Green Clay
The Power of Green Clay
Below are a few examples of what the power of green clay may do for your family, including your lovely animals healing the body.
Wounds including Burns
These referenced websites below are so worth reading. As animals choose green clay to detox their systems, either externally or internally, it is an important mineral for us humans to use too.
On the Eyton’s Earth site, people say they use green clay for healing everything. It is the oldest remedy on the planet. If you ever have a wound that is deep or any abrasion or burn – throw heaps of green clay in. It detoxes, cools, cleanses and heals. Amazing.
Green clay is also used when there is fungus. You apply to the skin until the absorption stops. Almost immediately, the inflammation, the redness calms down. It is incredible. We use green clay all the time in the house.
Inflamed Skin and Paws
Dust the clay on with a make-up brush to coat the area which I red and sticky. You know enough has been applied when it no longer sinks in. Keep repeating once absorbed. This detoxifies, seals and cools bringing much needed relief.
Buy only food-grade green clay so it is safe to ingest.
Wounds including Hot Spots
Any wounds, cut hair away so wound is free and clear of all hair. ideally flush with an apple cider vinegar (ACV) rinse, 50:50 ACV and water, dab dry and then pack in the green clay. This will draw out all the toxins, seal the wound and promote healing. May have to repeat if toxins drawn out present mucous. Once the wound stays sealed with the clay, and dry, then leave alone as the body is now able to do the rest of the work.
Neighbour with Burned Hands
There was a fire next door which was a shock to all of us. My lovely neighbour tried to use the garden hose while waiting for the fire department, but the hose was so hot it burnt his hands.
We rushed down to my house and poured the green clay into the wounds. Both hands were really burned. He kept applying the green clay, and his hands healed. Neither hand shows any sign of damage. Just amazing.
Cat with Ear Pustules
One of my beautiful being clients, while she was healing, developed a new symptom while we were focused on healing her kidneys. She developed pustules along the ridge of her ears. This was the kidneys cleaning vaccine garbage. Green clay was applied throughout the days helping the body detox, cooling the ears making her more comfortable. Everything healed and her ears are looking gorgeous!
Green clay makes an excellent toothpaste. Add green clay with a little water and brush thoroughly all through the mouth, including the tongue. Best toothpaste ever! How to Make and Use Clay Toothpaste To Clean, Detox, and Remineralize Naturally
Caroline Ingraham |
Eytons Earth |
Upon A Clay Tablet, The Definitive Guide to Healing with Homeostatic Clay by Jason R. Eaton
Mountain Rose |