This is our Jasmine in the above photo, around 2006. We adopted her in Singapore at six months of age. She had been shipped from Australia to Singapore for sale and had health issues throughout her entire life.
I followed all “Created Illness” protocols like a proud pet owner, right down to the bag of waste product labelled “food” sold in the pet food store, and watched her body slowly decay as I took her to the vet over and over until her later years in life when I finally began to question what I was doing after our first dog died, Jasmine’s mentor, from vaccination. What did her body present as issues, calls for help, and what did we do:
I cannot even to begin to tell you how much money we spent and the amount of time visiting vet after vet driving across countries to get the best care, as we had moved to Europe, trying to help her heal. All the while we were pumping her full of toxic protocols and manipulating the body. This is even hard to share as I type, as none of it had to happen. This was our unconscious creation. We completely shattered her divinely created system into a thousand pieces. 100%.
The immediate “alarm bell” was her eyes, which was her organs, liver, kidneys, probably spleen and her gut too. And these were not addressed at all because the bloodwork parameters did not show:
It gives parameters of the body’s systems without explaining why. This process is not in the least bit helpful in diagnosing what is in the body, and what the life force of the body is trying to contend with. Bloodwork is a complete waste of time, from my perspective, for all those involved because it is not showing the WHOLE picture. This is by design for sure, as then it would be linked to all the garbage that has been placed in the body. The “created illness” industries cannot show the pet owner any of this as then the questioning would begin, and the profits would be impacted.
As a result of the above, this process also does not highlight the fact the organs, and glands are most likely leaking. This is paramount to understand, as all organs and glands including the meridians can leak as the chemicals and vaccine serums burn through the tissues. They must be sealed and healed else the body becomes a toxic soup, hence dis-ease which never ever heals.
It is designed this way, to keep the money flowing. We all pay the price for accepting and not thinking, with our animals paying the biggest price of all. They lose their freedom to move, to be young and youthful into the double-digit years without interference, to explore, to be happy, to be free of pain, and again, to live a long life into the late teen years. Jasmine passed after 12.5 years, living just over half her life span with sixty percent of these years in decay. This is completely unacceptable.
Toxins!!! I cannot say this loud enough. The body is so toxic it is breaking down. With Jasmine’s history of us showing up to the vet based on the postcards sent, she was being slowly poisoned to death. This is what we were doing to her without a doubt. My feeling is this started with the puppy vaccination system debilitating her system beyond imagination with combinations of diseases that were pumped into her body. The body never had a chance, as these had to be negated, and were never done so. This started the whole process and vet-profit cycle, the “created illness” cycle as projected, as designed.
Not one of these “diseases”, from my research are “dis-ease”. Please do your own homework. This is fear propaganda with high profit motive, shaming the pet owner into following with a complete lack of science behind every single concoction. Yes, the carbon-based body goes into a dis-ease state but not for the reasons propagated under these “follow or else your animal dies” protocols.
A body in a dis-ease state is acidic. It must be turned into an alkaline state. This is paramount for the body to heal so diet and all supplements must be addressed, and all toxicity stopped.
Homeopathy was introduced a few years later but by then I think she needed a refined system of dosing to clear the depthness of what we had allowed to be placed in her cells. We had manipulated the body so much via surgery too that regardless her innate body intelligence could not undo what was done in these areas of the body.
Scars would have been blocking flow from spaying, and two ligament surgeries, with energy blocks perhaps in her meridians as I was not addressing her energy bodies at all such as her chakras. Many of these would have all been damaged through surgery and closed. And her aura, her force field, would have had many scars and tears with her nature spirits having left her body long ago. All carbon-based bodies have nature spirits, it depends on the frequency of the being whether they stay. High frequency is in alignment with the planet, and the universe, they stay, or low frequency in alignment with toxicity and greed, they depart.
Shock and trauma would be huge in her organs, glands and body parts as none of this had been addressed either or cleared. The number of times this animal was in and out of vet clinics, this would be energetically enormous I feel with what I know now.
And I imagine she would want to know WHY she was so sick? This is often a question that comes my way from the animal’s I work on, why are they so ill? and I explain at length to them, “because humans think we are helping when we are actually hurting”. We are following a system but not actually doing the research nor understanding the implications of what we are doing to our animals.”
We have to change what we are doing. Nature is incredible and we as a species are allowing ourselves to be directed to destroy life. Literally I feel.
I just finished writing a page about this, 2024 February, as more animals are coming my way now with limping. The front end is being dropped, one of the front legs is buckling, and the back end is having to pick up the slack. This is a huge indicator that if this is not healed the ligaments will then be an issue. A lot of this is a combination of toxins from chemicals, nanoparticles and bad diet stuck in the gut and shoulder area. What goes in the shoulder areas? Vaccination. Spaying and neutering and microchips interacting with everyone’s tech and the Wi-Fi router are also playing havoc on the animal’s systems. All of the above, must be addressed.
Horses, cats, dogs, humans … all species show the same issues.
I have not worked on a torn ligament directly that I know of. I do know homeopathic veterinarians who have and place the animals on remedies either Ruta Graveolens or Rhus Toxicodendron or both. These are considered structural remedies and help the back end heal. Actually, if one looks at the profile of each remedy, they help the whole body heal – from toxins, just prompting the body in different ways to get rid of them.
The issue I have is this is usually guessing. Before these remedies go into the body, I am finding for structural issues, the body needs to be cleaned a bit by Phosphorous, Silicea or Nux Vomica before these then go in and then help finish the job. The body I am finding also, prefers to be slowing prompted to turn around, not given high doses of these remedies. Most beings come up for low potencies to make the shift.
Every being is different. There is no one fit all protocol, as every being is unique. Their diet, their toxins, their history, their environment, their pet owner, etc. Every single being on this planet is unique and must be treated as such.
With all limping, diet is changed, toxins stopped and cleared, a few energy sessions to open everything up and support the body, with herbs, essential oils and homeopathy supporting the process, with high frequency, and the healing occurs.
Harmful Supplements
These are causing huge issues in the body. Some pet owners have so much going into the body, the body is suffering from these alone, as pet owners do not understand either what is on the label, are not reading the label or do not realize that not every ingredient in the product is listed on the label. The unknown synergistic effect of these products alone in the body can do immense harm.
Magnesium stearate is huge issue for the body as it is a toxin and is not being cleared by the body. This is just one example of what I am seeing in almost all supplements. Stop anything that has this ingredient – check all powders etc. in the home, you will be surprised how much this has been placed everywhere in the food supply.
I see kidney issues caused literally as a result of supplementation.
Think less is more. The product should always be muscle tested against the being to make sure it is in alignment with the being and will actually help versus do more harm.
Just because the label is pretty – read and educate yourself. Everything one places in their pet goes to their heart! Every organ must process it.
Please reach out if you have any questions. The body is divinely created, once you understand how it all works, and how to support the healing process, it heals magically as it is so designed to do.
May you share with me what you are looking for in just a few words? Thank you for taking the time, Nicola
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