We are all energy. Each being has layers of energetic fields around them which need to be looked after, as well as our energy centers called chakras. Energy work for our animals is paramount, and extremely effective in stimulating the healing process. Not only is one able to find imbalances, but confirm the issues in the body, which the animal is trying to heal.


One day I was contacted about a dog, who I knew, who was having heart issues, and was on her way to the hospital for scanning.  During the time at the hospital, I worked energetically on the animal from a distance.  Waves of energy were pulled by her, it was a massive healing.  I was just the conduit, opening up the channels, allowing the energy to flow with pure intention to help her heal.   When it was time for the scans an hour or so later, the heart was reported to be perfectly fine to the amazement of the technicians.


The majority of my energy work is performed at a distance via dowsing. I receive a photo of the animal with a description of the imbalances the animal is showing. A date and time frame are then established when the session will take place. I run through the entire being checking all energy systems.

When the session is finished, within a few hours, I then contact the pet owner to provide the details of the healing. This is usually by email with a follow up call to explain findings, if desired. In the instances where I am on the phone with the pet owner, the animal always knows, and comes over to say hi if they are not already in a deep sleep.😃

Fee | I charge based on an hourly rate of $125.00 CAD. The hourly rate is pro-rated based on the amount of time worked by minute.


Feedback about what the animal is expressing regarding behavior and physical symptoms is a very important piece of this process. Some animals, may require multiple healings to turn the system around if they have experienced a lot of living, trauma, and chronic illness. The being always dictates how fast we move, what they are willing to release and heal. It is never a process to be rushed by another.


In some cases, homeopathy, cell salts or glyphs with a change in diet may be needed to support the healing ongoing. Other modalities are checked to make sure the healing plan fits the animal client’s needs. All the above work at the energetic level of the being, steering the body into a more balanced state with the energy work via dowsing supporting the process.


Please reach out. One session supplies much relief for the animal. It is about pouring immense love into all their fields and unblocking / shifting all the unwanted to help them heal. It would be an honor to help your animal.