Dry Food & Mycotoxins
Mycotoxins in Dry Food & Treats
For the above food to travel the supply chains it does around the globe, be stored in warehouses, shipped in non-air-conditioned trucks, and then placed outside the pet food stores ready to be unloaded, in some cases in extreme heat, the food must be full of chemicals. However, what this food is potentially also hosting is deadly mycotoxins.
Mycotoxins, especially aflatoxin will kill any animal.
Parvovirus, from my work, is not a virus, this is the body trying to clean mycotoxins using one of the body’s divine cleaning mechanisms, a virus.
So, this whole scare and push to pump one’s animal full of vaccination toxins to save them of “parvo”, one is, from my perspective, trying to save them from mycotoxins. Hence, the lack of survival of a lot of animals, as the “vaccine” is fraudulent and one should be dealing with the mycotoxins which are causing the body to shut down.
For more information about mycotoxins, Wikipedia explains them well. Also, many books have been written about pet food and the debilitating ingredients these products hold, listed on the pet food industry page of this website, as the pet food industry is a waste processing industry, and waste attracts mycotoxins. I am clearing many of these ingredients from cysts, tumors, kidneys, organs including the brain. If you want a healthy animal, you feed them as nature intended – fresh food grown directly from the earth. This is how we are all designed, to thrive with the planet, in consistent gratitude.
Use discernment when reading and be cognisant of who is being paid by who for what. One perspective: