October 5, 2023

Imprinting Sorrow

Energy is everything. We are energy first, physical second. Our animals are the same. When we have an ill animal – any drop in our vibration will contribute to the already existing imbalance in our animal.
October 5, 2023

Positive Emotions

We are literally hard drives full of programs, beliefs, emotions and imprints to name the major categories.
October 5, 2023


To raise the vibration of our home, the planet and for all our animals, I invite the reader to give gratitude to the following at least daily.
October 4, 2023


We are not understanding nor taking this seriously enough I feel. I have a few pages on this website about what our exposure, but as I am working throughout 2023 thought I would consolidate here to provide a brief important overview as radiation is having to be cleared from all being’s bodies.
October 4, 2023

Names Matter

Everything is energy. The name we assign to a being has energy behind it. Usually, the animals are not asked or consulted with regards to the name they are assigned.
August 10, 2023

Vine | Not Happy

We had some plants moved, and they were not so happy about the situation.
August 6, 2023

Toxic Tide

Referencing the photo of the dog above, the rim of the eyes should be white, the sclera, but both eyes look murky. The center of both eyes, the iris and pupil, lack depth ad sparkle. When I meet animals, I always look at what their eyes may be indicating about their overall health. The condition of the eyes tells a lot about the body,
June 7, 2023

Body Temp & Surgery

Most of us love garlic. And it is fabulous for our pets when it is SELECTED. But it cannot go in the body all the time as a preventative. The animals would NEVER choose to eat this daily, as it is medicinal. It has medicinal properties.
June 7, 2023

Energy in Stables

Most of us love garlic. And it is fabulous for our pets when it is SELECTED. But it cannot go in the body all the time as a preventative. The animals would NEVER choose to eat this daily, as it is medicinal. It has medicinal properties.
June 6, 2023

Buckled Fetlock

I wanted to share Tim’s progress a month into the Healing Journey as I felt the changes, just with the supportive healing modalities provided below, have had such a positive impact on Tim. With a lot of love, pure intent, respect for the being, and the Earth’s gifts, amazing things may be accomplished in very little time.
June 5, 2023

Eye Dampness

I wanted to share Tim’s progress a month into the Healing Journey as I felt the changes, just with the supportive healing modalities provided below, have had such a positive impact on Tim. With a lot of love, pure intent, respect for the being, and the Earth’s gifts, amazing things may be accomplished in very little time.
May 3, 2023
Not Eating

Pink Nose

I found this photo on I send much gratitude to this little being for allowing me to use his image who would have been suffering inside a lot at the time this photo was taken.
January 12, 2023


Most of us love garlic. And it is fabulous for our pets when it is SELECTED. But it cannot go in the body all the time as a preventative. The animals would NEVER choose to eat this daily, as it is medicinal. It has medicinal properties.
December 21, 2022


Referencing the photo of the dog above, the rim of the eyes should be white, the sclera, but both eyes look murky. The center of both eyes, the iris and pupil, lack depth ad sparkle. When I meet animals, I always look at what their eyes may be indicating about their overall health. The condition of the eyes tells a lot about the body,
December 13, 2022
Meditation Herd


Today, my lovely niece, Maryanne, visited the sanctuary to not only assist with chores, but also to provide remedies to the herd we are working with in Peterborough, Ontario. As we are both donating our time, other healing modalities which may support the healing process for many at once are utilized as all the horses have been through much trauma in their lives. Music is one way to help animals let go and heal. Maryanne played these frequencies below for the horses.
October 28, 2022
Wills Dog

Wills & Our Animals

From my perspective, CBD oil is a great help, but it is not a long-term solution. The body is being manipulated, to help the body talk once again. However, in most cases, the issue is, a proper detox needs to be completed. The body is just full of toxins which need to be cleaned out so the CBD Oil is no longer required long-term. It is my understanding, the electrical circuits are plugged full of junk, and literally cannot communicate.
October 28, 2022
Hoof Heal

Lameness | Hoof Heal

This is an example of clever marketing. It is hard to believe human beings are actually typing these labels up without any concern for the being they are hurting. So much disconnection in our world. This product is crazy TOXIC. I came across this dealing with a client whose horse had her LEFT front leg up. No pressure was going down on the leg.
August 28, 2022
Keeping a Journal

Bears | My Spirit Animal

Everything our animal communicates tells a story about how they are feeling, how they are doing. The healing is in all the details. It is tricky sometimes I think to heal your own animal as you see them every day and some things they show you, may be labelled as “just them, they have always done this”. But with another person’s eyes, these are clues about potential imbalance in the mind, body, spirit connection.
May 13, 2022


MASTERFEEDS N.R.G. is currently being fed to Tim. The sanctuary owners are considering shifting Tim onto real food as this is extremely damaging to his body.
April 8, 2022
Diffusing Oils

