing our sea-life. All sea-life, including the food, and the beautiful inhabitants, large and small. All these strandings we are constantly hearing about are due to sonar. The media lies, the “save the ocean” groups are either not informed or refuse to stand up to the authorities for fear of retaliation? only they know, and the Navy does not care how they hurt the planet obviously as they continue to do so. Again this circles back to, when are humans as a collective going to do the right thing? When are we going to elevate our species to a higher level where this does not exist? Why are we as a species allowing this – 60 years later, this has intensified. Programs may have something to do with this of course, amongst other manipulations of our planet.


Please get informed. What is interesting is how far inland this sonar travels. Anyone living near the following:

  • A naval base
  • Any submarines, or ships close by
  • An embassy
  • The coastline

Is being subjected to sonar waves, as will all your animals, and plant life. This is high levels of radiation, and it travels inland through buildings very easily. The Navy knows this yet continues to use these lethal practises hurting every one of us, even their own naval workers especially are impacted, all the planet’s creatures and life forms under the guise of protection. Really creepy.

The whales – what are we doing to them via this lethal mechanism? This blows their ears apart and they therefore, lose all navigation hence ending up stranded on the beaches. Blood apparently pours from their eyes, and ears. This is radiation at the highest level. As sonar waves travel through the water, they heat up causing massive destruction.

Bobbie Merrill reports in her book, Compelling Conversations with Dolphins and Whales, a fabulous read, how sonar was stopped due to the massive damage, yet the criminals under the guise of “security” ignored the courts and continue to use this method of radiation on this planet illegally. This is not freedom; this is blatant disregard for life. As sonar operates inland as well as in the oceans.

It is reported in ….book that sonar was stopped due to the massive damage, yet the criminals under the guise of “security” ignored the courts and continue to use this method of radiation on this planet illegally. This is not freedom; this is blatant disregard for life on this planet.

Symptoms humans experience when impacted by sonar radiation:

  • Disorientation
  • Ringing in ears
  • Unable to sleep

David Cowan and Chris Arnold report in their book, Ley Lines and Earth Energies, how people were being heavily impacted by submarines parked in the bay close by. The sonar waves were crossing the town, impacting those living further inland. People were really ill. These sonar waves, as they are radiation, mess with our electrical system, our magnetism, just like they do with all sea life.

Impact on Body | Findings
When I am working on all clients, typically each being is impacted negatively by sonar a minimal of 5%, with larger amounts depending on how close they are to the coastline or a naval base. This constant pulsing will prevent wounds from not healing and aggravate the carbon-based body heavily. I can see this is the numbers, the amount of accumulated radiation in the cells of the body. This has to be neutralized as it causes leaking organs and degradation of the body systems if not done so.
