Owning Our Light Force
Meditation is literally about connecting and charging your battery, your light force. What I think many people may think, when one hears the word “meditation” is that they have to sit still, and stop the mind from spinning thoughts. While being still on all levels is beneficial, what we are not being told is how important it is to use our mind, our imagination to expand our energy fields – literally. We are a species of light beings with layers of energy fields and we are not directed to nurture them, much less invest in them intentionally daily. This is very important to understand.
Without our light, we are literally a DIM lightbulb. And running at this capacity we can easily be manipulated by dark forces, because we are not literally expansive enough in our energy fields – producing enough light to ward off the dark forces. Our lack of intention, love for ourselves, and focus here supports this manipulation heavily.
Our intention, is everything here. Owning our light, is paramount.
What do dark forces look like? Negative emotions, debilitating thoughts, consistent treadmill thinking of all the impossible, the do not have thoughts, the not good enough thoughts, this is the dark side preying on lack of owning our LIGHT. When we expand our light, we live above this, we use our expansiveness to connect and create, and yes, this comes from our mind but also from our hearts which is intricately linked to our beautifully designed energy systems.
So, when one catches themselves participating in the dark side, stop and power up. Imagine your force fields, your energy fields expanding around your body – powering up and emanating light. Send LOVE to every single cell of your being. And imagine this light flowing through your torso and especially your mind out through your crown (top of head) and your third eye located between your eyes, powering you up, connecting you to all that is.
All our animals have this capability too. However, due to human intervention, a lot of them have shut this connection down or it has been shut down for them via all the toxicity humans have imposed on them, directly and indirectly.
The dark cannot literally survive in our light. We are so expansive but have been programmed to be small and mind spin on garbage thoughts. So, ask your mind to connect to your heart and use your imagination to expand your energy fields, imagining white light just pulsing from every cell or your being, and see how your day goes! And notice the changes in every being you come in contact with, how your light impacts them. Own your power, you are powerful beyond your imagination. If you do not, the dark side will!