Cistus Incantus & Lyme

Cistus Incantus & “Lyme”

Cistus Incantus & Healing “Lyme”

Listening to the 5G Summit back in 2017, Dr. Klinghardt shared how he was healing “Lyme” dis-ease, with Cistus Incantus, Pink Rock Rose tea, while also having his patients live in a Wi-Fi free zone.

My feeling is there are many versions of “Lyme” depending on who is testing. I bet if we each dug into where this “Lyme” came from, the story would be very interesting.

From what I know to date, and it is up to each human to do their own research, one version of Lyme is poisoning from a plant, not from a tick. If an animal gets infected from a tick this is because their systems are already so compromised that the body has trouble defending itself. This is just a tipping point which the tick is being blamed for. Also note, all parasites are attracted to acidic bodies, nature feeds on the weak.

What has made your animal’s system so weak? As the tick is information, not the enemy.

Panic and Fear

Fear is low vibration. It is at the bottom of the scale. And pet owners cover their animals in fear, and panic, because of the programming they have received about ticks. This will drop their animal’s immune system to the floor, literally damaging their chakra system, putting tears in their aura, which then opens the doors to the dark side, inviting entities to walk right in and attach. Now we have a problem indeed as energy is being pulled out of the body, its battery is compromised. But all anybody is looking at is the physical. No one is paying any attention nor understanding what is going on energetically.

We are ALL energy first, physical second, and the above has blown up the energy bodies where the physical has to take on the load now, and usually this is where more “fear toxins” are introduced.

Deadly Neurotoxins

Most fearful pet owners are participating in applying neurotoxins to their animals beautiful bodies which is shattering their immune system and their nervous system beyond belief. These practises alone will debilitate the body to fight infection because it has already been severely poisoned. And this poison has not cleared the organs, glands and body parts. It is all sitting in the body festering.

Rock Rose, Helianthemum nummularium, is a yellow flower in the Rock Rose family and is one of the thirty-eight famous Bach Flowers. It is also one of the five flowers in the Rescue Remedy Combination. It’s profile addresses: fear, panic, living in absolute terror. Manic terror.

See the connection? This is what Dr. Klinghardt is using to heal “Lyme”. He is healing fear and radiation on all levels of the being.

Radiation & Low Vibration = Dis-ease

Therefore, we have fear, and panic which has been registered in the animal at some point and time, probably an accumulation of life experiences is stored. And this tick bite is just the tipping point for the system, due to the pet owners belief systems and vibration, while living in a pulsing 2.45 Hz microwave radiation environment which equals “Lyme”.

Other Sources
Fear can also come from TV, Blu-tooth is high, high radiation, all these devices pulsing the cells constantly. If we are watching feeds that present terror, this will be imprinting on your environment and all organic beings including your animal with it all recorded in all their cells. Many people have these massive TV’s which are high radiation and blast out unbelievable horror, the sound is so toxic, which most humans have been desensitized to and accept as entertainment. This may be a source, as well as low vibrational music if anyone is playing hard-core metal and the like.

All fighting in the household and trauma, even being taken from their mother to early or how this was experienced might be at play here. Everything is stored on the cells unless it is intentionally cleared and healed.

I invite people to stop living in fear, turn all Wi-Fi off, understand this is radiation and pulsing your biological systems causing cell damage. Just because one cannot see the waves does not mean they are not there. Any radiation meter will confirm what is being broadcast and the strength. Please take action and get informed. There is an abundance of resources on this website to explore. Homeopathy, energy work and essential oils, there is so much one can do to help the body heal the way it is designed, and knows how to do innately. I too can tap into your animal’s body and explain what is going on.

Rock Rose Profile

Looking up the profile of Rock Rose, this is also a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, a strong anti-oxidant which also supports all of the above. For any animal’s body to not be able to handle nature, the system was compromised long ago. I imagine bad diet, vaccinations and a whole host of toxins. The body will have been messaging “help me” for some time. This is not an “all of a sudden thing” if your animal is ill.


Rock Rose Profile