Healthy Dog Example
Do Pet Owners Know What a Healthy Dog Really Looks Like?
Most pet owners have been groomed, including most breeders fully and completely into the “created illness” cycle where the animal is literally a line item on the Big Chemical’s business plan to make them tons of money, as all industries flow to them, the chemical companies.
This has been rolling forward for a few centuries I feel with everyone completely programmed to make their animal ill for profit under the guise of “I will protect you”, meanwhile, the life force is obliterated because humans are following, not critically thinking nor educating themselves.
The ONLY prevention an animal needs is an AMAZING diet connected to nature without any chemical warfare, and this includes the fraudulent vaccinations which basically kick start the chronic illness cycle.
This is why there is so much dental surgery and skin issues – these are the meridians, and all the organs, glands and body parts being poisoned for profit. And the cycle continues until the animal then exits and then, the pet owner goes and gets another animal starting the whole cycle all over again.
With the planet’s medicines supporting them along the way when needed which are high frequency in alignment with their home with the fundamental base being a fabulous fresh human-grade organic, non-GMO, diet with organs and bones. This is health, this is life-force.
No toxic chemical or pharmaceutical exposure, applied on or placed in their body debilitating their organs, their nervous system, their skeletal structure, and / or their brain.
They will then thrive, as nature intended. What does a healthy dog look like?