animal Bed

Bedding & Sleep

Bedding Materials

The animals are connected to nature, and nature breathes. They are not designed for synthetic exposure especially since most fabrics, and products made for animals stink! The stink is the chemicals. The fabrics are loaded with toxins. With animals heightened sense of smell this toxicity can do a lot of damage to their body. And of course, their skin would be absorbing the toxicity through touch. This is further explained on the Toxic Bed page on this website.

The organic body needs to breathe. Especially since a lot of animals are fed dry dog food which festers inside them, and makes them so uncomfortably hot. I invite the reader to please purchase products, and fabrics which are preferably organic materials such as cotton, hemp, flax, wool etc. With the internet today, there is so many wonderful choices, and small businesses providing beautiful products which can easily be shipped to your door.

They are washable too, and wear well without the off-gassing. What is important to note, investigate, is in the interior material of the bed. What is giving it “the support”. I see recycled plastic bottles advertised in pet bedding which is horrifying to me, as who knows what process these have gone through, and the toxic load they now carry, as without a doubt, the plastic is still toxic.

So, we as consumers, and stewards of the earth, and the animal kingdom, have to ask the hard questions, and get the answers so we know we are not supporting a toxic cycle of garbage on the planet produced by greedy corporate shareholders. If we love our animal, love means doing the work – not, not questioning or investigating and mindlessly purchasing..

Colour of the Bed | My Perspective

TI think it does. We always choose light coloured fabrics so I can see what is going on with their bodies. Is anyone bleeding anywhere? Have they picked up any little critters? How much are they shedding? All this is information is available on light coloured bedding, you cannot see this on a dark coloured bed or bedding, nor how dirty it actually is.

With light coloured bedding they will then need to washed the bed more often, but the information about the body, and how they are doing is very valuable.

In the cat’s beds, I use organic baby swaddle blankets on top of their beds. These are changed every few days. I can see everything on these blankets since they are indoor / outdoor cats. This is another check for me that they are okay.

Fur, Hair | Should Not Be Present Year Round

Animal’s beds should never have a coating of fur, much less an inch of it or more. Huge amounts of fur dumping is fine during the Spring, consistent with the planet, but this should not be happening year- round. If you are seeing tonnes of fur being shed year-round, this is massive indicator the body is in trouble. If you do not want a dog rubbing up next to you for fear of fur-transfer, this is also a big indicator their body is not okay. Please get in touch as there will be other indicators / symptoms presenting themselves, I am sure.

Bed Washed | How Often

I wash our dog’s beds, weekly at a minimum, and the cat’s blankets which protect their beds every few days. The detergent used is Seventh Generation, no smell, which is non-toxic and does not leave any residue on their bedding.

Animals Sleeping on the Bed With You

I know we love to snuggle with our animals, the issue is us. It is reported that when we sleep, we “off-gas” our stress, our negative emotions, which creates toxic exposure for our animals which they are susceptible to absorbing.

This circles back to our intention, and responsibility for our thought patterns, and how we are living. Before going to bed, make it a habit to thank your body, every cell, thank the planet for all she did for you that day, and TRUST, be still and trust the universe you will be okay.

If you have trouble sleeping, give gratitude. Begin by thanking every little thing and being in your life until you drift off. It works like magic, and your system will be calm and happy to sleep and restore. So good for you all!

Pet Bed Location Matters
Away from Electronics

Firstly, please make sure your animal’s beds are NO WHERE NEAR a router, a TV, a laptop or stand-alone computer, microwave oven, electric blankets or any cords what so ever. These devices will all be doing immense harm to their organic bodies with the constant EMF Radiation. Cats tend to like the electronics due to the warmth they provide, but please do not allow them to entertain these spots as they will cause serious imbalance in the body. Cancer being one of them!!! Build them a cozy box so they have somewhere to curl up, be safe, and warm. And no electric blankets. These are extremely toxic with all the electricity running all over the organic body. Our bodies are electrical systems, this is extremely damaging to all life.

About Phones | These External Human Microchip Devices

Please place your phone on AIRPLANE mode when not in use especially if it is in the bedroom. People now sleep with the phone beside their head, which is shocking as they are being cooked – literally – during their sleep, while waiting for their alarm to go off. There are enough basic experiments showing how damaging a phone is sitting near a plant, so do not think your brain or your animal’s brain is being affected any differently.

Away from Drafts

This is never really mentioned much, but sleeping in a draft has been reported to impact an organic body so much that death can occur. Please have a good look where your pet sleeping places are situated so no animal is being subjected to a constant draft of any kind – hot, cold, damp, anything. This will cause major imbalances in the body. Cats are really susceptible to this I find, they love a cozy bed or box with three sides, so they can snuggle in.

Ideal Placement

Please place animal’s beds in a quiet, dark place for them to be able to restore themselves, and be away from our drama, and again all the loud activity, and EMF radiation that electronics expose them to. Also, not near sockets in walls, as they have current, and will impact the body. Animals are designed to sleep long periods, to chill, relax and restore, this is essential to their maintenance, and a living a long, happy life.

Please protect your pet. Support them to have non-toxic sleeps.
Everything matters.