Ho’oponopono Prayer & Mantra
This mantra is about “putting things right again”. It is about energy, about healing the negative energy on the planet which has been expressed as thought and action. Where intention goes, energy flows. This is about forgiveness. All negative thought requires forgiveness. And deep healing. This is about understanding when one looks outwards and is disturbed by what they see and feel, this is the turmoil within showing up which needs to be healed, and forgiven. This goes back in time to wrongs having being done not only by ourselves, but also by our ancestors not only this lifetime. As everything is energy.
Ulrich E. Duprée teaches in his book, Ho’oponopono, The Hawaiian Ritual of Forgiveness, “What is there about me that is the opposite of love and is causing me to have this issue? What still needs to be healed in me that is causing me to encounter this issue?”
In addressing these questions, all “wrongs” the perpetrator and the victim both participate in the healing equally. As it is viewed the perpetrator also requires healing as the negative energy through thought and action on this planet has hurt this being. Again, this lifetime or in past lifetimes.
All conflict, all reaction to what one is observing, all negativity is a sign to sit, focus and heal. By saying this mantra over and over, this realigns the energy and begins clearing the negativity. Everything is energy, our intention is energy. The mantra is as follows with the order not being important.
I’m sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.
The very basic premise of the mantra is the following:
Sorry, is about saying sorry for all the negative within oneself
Forgive, is about the hurt caused by yourself and your ancestors
Love, is about loving yourself and others
Thank you, is permission to receive healing and the opportunity to transform oneself into a more evolved being
Ulrich explains in his book, it is a Hawaiian tradition to clear all energies over the dinner meal, so negativity does not propagate into the next day but is healed. This keeps the vibration of the village high and positive. I imagine their creation is amazing as then nothing would be blocking this energy flow.
Therefore, anything that one feels discomfort with, the universe is highlighting this needs to be addressed and healed to evolve. I would definitely do this mantra for all animals in your life, as they are our fabulous teachers and are deeply affected by how we live and process life. Anything negative thy have experienced, this may be focused on and cleared using this mantra. Ultimately what we are doing is raising the vibration of the planet by clearing all negative vibration past and present as energy just is. Please find below various versions of the beautiful Ho’oponopono prayer. So powerful.
“As one moves towards inner harmony, the external mirror follows your movements” – Ulrich E. Duprée
Sanctuary | Any sanctuary from my perspective, should be playing this gently throughout the stables, or land daily to transform all trauma in those working with the animals, and the animals themselves. This will make rehoming them so much easier, as not only will the sanctuary then attract the right humans through vibration but the animal will no longer be standing in their trauma or rehomed with their trauma or on land with imprinted trauma. The negative energy will be cleared and healed changing the whole dynamic of the space, and all the beings present.
Jason Stephenson| Ho’oponopono Meditation for Forgiveness, Reconciliation & Transformation
Wakes | Ho’oponopono Full Song, Meditation, Prayer for Forgiveness
Healing Sounds with Christina | Ho’oponopono – 108 Repetitions
Ho’oponopono, The Hawaiian Ritual of Forgiveness by Ulrich E. Duprée