White Hair

“Grey” hair which shows up as white hair on our animals, from my experience with my own animals and my clients, means “organ alert”. It means there is a lack of circulation in this area of the body, the body is under stress, and is signaling the human to really dig down into which organ is struggling. People assign grey hair to “old age”, when actually it should be assigned to a struggling organ(s) which needs support and care.
February 8, 2022

Eyes | Glaucoma

In mainstream medicine, the eyes are looked at separately from the body. Crazy. In “whole – isitic” medicine, the holistic approach, the eyes are an indicator of a much larger issue in the body. It all depends on the individual being what exactly the cause is, emotional, physical or spiritual.
January 30, 2022


The pancreas has a dual function. Its primary function is the production of the enzyme, pancreatin, to break down food so it may be carried out of the digestive tract, with the secondary role being the production of insulin.
January 23, 2022
Diffusing Oils

Letting Go

This is a tricky blog to write as there are vast opinions on the matter. I will come from my personal experience, and from what I am witnessing from those who are contacting me about their beautiful being, and questioning their animal’s passing.
November 16, 2021

Eye | Direct Trauma

November 16, 2021

Abuse & Trauma

I wanted to share Tim’s progress a month into the Healing Journey as I felt the changes, just with the supportive healing modalities provided below, have had such a positive impact on Tim. With a lot of love, pure intent, respect for the being, and the Earth’s gifts, amazing things may be accomplished in very little time.
November 16, 2021
keeping Alive

Keeping Trauma Alive

It is not healthy for any being to have their trauma on replay. For animals who have been through trauma, whether this is loss, rehomed, abuse, people tend to replay the story over, and over again to everyone they meet. As soon as one meets the pet parent, if the animal has been rescued, this is highlighted with sorrow always I find. And if there has been extreme trauma then all this comes out in words usually when the animal is present too, so the trauma is played for the animal over again.
October 30, 2021
Meditation Herd

Healing with Hz

Today, my lovely niece, Maryanne, visited the sanctuary to not only assist with chores, but also to provide remedies to the herd we are working with in Peterborough, Ontario. As we are both donating our time, other healing modalities which may support the healing process for many at once are utilized as all the horses have been through much trauma in their lives. Music is one way to help animals let go and heal. Maryanne played these frequencies below for the horses.
October 30, 2021

Garlic | Warning

Most of us love garlic. And it is fabulous for our pets when it is SELECTED. But it cannot go in the body all the time as a preventative. The animals would NEVER choose to eat this daily, as it is medicinal. It has medicinal properties.
September 23, 2021
Worry Bear

Worry | Zero Value

People love to worry. They may not think they do, but they participate in this “mind cycle treadmill” all the time, which has no impact what so ever on a favorable outcome. It is actually at the bottom of the vibrational scale with fear. It is fear-spinning.
September 23, 2021
Cats & Tuna

Cats & Tuna

What I am finding as cats are aging, more canned tuna is being presented to them because the cats are not interested in their other food, and it may be even raw. This could possibly be due to lack of smell. Their kidneys and liver are blocked and therefore, their head is blocked.
September 23, 2021

No Deodorizing

I recently saw an article emailed out to pet parents about deodorizing one’s dog with essential oils which was very alarming. The oils suggested were lavender and orange. This may seem harmless, but is far from. A few things pet parents need to be aware of
August 24, 2021


August 24, 2021
Not Eating

Not Eating

The above photo is from iStock. I thought it provided valuable information about not only the animal but also the food. Immense gratitude, by the way, to this dog who I can see is suffering. He or she is telling us a few things.
August 24, 2021
Grass Sourcing

Grass Sourcing

Assuming the sourcing is natural, not sprayed, please do not disregard, or tell them “no”. Animals have their innate intelligence and animals NEVER do anything that is not in their perception of NEED. In other words, there is meaning behind every action.
August 24, 2021
Helar Stone

What is a Healer?

We are in very interesting times at present with so much push from the healthcare system to manage people’s health. How did we get here? I feel a few ways.
August 20, 2021
Sourcing Odd Things


PICA, with relation to humans, is a craving for something which is not nutritional to the body. This can be cravings for such things as sugar, alcohol, and odd things which are not food but fake food, not real energy for the body. This applies to our animals too. For animals, PICA is about sourcing inedible objects a lot of the time. Horses may crib. Why this behaviour is happening is a result of one of the following or perhaps a combination.
August 16, 2021

Words Must Be Spoken

Animals are extremely intelligent. They are a different species yet are no less intelligent than us. And they communicate intelligently too.
August 16, 2021

Oxygen Heals

May 28, 2021
Healing Charlie

Skin | Fungus

This is the “created illness” cycle I refer to on my website here. Everything listed below plus the dry food caused the above skin issues Charlie is experiencing.