This is an example of clever marketing. It is hard to believe human beings are actually typing these labels up without any concern for the being they are hurting. So much disconnection in our world. This product is crazy TOXIC. I came across this dealing with a client whose horse had her LEFT front leg up. No pressure was going down on the leg.
When I asked, through muscle testing Luna’s system, prior to visiting Luna, the horse, what was causing the imbalance, I got a product was applied to her legs in the Spring, and this entered her blood stream via her right leg. I did not ask at the time the part of the leg. When I presented this information to the client, this is what she showed me. She was using HOOF HEAL on her horse’s hooves. This is what the can says:
As soon as I see KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDEN and the word saying AVOID GETTING INTO EYES OR MUCOUS MEMBRANES, this is a massive alarm bell. The label then continues to instruct NOT TO BE USED ON ANIMALS INTENDED FOR FOOD, another massive alarm bell.
Looking at the ingredients, assuming they are all listed, we have immense toxicity. I have just done some quick searching here to provide some perspective.
While searching for the Crude Fish Oil above, another product came up. Let’s see what they are doing. has almost the same ingredients yet they are adding Tea Tree Oil instead of Turpentine and they have skipped the Sulfuric Acid and added in Propylene Glycol. Sounds better, but still extremely toxic to the body. Rarely is Tea Tree selected by animals to help them heal from my experience, and rarely is it ever applied to the body. This product also has the same warnings – with the addition of NOT FOR HUMAN USE. This is a massive red flag – as there is no difference between a toxic product for humans, and for our beautiful animals.
Aerosol | INGREDIENTS | Crude Fish Oil, Raw Linseed Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Balsam of Fir
Liquid | INGREDIENTS | Linseed Oil, Crude Menhaden Fish Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Balsam of Fir
Ointment | INGREDIENTS | Linseed Oil, Crude Menhaden Fish Oil, Tea Tree Oil, Balsam of Fir, Silica, Propylene Glycol
Indications | For uses on horses and dogs. Do not use on food-producing animals or cats.
Caution | For external use only. In case of deep wounds, puncture wounds or serious burns, consult your veterinarian. If redness, irritation, or swelling persists or increases, discontinue use and consult a veterinarian Not for human use. Keep out of eyes.
Warning: Keep out of reach of children.
And this product has come across my path also, as I was writing this page. The full ingredient list is not supplied on the bottle label, only 37.5%. This is a huge red flag. People must go to the Material Safety & Data Sheet to see what else is in the product and how dangerous it really is. It too says not to be used on mucous membranes. Another big red flag.
This is yet another example of a toxic product being used on the horse’s feet. The feet need a proper diet not poison applied to their body, which they then walk all over the ground they are literally feeding from. What if cats or rabbits are running through the yard? As the label says they should not come in contact with this, yet our dogs and horses can? Drilling down, here is the MSDS for Copper Naphthenate. Highly poisonous to the organic body.
Luna confirmed what I was getting in the dowsing, and muscle testing. She was all over the SEAWEED BLADDERWRACK, which is for clearing chemical toxicity, also self- selected for vaccination, and mineral depletion, with concentrated DANDELION LEAF powder, clearing toxins from the organs. These were her main focus, with support coming from rosehips (far left), barley grass (green), meadowsweet, rice bran oil – she pointed to it with her nose on the table, cleavers, calendula flowers, and calendula macerate. She was calm, and very, very clear.
What is important to understand is unless direct trauma to the body is witnessed, symptoms being expressed are usually coming from the organs. The meridians all run to the feet for all organs; for humans, hands and feet. Animal’s feet will try and purge the toxicity out to the ground away from the brain, and heart. Hence, problems showing up in the feet. But it is a whole-body issue that needs addressing.
When working on Luna, a lot of oils were applied, with her consent to her front LEFT leg, her front RIGHT leg, and the back of her body, either side of her spine and at the base of her tail. This is the bladder meridian which works with the kidney meridian. Thyme, Oregano, Basil, German Chamomile, Holy Basil, Carrot Seed, Lemon, Lime, with Celery Seed being heavily ingested. This was day one. The focus for her was all toxicity with infection. She is telling us she has infection in her LEFT leg which has travelled to the top of her tail, as this is where the Thyme was applied. Thyme is a strong oil, especially in application, and must be used with aloe gel. Oregano is another powerhouse. So, she was using two major antibacterials to clear infection throughout her body along with the basils, lemon, lime and german chamomile for inflammation.
She took a few breaks to eat some grass in between, and poop a few times. Then came back for more. It was a rainy day, we had a little cover, so not so easy to take photos.
After all the selection, which took a few hours, and her saying no to processing any more oils, the foot was washed, and Luna’s LEFT foot was packed with green clay and thyme, a few drops, with her consent. This was muscle tested, and confirmed by Luna. Here you see the foot is packed with weight on it.
After this she went back with the herd, and she was witnessed with full weight on the foot, with her back left leg resting. Mission accomplished for today.
However, this process needs to continue the next day, and following days, as much as possible, as the toxins need to come out of the body with the organs supported. This becomes a daily regime until the body is once again toxin free, and strong. Luna will choose different oils and need oils applied to different areas of her body with the option to self-select minerals to support the healing process. This is very important to maintain – the continuum. Dowsing is also a fabulous supportive healing tool during this journey. Diet also needs to be addressed regarding mineral and vitamins to make these needs are being met.
Her rank in the herd has dropped also. This will change as she heals. In the meantime, as she is healing, separation from the herd is ideal, so the herd cannot bully her, and the body has time to stabilize, and process the healing modalities.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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