The quality of hay matters to our beautiful equine beings. For some animals, this may be their only feed if the weather gets super cold.
What is essential in the hay? Minerals
It must not have, of course:
When the feed is bad, leaky gut is then presented as the digestive tract has been impacted with such low frequency, the system begins to buckle with the organs, glands and body parts leaking.
I am finding most pellets are full of junk when any food is presented to me for testing. Pure processed junk. If you wish to feed pellets, a good source is Crypto Aero, this is coming up as “clean” and the horses bodies, minds and spirits are very happy processing this as of 2023 August. However, companies change all the time, so it is best to check each and every bag carefully as it is still a processed product.
For those of you presented “clean” products to your animals and the animals are turning away, this is because of inflammation in their nose, and potentially their head. They literally cannot smell it. The laboratory designed junk they can smell as this is designed to attract them to eat it. This is addiction by design by these corporations.
To unplug the inflammation in the nose and head, offer the essential oils Yarrow and Lime to process via smell to begin with. Every animal is different, just like us with regards to toxic load, so they may need a little more help than those two oils. What this is telling the caretaker though, is the body is not okay, so it is good the feed is being switched so they are not continuing to process toxic food. Please call if any questions.
If the horse is not able to forage, or is not foraging then self-selection is very important as this will help maintain nutrient levels and also provide information for the caretaker what the horse is not only deficient in but also what organs are under stress. This is very valuable information where the goal is to maintain good health in horses.
What do horses self-select for nutrition and re-balancing their systems:
Water must be offered at the same time. Usually, a bucket with a little Apple Cider Vinegar added and another with just plain water so the horse may choose. Please always give gratitude to the water too when collecting for the herd to recalibrate its frequency and ask for the Spirit of Water to return. Very important.
My understanding at this point and time, is that the reason horses will eat garbage / toxic hay or food is the following:
Please reach out if you have any concerns, the horses are always very clear, once trust has been established. This comes down to – “how can I help you beautiful being?” with a lot of information usually provided about why humans do what they do.
Madalyn Ward DVM Nutrition e-book | you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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Please reach out. It would be an honour to help. If of an urgent nature, please call 604.896.1517 to discuss, thank you.